Maya Furrough




Gender: Female

Age: 23

Birthday: June 26th

Height: 5' 11" when standing (8' 9" from head to tail)

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Red

Tail Color: White with Red Detail

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Bounty Hunter

Loves: A nice precise shot, BBQ, Great deals on jobs and equipment

Hates: Jobs going South, Staying in one area for too long

    Maya was born in a wild west kind of world, one that was ruthless and not too kind to the people around her. She was 5 when her birth family was killed in the rading of her home, as she watched it burn to the ground with her family's bodies still inside. As she wandered in the desert, she was taken in by a former thief and taught how to be stronger, cunning, and how to fire a revolver. However, it was a case of 'tough' love and with no one and nowhere else to go to, she stuck with him even with all the difficult times she was put through. When she was 13, the same thing happened to her again, as the former thier turned foster father died the same way her parents did, leaving on her own, wielding his blue metallic pistol. She then took up the job of a Bounty Hunter when she got older and stronger. That has been her life since, traveling from town to town in the desert country side, taking up jobs, shooting bullets, and having each day be the same as the last with a paycheck to keep her going.