
4 years, 2 months ago



"Listen to Your Heart." "No."


Nicknames Mecha
Age 25
Gender cisgender (he/him)
Height 5'11"
Birthdate 9/6/3018
Species Mutt, suspected wolf
Oriet. asexual
FactionOuter City

Status medic
Designer @hayloftcat
Worth $15

  • red parts are markings, not scars

  • fur is often messy and ungroomed; the only parts that he usually cleans are his face, paws, and tail

  • bandages are from fighting in the ring

  • pretty short for a wolf hybrid

  • eyes are naturally narrowed

  • always smells faintly of oil, fire, and sweat

  • has a bit of a cold demeanor, and has some anger issues
02 — Personality

Marrowmask is a very odd individual. He tends to talk to himself, including the souls that haunt him, which doesn't help him give a good first impression. He's prone to lashing out at these souls, though tries to keep this private as to not startle any others. Underneath his.. unconventional outside, he tries his hardest to act friendly. He cares deeply for his Tribe, and any cat can tell how dedicated he is to his position as the Medic. He's undoubtedly loyal.

Having been trained to keeping his power hidden, he's slowly coming to terms with it and using it to openly help his Tribemates. After seeing what had happened to his old mentor and past Medic, he refuses to stay silent in times of need. Never again will the Tribe brush off a warning; Marrowmask, while very much a pacifist, is almost unmovable in his beliefs. Especially when it comes to visions he receives.


  • poppy seeds

  • foggy mornings

  • graveyard field

  • his pupil and the nurses :]

  • loud noises

  • disrespectful cats

  • the night sky, stars, the moon

  • being ignored/brushed away
03 — Background

Marrowmask was born in SolarClan, to Springtalon and Gullbelly. His mother Springtalon, raised him single-pawed with the help of the other queens, his father being absent from his life due to being the medicine cat. Their relationship was illegal, and Marrow wouldn't know until much later.

As he approached apprentice age, he would start hearing whispers. They started innocent, telling him where to step next so he wouldn't trip, letting him know to clean his next as to not get stuck with a thorn, when the warriors would return from hunting to he could pick the freshest piece of prey. But all good things must come to an end, and they did. They came to a very harsh end. No longer were they whispers, not even quiet chattering; they were yowls, screaming at him to do something, to help his Clan, follow the path of a healer.

He visited the medicine cat den, hoping to find peace there. That's what he was told to do, right? Wrong. It didn't stop there. They would continue yelling and carrying on up until he became Marrowpaw, the new medicine cat apprentice of SolarClan. Finally, they were calm once again. He barely even realized what had happened until his new mentor, Gullbelly, greeted him for their first lesson. He hadn't ever had an interest in herbs or anything of the sort, but the voices had told him he was helping. So.. who was he to complain?

Time went on, Marrowpaw became Marrowmask, and the voices were still there. After (silently) confronting them and asking what he could do to get rid of them, they told him to talk to Gullbelly. And he did. The medicine cat told him everything; who he was, how they were related, why he could hear voices. He admitted to his code-breaking relationship, as well as hearing the same things. Marrowmask learned that it was a special ability, passed on to him through his bloodline. While Springtalon had no powers or abnormal abilities, Gullbelly did, as well as his past kin. It was called 'Prophetic Voices,' and it was something he had to live with.

He lived with all of these secrets in silence, trying to hide away from his Clanmates. He felt disloyal and disgusting for knowing such things, and cowardly for not even being able to face them himself, let alone tell someone else. When Gullbelly received his warning of an upcoming danger, he told Marrowmask in hopes that he, too, had heard something. But like the rest of the Clan, he called Gullbelly a liar. A cat who was just crying for attention. If there was a danger, why hadn't he heard about it too? Moons went by, and as they had in his kithood, the voices got louder and louder, finally starting to carry the warning on to him. But it was too late; the meteor shower had suddenly struck, and all he could do was listen to the terror of a thousand shrieks, caught in a daze by the heinous sound.

By the time he finally gained consciousness, the damage had already been done. The camp was destroyed, so many Clanmates lying dead where they had once gone to sleep. Gullbelly and Springtalon were part of the group that left them that night. From this point on, he vowed to dedicate his life in remembrance of Gullbelly, forcing himself to open up about his family's passed-on secrets. Upon SolarClan's arrival and merging with the Tribe, he admitted everything to both the Leader and Orionstar. How he was the product of an illegal kitting, his power and lineage, that he knew of the upcoming danger as well. He was well-received, seeing as he kept his role as a healer, becoming the Tribe's official Medic. His knowledge in herbs and medicine was almost unbeatable, and his power would allow him to help the Tribe even more. His vow is still upheld to this day, and he's very open with his powers and visions, happy to have found peace with himself, and hopefully, Gullbelly too, wherever he is.

04 — Trivia

  • Marrow's power is called 'Prophetic Visions,' and it allows him to receive prophecies in almost any form. These can be small things, like knowing which specific herb to use for a patient, or bigger things, such as if he needs to warn an upcoming patrol about a danger in the territory. The voices raise and lower with the intensity of each need, quieter for less important things and louder for things that require his upmost attention.

  • He can openly communicate with ten souls, and they manifest in the form of voices that only he can hear. Some of them are more cryptic than others, and asking them questions is like playing roulette. A very frustrating round of roulette, which usually ends in the player (Marrow) angrily giving up. Their names are Crow, Aspen, Poppy, Ripple, Sorrel, Dapple, Maple, Nettle, Marsh, and Wolf. They come from a variety of backgrounds, personalities, and ages. This is not to be confused with Dissociative Identity Disorder. They are completely separate from himself.

  • After learning how to function with these voices, Marrow has a love-hate relationship with them. They can be very overwhelming at times, especially when he's trying to sleep, but they more often than not tend to be very helpful and guiding.
05 — Relationships


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Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.


In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.
