


4 years, 2 months ago


˗ˏˋ Profile ΛŽΛŠΛ—
NAME aislinn
VOICE the celtic woman
AGE 79 moons at death
GENDER female (she/her)
HEIGHT 2'6" at the shoulder (feral)
ORIENT. lesbian
RACE abyssinian-oriental cat mix
ROLE rogue

STATUS retired
WORTH $213
  • dawn
  • astrology
  • people watching
  • symbolization
  • dusk
  • goodbyes
  • being left behind
  • the ocean
  • her warrior name would've been dreamdust or dustfeather
  • she keeps orange and green feathers on her neck because it's the colors of her mate's eyes
  • her name means drean, vision, and inspiration in irish
  • she's blind in her scarred eye
˗ˏˋ History ΛŽΛŠΛ—

Born into a wealthy family, Aislinn was born in a seaside town in Ireland. Her family was incredibly strict and abusive, which led to her being closed off and nervous.

She has an older sister who her parents often pitted her against, in comparision to her other siblings. She can't remember a lot about her childhood.


Betrothed to an older cat, she started going on dates with him to appease her parents. She wasn't happy, but thought if she did this she would finally gain her parents' approval. Behind closed doors he was incredibly abusive.


They kept failing to produce kits all the while he abused her. Once she had a litter they were all stillborne and her family shunned her. On a walk she ran into her sister and she revealed her mate was cheating on her with her. Aislinn, enraged, murdered her sister and mate in cold-blood. Her town shunned and chased her out, where she traveled to America. She joined many tribes and clans of warriors in this time until she met up with one feline.

This molly and her grew close until, one night, Aislinn revealed she had murdered her former mate. The molly chased her out, but later on met up with her and a group of rogues she was living with. They talked but after being attacked by a fox the molly ran off again. Moons later she gave Aislinn her two kits, to which she adopted them with her one true love. Aislinn abandoned her kits soon after her mate abandoned her. Joining a clan and leaving soon after, Aislinn met up with her mate again and they were attacked. Her mate perished while Aislinn was found by her son, to which he helped her heal. They decided to go to Ireland and Aislinn righted her wrongs. Leaving home they joined a tribe before leaving once again. Soon after Aislinn died and joined her mate in the stars just as her daughter reunited with the pair.


Love is everlasting, even one huge mistakes are made, this relationship is proof of that.

In life they were the definition of star-crossed lovers, and much doesn't change in the afterlife!


At the end of the day, their love was fleeting and can't even be compared to her current mate.

If Aislinn saw Azizi again, they'd leave on good terms, she's sure.

These two share a whole mix of distate and love, a grey-scale of emotions.

They've had their issues, but they love each other at the end of the day.

Hatred doesn't even begin to convey emotions on this shadow of her past.

If future Aislinn could meet past Aislinn, she'd tell her to run or murder him far earlier on.

. .