


4 years, 30 days ago


She is a luckless opossum. Some car run over her and she barely survived. Now she can't feel her tail, and that's why it's scratched all over, she seems to have problems with her head also. 

Azarhi usually sleeps in trash bins or under porches, rarely at her friends' place (Wayhu and Cayenne). She eats what she finds and doesn't have a proper house, but is happy nonetheless. Her optimistic attitude shows even when the situation is really difficult, even then she still keeps her sense of humour. This girl loves dark and stupid jokes. She also sings a lot of random things, despite that fact that she doesn't have a voice to do so. She attracts bad luck, but even when hard times come, she is able to stay alive and keep going. Friends are very important to her and she always tells them stories about rubbish she found, even if sometimes they don't wanna listen. Her knife is also from the trash. 

Dangerous beast, beware