

4 years, 5 months ago


STE.V (pronounced "steve") is a bioengineered cat(? the jury's still out on this one). A creature created by Dr. Lead Volkov, STE.V is good-intentioned, but can be a little mischievous! They have a sapient mind (the mind of a 20 year old human), but are unable to speak besides making "beep" or "meep" noises (only Nikolai can understand them). They DO have a mouth, but are rarely drawn with one.

STE.V can extend their neck up to five feet, and are seemingly able to eat and digest anything, even metal and toxic chemicals. They have no specific preference, "meals" ranging from deer to lawnmowers. Their jaw seems to be elastic too, so they have rather few limits. Keep an eye on your belongings, they might end up in the vast void that is STE.V's digestive tract.

STE.V will NOT eat anything that has a sapient mind. They only eat animals and inanimate objects.

Ironically, STE.V is the size of a regular housecat. They like to climb, and to sit on high perches. Maybe they're scanning the area for their next target? Who knows.