


4 years, 2 months ago


Name Vidar
Age 350+
Height 13.5 feet
Element Fire
Rank Warrior - Fighter
Gender Male
Orient. Hetero
Allegiance Pride
Designer Oblivion-Wing01
Lineage [link]

  • Build, Looks + Mannerisms: Vidar was cub born in perfect health, he had a good body weight, bright eyes and active at an early age, maybe a little too active, stressing his mother as the little ball of fluff always seemed to get out of the den. A perfect little warrior to fight on the side of the rebels. Conditions then meant that he soon lost all that cub fat and body condition before his entrance to the Pride. His fur is short with slightly longer fur on his chest and belly. The mane fur is rather dense, so it keeps its shape quite well but get easily knotted. When he grew, he developed a lean, muscular figure. His strength is rather deceiving considering how skinny he is. Average height but with long tail that Vidar keeps slightly curled. A nervous, almost hyperactive way of walking and takes long, quick strides that he at times finds hard to slow when walking with friends. Ears are always, always pricked up and he tends to bounce his head around when talking.
  • Voice: His voice is a little high pitched, animated, constantly rising and falling as he speaks. Becomes deeper when he is upset or angry although becomes even higher when excited. His laugh is usually very breathy to begin with and becomes richer in time. Stumbles over words often and often has difficulty pronouncing longer words and so doesn't use them.
  • Voice Claim / Inspiration: Mathew Perry
  • Scent: Sandalwood

Witty + Smart-Ass
"Even for an earth elemental, you are pretty hardheaded. "
Vidar is a lion who can't help but comment on most things he sees, his particular brand of smart-assery involves a constant stream of snappy, connection-making quips. He takes pride in his ability to rattle off a series of clever jokes at the drop of a hat, believing that his sense of humour is his strongest suit, aware that he isn't the smartest. Not a novice at banter, friendly or otherwise, Vidar likes to dish it out, but sometimes a comment can strike a chord, even in jest. This brand of humour is usually used on anyone he interacts with, his social anxiety means he is more likely than not to say something clever then fumbling into saying something awkward. Vidar also has a poor habit of starting fights when in a bad mood, his smart ass comments not assisting in this manner.

Insecure, Sensitive + Nervous
"Um, I never heard back from you. Are you mad at me?"
For such an attentive male, Vidar is clumsy when it comes to words when speaking to good looking lions or about important matters as he is more naturally inclined to contribute sarcastic comments than sincere advice in the middle of a crisis. Not out of disrespect or disinterest in the moment but simply he because makes comments when nervous/stressed. Vidar has the façade of being confident but those who know him well understand that Vidar is quite insecure, but still desperately wants others to like him despite his social awkwardness. Finds it difficult to comprehend/understand his emotions on his own and finds talking about it helps him gain understanding. Doesn't survive long periods on his own, finds the closest lion he can and gravitates to them. Has a small selection of close-knit friends. He’s surprisingly sensitive and needs significant emotional affirmation, the lion having to chat about his thoughts/feelings to friends to try and support him.

Logical + Attentive
"Hey, you were rather quiet today. You okay friendo?"
Vidar also enjoys poking holes in other people’s logic and while some believe it is uncharacteristic of the socially awkward lion, he is often the one to provide the reality check to a conversation with his friends. He doesn't rush into situations as his anxiety and overthinking stop him usually from making dangerous decisions but it also means that he approaches situations in a way other's wouldn't. A rapid intake of details of the environment around him give him an edge and he is sensitive to the needs of others, even though through his sarcastic comments it can seem like he doesn't care. Is unable to leave a friend's side if they are sick or not feeling their best and even though he may feel uncomfortable he is attentive to their needs and tries his best to make them feel better.

Honest + Sensitive
"Leave me alone."
The male is a good listener, for the most part, and often offers a sympathetic ear to his friends when they’re in need of emotional support. Is usually the one time he'll try not to make jokes and if he does, it comes from a good place. Vidar is very bad at lying, finds it easier to say the truth, albeit in a form of a witty comment to try and soften a blow if he has to. Vidar’s childhood trauma still presents challenges. He refuses to go back to the spot where the siblings were found as the sense/memory associated from that moment are too much for him to revisit even though he was only a little cub; and sometimes loud fights between lions reminds him of arguments that the other rebels used to have, so the lion tries to stop the fight or leave. When hurt his sharp comments come to light, and is rather defensive or at times rather reactive. Has a rather slow recover period when he is upset and retreats, isolating himself for usually a few days.

