✮Hachi and Tama (Humans)



6 years, 1 month ago



Name Hachi
Age 25
Height 5'11"
Gender Male
Race Mixed
Build Average
Orient. Bisexual
Taken? Yes
Personality Prideful and caring
Job Magazine editor
Received @gaviins
Co-owned @gaviins
Status Never for trade/sale
Theme Sakura
"I'm inviting myself to stay the night tonight. We have a lot to talk about!"

As a child, Hachi lived alone as an only child with his mother and father, who taught him everything he needed to know about treating others right, and loving himself as well. He always wanted to make friends with everyone, but when he met Tama in kindergarten, befriending him was a special goal that took a lot of time and care. After much patience and persistence he was successful, and their lifelong bond began.

Growing up, he was a huge flirt with all the girls - even if he wasn't popular with them, yet others still joked about he and Tama being a couple with how much time they spent together. Sometimes he would even go along with it and laugh. It was at their high school prom that he started to develop real feelings after Tama danced with him to cheer him up after a rough night. He decided to go through the pain of staying quiet about it if it meant that any confession risked their friendship should things go wrong.

Currently in their relationship after Tama's confession later on, Hachi tends to smother him and treat him like a prince, always putting him before himself. He always claims that he'll protect Tama, even though Tama is very well stronger and able to take care of himself if needed. He is able to read Tama very well and almost always knows what the other wants to say, yet can be oblivious at times when it comes to romantic cues.

NSFW WARNING: When it comes to intimacy, Hachi is incredibly patient and wants nothing more than for Tama to be comfortable. He prefers gentle or passionate lovemaking, and even though he's not rough when he's in control, still insists Tama use a safe 'word', or in Tama's case - patting Hachi's shoulder twice if he ever wants to stop for any reason at all.

  • Fashion
  • Looking cool
  • Family time
  • His job
  • When Tama gets sappy
  • Walks with Tama
  • Disrespectful people
  • When Tama gets hurt
  • Showing his insecurities

The love of his life. His world revolves around Tama and he would do literally anything for him.


Hachi and Tama's oldest daughter. Wip


Hachi and Tama's youngest daughter. Wip


Hachi's mother. Wip


Name Tama
Age 25
Height 5'10"
Gender Male
Race Japanese-American
Build Fit
Orient. Homosexual
Taken? Yes
Personality Reserved
Job Cashier
Received @gaviins
Co-owned @gaviins
Status Never for trade/sale
".... ♥"

Ever since he was young, Tama had suffered from selective mutism. He grew up in a house with his mother and older sister, who are the only people he can speak to normally. Because of this, and being insecure and untrusting of others, he had difficulty making friends. Even as an adult he still has not grown out of these trust issues and insecurities.

He was a bit chubby as a child, but joining various activities with Hachi, such as scouts and summer camp, he'd discovered how much he liked to be active and how therapeutic it was for him. He usually seems uninterested or annoyed with things. His feelings for Hachi developed after high school, realizing how he'd been getting jealous, and how he'd started becoming attracted to the other. He was the one to confess after an argument the two had.

As of now, the two live together at Tama's house. He's very close to Hachi, but has a hard time showing it. He usually pushes the other away when he starts to smother him, though if he truly didn't like it he could easily get out. Hachi always claims that he'll protect him, though whenever he finds a fight or danger, he ends up protecting Hachi instead, much to the other's panic. If he needs to communicate he uses ASL, though Hachi doesn't understand it, so he uses his phone to text and show. He's sometimes nervous about romantic interactions, but is usually much softer and more open about it when not in public.

NSFW WARNING: It took him a long while to be comfortable enough for sex. As much as he wanted to, he wanted to be sure Hachi wouldn't just get tired of him or the relationship even though he knew it was an irrational fear. He was also terrified that he wouldn't be able to keep his voice from slipping and Hachi hearing it, seeing as he had a difficult time staying completely quiet during his long nights alone. He does enjoy gentle or passionate lovemaking whether he's on top or bottom, but every once in awhile he wants to be handled roughly, though he knows Hachi would never go for it.

  • Excercising
  • Working out
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Cats
  • Musicals (secretly)
  • Being smothered
  • Jerks
  • Being seen as vulnerable

Tama's world, even if he doesn't show it much. If it weren't for Hachi, he wouldn't know where he would be in life.


Hachi and Tama's oldest daughter. Wip


Hachi and Tama's youngest daughter. Wip


Tama's older sister. Wip


Tama's mother. He protects and cares for her like she did for him when he was a child. Wip