Harrison Stein



4 years, 2 months ago



Name Harrison Stein
Age 30
Gender Male
Race Mortal Fox
Role Brendon's Manager
Theme tba

driven . avaricious . strong leader

Harrison(prev. Henry)!!! A fantastic leader and musician like his friends.

Harrison is a guy who grew up in deep poverty, and barely teetered on the edge of it during his young adult life. He is very close to his friends James and Sylvia, and when the plan for them all to make a band fell through with Sylvia's accident he was still clinging onto the idea. Of course they couldnt just ditch Sylvia, so he found a method of somewhat living this dream through a toon entertainment creation thing(tba). Through this they made KT3- an idol group consisting of toons they created named Brendon, Steven, and Allison. He provided the voicebank for Brendon, and although Sylvia grew very attached to them, he didn't really see the point. They are a means to an end for him, but unlike James he does see them as sentient. He didnt mind working with them, and through this group he finally was getting a taste of what it was like to have a somewhat stable income. Then one day some producers came to him with idea of making the main singer, Brendon, into a solo act. To drop the cutesey aesthetic and make a move towards a more widely-accessible pop star. Harrison brought this to Brendon and insisted that it was a fantastic jump for him and everyone else, since his popularity would grow and generate more of a following and income. Brendon was blinded by this idea and accepted it with enthusiasm, but soon after this the group of KT3 went into shambles. Steven and Allison felt unloved and unwanted as time progressed with all the attention on Brendon, and ran away. This crushed Brendon, who was so close to them. Harrison had to push him very hard to keep him performing, and fortunately for him Brendon began going with buisness as usual- as far as Harrison was concerned, that is. He barely noticed the changes in Brendon that Sylvia worried over, brushing it off that he's just growing older and fitting better into this new lifestyle.

As of right now Harrison works in the management team of himself, James, and Sylvia for Brendon's career. Early in this project he took most of the control of music and lyric writing, but for quite a few years Brendon takes on alot of that work, only needng help occasionally, leaving the other three to just full-time managers. He sees Brendon as his responsibility, but only in the manner that Harrison is his manager. Brendon sees him as such as well, being very closed off from them all.

"We have all come such a long way; I'm proud of us!"

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