Fatally Attracted



4 years, 1 month ago


dA Profile | Personal Tracker | Tack Reference

. general

show name . [Fatally Attracted]

barn name . [Ace]

sex . [Gelding]

age . [14 years]

height . [17hh]

breed . [Irish Sport Horse - 75% Irish Draught, 25% Thoroughbred]

. breeding information

phenotype . [Bay Overo]

genotype . [Ee/AA/nO]


------------------------------------------ SSS:  Foundation
----------------- SS:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SSD:  Foundation
Sire:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SSS:  Foundation
----------------- SD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ SDD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DSS:  Foundation
----------------- DS:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DSD:  Foundation
Dam:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DDS:  Foundation
----------------- DD:  Foundation
------------------------------------------ DDD:  Foundation

offspring . [Flirtatious]

status . [Unavailable - 3/4 straws available]

. career and discipline

broad discipline . [English]

primary focus . [Dressage & Huntseat]

rider/handler . [Katrina O'Dire]

owner . [Katrina O'Dire]

. personality 

Ace is a reliable and sturdy mount, with high draught influence, but lightweight enough in build to clear lower fences and make quick moves in dressage. The main thing he has going for him is his ideal tempermemt and willingness to obey his rider. He has his pet peeves, mainly related to girth chafing and rein pulling, but won't give much protest as long as his rider is paying attention to his cues. He's the type to nudge before he bites and stomp before he kicks. There's not a malicious bone in this horse's body, and he's very fond of people. He also has a significantly low chance of spooking, and is as bombproof as he looks. 

. origin & history 

Ace was a temporary rehab project that became permanent because of his winning personality. He came from a low quality breeding farm, where he was kept in stall for the majority of his younger years, and rarely got the opportunity to socialize with other horses. When the operation was shut down and the horses were surrendered, CBEC offered to take the young horse in. At first, he had a horrible cribbing problem and anxiety being led out of his stall, but he adapted to the changes and his true colors begun to show over time. He took a particular liking to Katrina, as she spent the most time with him, and ever since the two have been inseparable.