Ego, the Zombie Thief



4 years, 10 months ago


Gender: Male

Height: 6" 5'

Age: Died in his 30s

Hair color: None

Eye color: White

Sexual Preference: None

Job: Whatever when he's bored

Loves: Overacting, Excitement, a good fight

Hates: Boredom, Magic Users

    Once a simple man who killed and robbed to make a living in the mid 1800s, now roams the world as an undead monster. It is not known how he came back to life with his unnatural strength, but he can be seen wandering about, looking for anything to do. The problem with living so long is how bored he's easily become; everything's different but the same at once. He's done from basic robbery, to stealing rare objects, to stealing those that hold value to the specific person he's stealing from. With his towering height, his unnatural look, his indestructable nature, and his Ultra Strength, he is often a force to be wrecken with... when he's in a bad mood of course.

    It wasn't until the 21st century where he would become more unhinged, more bored, and more willing to let loose. Weilding his Dual Shotgun + Revolver hybrid, he tends to leave nothing when in a bloodthursty move; made even worst with his Shotgun+Revolver hybrid acting both as a shiled and a bludging tool. But, after his encountered with a blonde woman with a bang over her right eye, he gain a new found hatred for "Magic Users" trying to stop his fun.