Restless, Survivalist + Protective
"Why would you go into that fight alone? Are you dumb or are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
Many are surprised about his efficacy on the battlefield but truly it is a combination of logical steps fuelled by a stress that clings to every fibre of his being. Stress for himself but for others around him to. Vidar's restlessness combined with his nervousness means he never stays in one spot on the battlefield and as the saying goes, "the cornered animal is the most dangerous". This preservation does extend to those around him. Vidar isn't the fighter to go head first into battles alone, he usually teams up with others as the success rate is higher and will bounce around to help those who need to.

Vidar truly, truly can't remember anything in the first years of his life. The only thing he can remember is the loud sound of roars, scuffles and the throbbing pang of hunger.

At the age of 20 he and his siblings were plucked from their home, Vidar remembers the strong cooper smell of blood as they bounced as their scruff was held in the mouths of some strange lions. The landscape had changed from dark stone and scarce plants to being shadowed by a large mountain that loomed above them. Vidar was dumped on to the ground and he gave a little grunt before scurrying to huddle up with his siblings. It felt like only seconds had passed before there was a fury of elemental attacks exploding all around them, the heat of the fire made them shield their faces as the shards of ice and earth hit against their pelts. Fearful tears streamed down the spotted cub's face, he just wanted it to be over. A soothing voice called to them, Vidar peeled his face from being buried in his sister's coat to look at the rather intimidating lioness with large wings and long pointed ears. With a shaking breath Vidar cowered as she moved closer while his brother asked the question they all had on their lips, 'Where are our parents?'

The answer was the one they had feared. Both of their parents were dead. Vidar feebly went to join in the protest of his siblings. That couldn't be true! Their parents were the strongest, the best warriors! The purple lioness shook her head but her sweet words weren't heard as Vidar loudly sobbed. The unforgiving world had gotten crueler. What were they to do? They couldn't go back to living with the rebels, considering they were the same fraction that had abandoned them. This lioness who introduced herself as Valkyrie seemed kind and took them into her care, at least, into the care of the Pride.

It was difficult, the stigma of being a rebel's cub was especially strong for the pride while their Alpha was away. That meant that there wasn't a long line of lions who wanted to 'adopt' these cubs so they stuck to themselves. The den they had claimed was small but they tried their best to make it their new home, Vidar finding scraps of old pelts that had been thrown out to line their bed. A kind lioness Jez, would check on them often, the sweet lioness soon to be expecting cubs of her own couldn't bear the thought of these 4 cubs facing the world alone. She acted like an aunt, someone they could turn to if they had any problems or issues but gave them the space to grow on their own.

He found himself spending hours by the sparring fields, in awe of the strength of the lions who's bodies and elements clashed together. Powerful bodies protected by stunning and unique armour. He was sitting with his sister, their laughter echoing around them as they played 'warrior'. Vidar was coping a black fire elemental lioness while Sephara copied the dark air elemental lion who were down at the sparring fields. As the lioness swiped, fiery sparks flying from her paw tips, Vidar did the same but jumped back in shock when he managed to produce a flame from his own paw.

With his element realized, it was easier for him to get into the cub training lessons to help hone his new found elemental skill. Slowly but surely they all found their elements, and it just happened they all developed different elements so they spent several hours in the classes without their siblings before all returning home in a tired heap.

As an adult he found that he finally had earned some the respect from the other Pride lions, however was still rather sore on the subject of his past. He trained hard, the role of fighter coming naturally and frankly, he didn't seem to gravitate towards any other role in Pride. His new found role and growth meant that he was often interacting with lionesses on a rather large scale, more often than his nervous heart could handle at some points. He dated a few lionesses but found that nothing stuck, so he quickly decided he would be better on his own.

The years and billions of hours training were finally called upon when the great war came to a head. It was an experience that brought up the buried memories that Vidar had 'forgotten'. The sound of clashing as heavily armoured lions smashed into each other, the blur of elements thickening the air and the smell of blood filling the air. Vidar lost many friends and even two of his siblings in that war. His brother passed away on the planet Z-99, the prison for those lions thought to be too dangerous to stay on Lochern. Just before the war kicked itself into the next gear. The loss of two lions so close to him tore him apart, he sunk into a deep depression. Even though they had 'won' Vidar was wise and realistic enough to know what they had lost was a lot more than what they had gained. He found himself unable to leave his cave, he developed insomnia, unable to stay asleep more than 3 hours at a time, if that. This only deepened him into the dark pit of his mind.

