Swan Man



4 years, 5 months ago


✦ Details
Name Swan Man
Gender Male (technically genderfluid)
Age Age? What's that? Can I sell it?
World The Bucket Cult (and Creators' Revenge. Unofficially.)
Species Swan and Bucket Entity
Ethnicity Does this have anything to do with ethics? (he's caucasian)
Home The Bucket House (Somewhere in the sky) and Wall Street (USA)
Occupation Stockbroker, part time scammer (but he'll never admit it)
Sexuality ...What's that? Is it related to "age"?
✦ Appearance
Height Taller than Goose Man hA (5' 11"/~180 cm)
Body Type Ok seriously, what are these questions? How am I supposed to answer this one? (he looks like a generic male model)
Hair Style Textured Fringe
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Medium-Dark Brown
Skin Color Peach
Clothing Style Dark coloured suits
Posture Standard, duh. (Read: "I'm way more importantant than you so get out of my way". And annoyingly perfect.)
Other If you want to get scammed learn about stocks, call me.
✦ Likes
Talking down to incompetent fools
Making lucrative business deals (scamming people)
✦ Dislikes
Geese. Especially Goose Man.
✦ Hobbies
Speed running pay-to-win video games (by paying to win)
Creating multiple accounts to leave bad reviews on Untitled Goose Game
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
Starts speaking in binary when angry
Will bite you
✦ Phobias
Smart people
Goose Man crashing the stock market once and for all
✦ Section

This profile is made for those who don't like writing paragraphs, but this section is here as optional for those who would like to include paragraphs in the profile. If you don't want it, simply delete it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus sapien, rutrum vitae volutpat sit amet, scelerisque euismod velit. Donec leo enim, condimentum vel consectetur ut, sollicitudin ut dolor. In eu auctor odio. In a felis erat. Duis sit amet porttitor nibh. Maecenas eget eros accumsan, finibus neque vel, pretium est. In dictum quam quis ante volutpat, at porta lacus feugiat. Praesent porta, risus ac suscipit vulputate, magna quam sollicitudin mauris, non accumsan eros ligula vel magna. Donec finibus nisi id lacus ultrices tempor. Quisque lacinia justo lectus, non cursus ligula efficitur sit amet. Pellentesque nec augue vitae lacus sollicitudin congue vel ac tellus. Fusce magna enim, facilisis quis est et, gravida efficitur velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis id ullamcorper eros, sed gravida magna. Vivamus eleifend, magna at tempus mollis, ipsum odio tempus nunc, nec ultrices ex magna eget sapien. Proin nec erat ornare, ullamcorper libero vitae, pellentesque mi.

Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis. Donec porttitor eu turpis vitae tristique. Vestibulum vitae magna id purus vestibulum cursus. Pellentesque libero nunc, lobortis vitae augue a, suscipit aliquam felis. Suspendisse placerat vulputate sollicitudin. Sed vel fermentum justo. Aliquam vitae est dui. Sed molestie ullamcorper mauris, ut accumsan tellus cursus sed.

✦ Trivia
● Once read 50 Shades of Gray by accident because he unironically thought it was going to explain greyscale to him. He got really confused and vowed to never read a book ever again.
● He thinks movies are dumb because the only movies he ever watched were YouTuber movies. Like Airplane Mode. That truly made him disappointed in humanity as well as never trust YouTubers ever again.
● He thinks "digital art isn't real art" because he thinks you just yell at a computer and art magically appears. It always worked for him, anyway.
● A guy named Woody made a summoning circle by accident because he was trying to make some cool chalk art for his daughter and he summoned Swan Man by accident. Everyone was very confused and the situation ended with a memory-wiped child, a disgruntled swan and an ex-human doll.
● He was assulted by a virus that gives him infinite popup ads once. Goose Man pranked him with popup ads because he (Goose Man) hates popup ads and wants Swan Man to suffer with him. The virus got disabled because Swan Man expected it to stop after some amount of time and he unconsiously bent reality to his will. Because he can do that. Please don't tell him he can do that we're all gonna die if he knows-
✦ Relationships
Goose Man Swan Man and Goose Man have a rivalry that's been going on for over 9000 years.
Name Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.
Name Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum.

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