Goose Man



4 years, 6 months ago


✦ Details
Name Goose Man
Gender Masc presenting genderfluid
Age 107 (as of 2020)
World Creators' Revenge & Assorted Bucket Things
Species Human, Goose AND Bucket Entity
Home Technically London (England), but also Florida (USA)
Occupation Unemployed
Sexuality Asexual and Demiromantic
✦ Appearance
Height 5' 4" or 162cm
Body Type Cereal Box
Hair Style The kind when you pin your hair behind your ears but more falls in front of it because physics
Hair Color #ffffff white
Eye Color #aac5cc blue grey
Skin Color #ffe9c9 peach
Clothing Style Bright white formal wear with neon orange somewhere.
Posture Annoyingly perfect
Other Feathers. Lots of hot glued feathers. I'm mostly too lazy to draw them all.
✦ Likes
White clothes
Crashing the stock market
Most ways of messing with humanity
✦ Dislikes
Swans (Especially Swan Man)
Popup ads
✦ Hobbies
Trying to get a hobby
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
Being alive
Turning into a goose when distressed
✦ Phobias
✦ Section

Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis. Donec porttitor eu turpis vitae tristique. Vestibulum vitae magna id purus vestibulum cursus. Pellentesque libero nunc, lobortis vitae augue a, suscipit aliquam felis. Suspendisse placerat vulputate sollicitudin. Sed vel fermentum justo. Aliquam vitae est dui. Sed molestie ullamcorper mauris, ut accumsan tellus cursus sed.

✦ Trivia
● He's actually an edgy Bucket Entity that happens to be a vampire and a vanilla dead guy trapped in a Goosey trench coat made from plot convinience and banana dust.
● He used to like Eggos until he saw a stop motion pop up ad where fruits were being put on the Eggos. Unfortuately, it looked like a talking cow and scared him.
● He once killed someone but it didn't happen because he deleted it.
● He's also sometimes Sailor Goose. Which is an edgy Bucket Entity that happens to be a vampire and a vanilla dead guy trapped in a Goosey trench coat made from plot convinience and banana dust stuck in the head of this other random 14 year old kid. Said 14 year old kid really wants to get unpossessed.
● The last time he cried was in 1986. Because vanilla dead guy's ex-alive sister died.
✦ Relationships
Aeviel Aeviel is the 14 year old kid. He's also dead.
Vivian (Kind of) Vivian is the vanilla dead guy. He technically IS Goose Man but also kinda not really.
Walt Disney Goose Man walked through the wall of Disney's office and demanded for Toy Story to get made because he cursed a guy name Woody to be a doll. Yes Disney's alive at this point in this universe.
Lachlan Goose Man met Lachlan when he was trying to annoy Swan Man by crashing the stock market (agian). Lachlan was there to assassinate a cult leader who was also a stock broker. They got in each other's way but it all worked out with only minor property damage and they are on-again-off-again dating. Their relationship is kind of the definition of "it's complicated".

profile html by Hukiolukio