Friends who were concerned, rightfully so, got a healer to visit him, a hard working lion called Squall with a combination of life and love elements that he used expertly. At first Vidar was resistant and Squall respected that, asking for permission to use a small amount of his love element to give some peace to the spotted warrior. With a gentle nod, Squall used his element and the feeling was something that Vidar didn't expect. He was suddenly flooded with memories, strong memories that were filled with love. He and his siblings as cubs playing with each other, his sister wrapping him in a hug and staying how proud she was when Vidar discovered his element. Tears that he didn't even know he was holding back poured down his face. He had been trying to repress everything, even the happy memories without even realizing. Squall was a great help and soon he was back, interacting with life once again.

Vidar worked hard to catch up on the life that he missed, went back to working on the friendships he had made before and after the war. One lioness that had always been on the top of his list was Avani. A confident, stunning lioness who had such a protectiveness that made him feel comfortable, like no matter what nonsense he spouted, she was never going to turn around and make him feel a fool. After the war they grew particularly close, Avani took his clinginess in her stride, quickly telling him that she wasn't going anywhere and her feelings towards him were real. In true Vidar fashion he was the one to tell her that he loved her, blurting it out as she sat on him when he was having on of his restless moments. Some would say that their courting was a short one, but for once, Vidar felt secure. Something he didn't even know he was craving until he settled down with Avani.

The discovery of the Oasis was an interesting one, Vidar visited a few times and was even tempted to stay there but his loyalty to the Pride was too much. That place was now his home, a place where he and his remaining sister had made their own, away from the bad memories of starving in the darkness.


  • Hates lions that think fighting battles on their own makes them tough. He just thinks they are reckless and stupid.
  • Vidar LOVES food due to his childhood memories being thick with the feeling of hunger and he becomes incredibly grumpy when he feels hungry. He usually eats meat even though he doesn't have to. Will often go hunting with those who hunt for the Prison Planet and enjoys to 'cook' his share and will cook for cubs and lions that get curious.
  • Is an insomniac and while he has little trouble falling asleep, he fails to stay asleep and usually wakes up every couple of hours. Some nights he asks a dream lion to cast a calm state over his mind when he feels he truly needs a good night sleep.
  • Likes to test his brain by coming up with unique nicknames for his friends, or really anyone in his life. The longer the list of nicknames he has, the more he likes you.
  • Not very ambitious for himself, he is happy as a fighter but very supportive of his friends and siblings to strive for their goals.
  • Is very sarcastic, sometimes painfully so.
  • Often trains by running around in his armour. Is very strong because of this.
  • Has very little memories of his cubhood before being picked up by the pride.
Quick Relations

  • Mother: Unknown [deceased; died in an ambush]
  • Father: Unknown [deceased; died in an ambush]
  • Siblings: Sephara [alive; lives in the pride as a support warrior] , Tanith + Iniko [deceased;]
  • Partner: Avani- owned by dragontrix
  • Past Love(s): Lousia
  • Children: n/a

Nervous by Shawn Mendes [ x ]

Talk a little too much (I talk a little too much, yeah)
Around you
Get a little self-conscious (I get a little self-conscious)
When I think about you

I See Fire by Ed Sheeran [ x ]

And if the night is burning
I will cover my eyes
For if the dark returns

Avani Keeps him sane - Mate

The list of nicknames he has for his mate is almost as long as his love for her. Bonded over the fact that the countless wars stole their parents from them, and that they wished for the bloodshed, stress and horror to be over. Now that it is finally over, they are start their lives. Together. Extremely affectionate towards each other and only in recent years have they started to talk about how cute their spotty little cubs would be.

Squall Great Friend

He owes this lion a lot, and will probably never be able to repay him. If he ever needs a calm minded lion to talk to, Squall is usually the lion he seeks out first. Has found an advantage of his love element as it can be used to relax most intrusive and anxious thoughts.

Jezebel 'Aunt'

Vidar still to this day considers Jez to be family. She offered them help without pity, she genuinely wanted to help and to welcome them to the Pride. When her own cubs were born she took a step back but Vidar will always be grateful for the kind words and help she gave them as cubs. For not judging them on the actions of their parents.

Valkyrie Savior

Has what he can only explain as an odd loyalty to her. She was the first lion they ever met and she was the one who made the decision to take those little rebel cubs in. Doesn't have much to do with Valkyrie, especially due to her high rank keeping her so busy but she has a special place in his heart.