Horace Von Rubiw



4 years, 3 months ago



Name Horace Von Rubiw
Occult Vampire
Age 290 Years
Height 5′11″ | 180 cm
Gender Male ♂
Birthday 6.3 ♓︎
Theme Fangs

It's sometime around the year 1730, A young danish pianist is just turning 23, he has a promising future ahead of him. He's hoping to become a famous musician and travel the world in his infinite quest for inspiration and romance. On the fateful night of his birthday, slightly intoxicated Horace Von Rubiw falls victim to a hungry predator that has been eyeing his neck throughout the celebration. Everything becomes a blur. Horace is awakened by a painful mark left at the side of his neck and feeling excruciatingly parched.



  • Playing the piano
  • Sweets & desserts
  • Watching the sunrise
  • Helping others out


  • The thirst
  • Perceived as gullible
  • Disrespectful customers
  • The past coming back to haunt

About Personality


Once an up and coming pianist in the 1730's, after Horace was bitten by a vampire he found himself falling into a pit of existential despair. For years he can do nothing but follow his Master, Dorian in order to learn how to survive in his new state of being. Now, Horace spends his time being the epitome of a literally puppy dog, trying his hardest to stay grounded in his job at the local burger joint and spending his time off with his boyfriend, Zach.



  • Horace was born in Denmark, Copenhagen 1718.
  • The name Horace means Man Of Time and is of Latin origin.
  • Horace's height is standing at 5′11″.
  • Works as a Fast Food employee.
  • Unlike the majority of vampires, Horace can and even enjoys eating normal food, especially desserts and sweets!
  • His vampire master is Dorian Zeharis. He was the one who turned him back in the 1730's. He obtained his master's darkform eye colour and a handful of abilities.
  • For the duration of Horace's devotion to Dorian and his vast vampire clave, Horace relentlessly obeyed and gorged himself to his heart's content, an eye-opening realisation forced Horace to forsake his loyalty towards his master and he was granted freedom. (They're not on good terms). Some time after, he was recruited by another big vampire leader - Sybila Cuaráni - as a new member of her own clave
  • He feels remorseful when drinking. He abandoned the idea of merciless killing after he left Sybila's clave and his approach remains humane and sympathetic to this day. Zach agreed to be the only person he's allowed to drink from, not mention his blood is of utmost quality and it doesn't take much to sate Horace's cravings.
  • Just like any other vampire, Horace has to avoid daylight so he's not immediately scorched to death by the sun. This why he works night shifts and returns home in the early mornings. However, with Valeria's help, she's capable of brewing him a potion of light resistance that allows him to hang out outside in broad daylight for a short period of time.
  • Horace can absolutely change into his bat form 🦇 Transforming into a bat is an exclusive ability Horace inherited from Dorian.
  • With this ability comes an upgrade after reaching certain age, a couple more hundred years and his bat form shall be gruesomely reshapen into a bloodthirsty monstrosity. Horace is getting very close to reaching that mark.
  • His first encounter with Zacharias was Zach's first ever visit to the local fast-food place Horace worked night shifts at. Their first actual meaningful interaction was when they crossed paths. Zach found Horace occupying his favourite spot in he likes to hang out at and saw the boy's gleaming eyes in the dark, mistaking Horace for a werewolf.

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