Judas "Jude" de Jacques



7 years, 5 months ago


Judas "Jude" of James ❝ Such a desperate cause deserves a patron saint. ❞

French name Judas "Jude" de Jacques
Name meaning "Praised"
Gender Male (he/him)
Age 11/12 years old
Birthday October 28, 2000
MBTI ISFP - "The Composer"
Alignment Lawful Good - "The Saint"
Grade level Sixième (6th grade)
Music theme

❝ Take a sad song and make it better. ❞ ━ The Beatles


Jude is the sweetest child you will ever meet.

Jude and Simon are best friends since their childhood. Actually, they started talking to each other when they noticed they were born the exact same day. Since this 28th October at preschool, the boys never left each other. Indeed, their personalities are complementary. While Simon is energetic and wants to be seen as a cool rebel, Jude is way calmer and think that adults have set rules for the children's own good. Actually, it was Simon who dragged his best friend in the Thirteen Club, which fights against the injustices caused by adults.

Moreover, Jude always had an appearance and personality that many perceive as feminine, which caused and still causes him to be bullied a lot. His favourite colour is a soft shade of pink, he prefers to keep his hair long, and he strongly believes that violence doesn't solve any conflict. He has a sweet personality as a whole, and often encourages the other boys of the Club (such as Judas) to express their emotions, and even cry when needed.

Still, Jude now kind of knows how to defend himself when the bullying becomes too violent, thanks to Simon. At first, it was only Simon who took his defence and fought against the bullies in his place, but Jude didn't want to rely on him too much. Simon thus taught him self-defence. Despite his girly and frail appearance, Jude is also pretty good at sports and enjoys them, even if that's not as much as Simon.

Jude actually bears one of the most popular names for boys his age: Judas. Therefore, everyone nicknames him "Jude" instead, because there are already too many Judases in his class. Except for his German teacher. She thinks it would sound weird. Jude has no idea why.

Le Club des Treize/The Thirteen Club
JesusPeterAndrewJames of ZebedeeJohnPhilipBartholomewThomasMatthewJames of AlphaeusJudeSimonJudasMatthias

Jude the Apostle - Wikipedia 

 Stamps by phantombl00d, daukayai & ChicaTH on DA. Coding by lowkeywicked.