


4 years, 1 month ago


escapado gave him to me in exchange for drawings. 

From his old owner (Here). I will not use him in Arcana Uncharted but I will not change his personality either !

"I don't want the world to turn without you
And I don't want the sun to burn without you"


The Basics :

× -- The Great-Horned One 

    × NAME: Levi

    × AGE: 28yrs
    ×GENDER: Male (He/Him)
    ×SPECIES: Hybrid // Unicorn (70%) Horse (30%)
    ×HEIGHT: 16.3 hh
    ×Coat Color: Chimera


    × ORIENTATION: Bisexual


   × Affinity: Earth
   × Talent:  [LOCKED] Earth Manipulation
   × Faction: Occasus
   × Rank: Venator


    × DESIGN: Brass-Raptor 
    × ART: Brass-Raptor
    × Background: queerly  

The Personality :

Empathetic • Patient • Kind • Determined • Loyal • Chivalric

     Levi is an incredible figure with a the depth of the deepest oceans  within his soul. He is kind to the weak and innocent, loyal to those  he's pledged himself to, and determined to see his word through. He is  often seen as being soft spoken, but when he does speak, weight bears on each and every syllable. He is empathetic to the lives of others, often offering himself to their aid whenever he sees them struggling -  whether it be being lost in the wilderness or simply struggling to lug  home the daily load from the market. Furthermore, he is incredibly kind  and willing to give most that ask the time they need.

     Dedicated to the cause of his people, Levi goes above and beyond what  is expected of him more often than not. He has pledged himself, from the  time of his early youth, to his present age, to be the barrier between  the darkness and those he calls his own. His love for the herd is  unmatched and his willingness to place himself in harms way to save  another has been proven time and time again. As such, it is apparent how  Levi often places his duty to the herd above the duty to himself in  matters of the heart. When he is not called upon, Levi is often seen  training his magic or training his body and mind for the trials to be  faced. As such, his ability to often socialize appropriately is lacking - in that he often just feels awkward and unsure of himself in social  events. Therefore, most often, Levi finds himself in the dark recesses  of the land, even when he shouldn't be there. He finds peace with the  land and comfort in her presence. More than once, when times were  especially troubling within the parameters of his social circle, Levi  eloped to the wilderness for days at a time.

    Levi is especially compassionate towards females and children and considering his history, one can see why. 


W A R N I N G ;; Levi's history contains graphic material that includes rape and violence

     Twenty-nine years ago, a woman by the name of Andraste was forced  into servitude. Not only was she to work tirelessly in this servitude,  she was also forced to give her body away, like a cheap trinket. Time  and time again, she was used and abused in many a way. At times pleasure  would be gained from her humiliation, other times at the expense of her  hide. Even when her belly grew round with the heir of a tyrant, it  continued. The day she would bear her son unto the world she'd thought  to escape... to give herself away to the earth so that she could finally  escape her tormentor and to save the purity of her child. However,  recaptured and punished, Andraste gave birth to Levi in the cold  confines of a dark cell, the first sounds being the chains that rattled  against the ground.
They remained in there for days, Andraste barely  able to remain steady to even feed her child as strength slowly sapped  away from her, leaving her hollow. Though, she tried her best for her  child, there was barely anything left to give when his father finally  released to their home. For a time, Levi played as any child might,  despite the exposure to meaningless violence and attacks on his mother.  For many years, Levi understood this to be the way of things. It  wouldn't be until he was around 12 that his understanding would change  and disgust began to brew.
Levi found his first love during that  year, a pretty filly by the name of Vienna. However, when Levi began to  act as his father did to his mother, he was met with a response that  shattered his world. For days at a time, thereafter, Levi often stayed  with Vienna and her parents where he was exposed to kindness and love.  Vienna's parents smiled to one another, doted on each other, and helped  each other.
Disgusted by what he'd come to know and what his father  was doing, Levi tried to liberate his mother. He challenged his father  and the tyrant fell upon his child with ruthlessness and savagery that  left Levi incapacitated for quite some time. So much so that when he  came to, he barely had any recollection of what had happened. What he  did come to know, however, was that he was no longer free to gallivant  as he had... now he was a slave to his father as well. Not long after,  his mother passed away.
Levi would work hard and toil beneath the  heel of his father all the way up until they began to voyage across the  seas to the new lands. During this time, Levi was forced into even more  grueling work that would pack muscle onto his body. However, the longer  he stayed in that new world, the more he could hear that gentle thrum of  song, it tugged at his heart and made him wish to wander.
Time would  pass once more until approximately eight years ago when everything came  crashing down. The song he had barely heard for so long became violent  and angry. The ground beneath him shook and rumbled until the chains  that bound him broke.
That day, Levi escaped his father, coming back  only to find the figure to have been killed in the rubble and no one  else to be seen as the last of the ships disappeared along the horizon.
Confused,  alone, and uncertain, Levi went about the rubble, looking for  survivors. He found a pair of siblings, saved by the love of a mother,  that he was able to get out but much of those he'd known were gone or  passed. The two siblings followed him for days after the event, often  huddled close to him as fear made their bodies tremble. However, they  were not to be alone for long. Darkness crept close to the ruins each  day that they lingered until a great beast came for them. It was black,  clad in darkness that made even the most noble of soldiers want to  quake. It charged the trio, hellbent on nourishing its blood lust. The  foals screamed as Levi charged the beast, horn bent towards their  would-be attacker. 

Levi would beat the beast that day, but not  without scars to bear the mark of his heroism. Nevertheless, he took the  foals away from that place. As they traveled, they began to find signs  of their own and eventually, Levi was able to find the rest of his  people. Many of them battered and bruised, some even bloody. They had  found a place to call their own in light of all they'd lost and they  welcomed the three of them eagerly. An old woman tended to his wounds  and thereafter, Levi sought out to find the foal's father or family.  When word came back that both parents had perished, Levi took over the  roll of guardian for them.
For the next eight years, Levi grew to  love and protect them, as well as many of the others of his home as he  became a Venator. His penchant for heroism sorely needed in those  darkest times and despite his upbringing, Levi had a natural affinity  for combat - especially when the lives of others were on the line.
Eventually,  the two he'd adopted eventually struck out on their own, visiting him  often when he lingered in town, but living their own lives. And that is  the way of things. Levi often ventures into the solace of the  wilderness, desiring her song and her soothing comfort more often than  the luxuries of a home. However, when he does return, he often busies  himself aiding others and keeping busy so as to keep the darkness he  fears lingers in his heart at bay.


× --Levi is a Venator
× --If you need a guardian for your character and wish to incorporate his history to yours, feel free to DM me!
                                                         He took on the  care of 2 foals after the incident and cared for them when it was  discovered that their parents had been killed in the attack.