GACHA (new prices)



4 years, 2 months ago


HI GUYS !!!! 

I just saw that on Toyhouse and Really like the Idea xD So I did the same ouo !!!


__________________________HOW DOES IT WORK?______________________________________________

It´s pretty easy actully ouo Here are cool and not sooo cool adopts... Some are more worth like the Price you would pay other a Little bit less...

>If youre Interested in than  comment that.  Ill send you my Paypal and you pay the $8 ( was$10). After that I let Google choose a number between 1-15. The number that Google says should be your new bby. 

 >Some Characters belongs to my Cs COMA you could use them in every Story and World uvu It isn´t a Problem if you don´t like to own a Closed species character! You could Change the species (but pls let me know that .. just for the master   list) or you could pay +$3 (was $5) If I should Change the Base for them uvu I could also to that for the Wolfes if you would like a Coma more !!!

> If you really really hate your'e character than could you get a new one for +$5, you will lose the first character and get a new one.... You could do that how often you want... 

 But I WON`T give youre Money back if you don´t like the character qwq I Need the Money and ist just not fair. thats the game and a danger you have to accept qwq 

> If you now that you won´t like all other characters just one guy .... than could you Auto Buy them for $15 (was $18) q3q~<3 

_______________________SMALL RULE AND SO, AGAIN________________________________________________________________

>I WON`T the character back if you don´t like him . You buy it, it´s yours. Of courese could you sell him for the same Price or add art and get more Money for them but I won´t and can´t give youré you´re money back qq""""

>At first you have to pay than you get youre number cuz game and risk or so uvu

>first come first! sry but it would be fair for others qq"

> COMAs are a closed species. If you got one pls read the species Infos quq~<3

> you could Change youre design but you can´t Change the Body parts by comas uvu" 

> do what ever you want with your character but pls notice me as designer q3q ... cuz i Need love! 

Ill do that for a good Thing qq" and I would like to do more of that shit if you like something like that qUq
