
4 years, 2 months ago


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Queen Ana Dizi, Ruler and Overseer of Temporal Matters

HTML by Pinky

Queen Ana Dizi

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The dragon looked at the halfling asking for a ride "I'm a Time Dragon. Not a Taxi Dragon. You can walk."
― Paradise Birds DND Session

Queen Ana Dizi an Overseer of Temporal Matters. A duty given to her by the angel, Ma.


Her appearance would be mildly based on if you did a gijinka/dragon based on Primal Dialga but like pre-primal form, before she becomes unreasonable to talk with. The eyes of a very tired mother who's almost at her limit, but also will kill you if prompted.

In Dragon form, her body scales would mainly be the dark blue, while having some blue ish lines/streaks patterns across her body.Silver horns and back scales. While wearing a necklace of a blue crystal.

Humannoid/Human form which she can swap into freely whenever. She tends to shift into a more Dragonborn appearance, as she enjoys her tough scales more, rather than a humans more soft and fleshy parts. As she shifts into more Human, she tends to keep the horns and wings, but can even turn those off if she really needed to blend in. I always imagined her with very long hair that she puts up in a bun neatly.


When she was young, she was adventurous and reckless. But after losing her mother, she became a lot more secluded. She still managed to open up to a specific few she called close. She was sarcasstic and would act as "why am I listening to these ridiculous ideas" while also helping carry out said ridiculous ideas. Pretty much after losing another person close to her, shes very cold to just about everyone nowadays. Never really learning how to act outside of this, she also comes off cold and demanding towards her daughter. If ever pushed into thinking she will lose her daughter, it will throw her into an uncontrollable rage, willing to do anything for her daughter.


One of the "Original Heroes" in the lore. But its really just a title you get for standing there when everything was going down..

The other "Heroes" were her other roommates and close-ish friends. They would get on her nerves but they were family. After the fall of her friend Lyre, and disapearance of her friend Ravi, she would distance her self more and more.

Eventually settling on a nearby island, and forming her own Kingdom, slighlty on accident. With her hoards of wealth that she collected over the years, she was able to essentially hire builders, who settles down near her home, and as she expanded, and walls were built, she hired soilders, guards. To make sure her kingdom and Daugther would stay safe. While her kingdom consists of many different races, you'll find plenty of Dragonborn, Kobold, Lizardfolk, and Tortle folks.

There is also a future that was prevented, but is still very much remembered by a specific few time-travellers and Ana herself. A future of all time drained of the world. In that future, Ana had lost herself, maintaining a bubble of time around her kingdom, and going after anyone who sought to ruin her kingdom. Even others who were simply trying to restore time to the world, in Ana's state, she took everything as a threat, and was unreasonable. Seeking to end anyone's journey of who wanted to "restore time".


A time dragon whom has had years upon years of pratice of her skills. The power and concentration to take on these feats come to her easily.


  • Rewind, Pause, and Speed up moments
  • Creating Bubble/Pockets of Time
  • Travel Back and Forth in Time.


Lazette (Daughter)

Her Daughter that she does not give enough attention or time to. Ana really does care about her, its just she's really bad at showing it. And sort of has the hired guards tend to Lazettes needs. Nonetheless, Lazette also loves her mother, and will play pranks on her when she gets the chance

Ma (Close Friend)

After Ana lost her own mother, she ran far from home, and got extremely lost. Eventually she was found and taken in by Ma. Despite Ma's shenanigans, she was well cared of and enjoys the presence of Ma. Over the years as her other friends aged, she knew she could always visit the Angel. If it wasn't for that pesky shapeshifter living with Ma.

Esse (Annoying)

The shapeshifter Ana hates talking to. She's a PEST! But. She puts up with it mostly because Ma has taken a liking to the shapeshifter for some reason. Ugh. 🙄


  • Has a sweet tooth.
  • Her blue streaks glow, and can change color if too emotional.
  • Thus she likes not to get emotional