


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: 이형기 (Lee Hyungki)

Nickname: ... We don't talk about his nickname. Unmentionable. Will result in demonetization. DO NOT ASK HIM ABOUT IT 

His nickname is Homosex. Don't ask it's an inside joke

Sex: Male
Gender: ?
Orientation: ???sexual/???romantic
Height: 6'3 (190cm)
Blood Type: 
Personality: Idiot, weird, oddball. Agreeable and chill but hyper. Down for anything. Reckless and fun-loving. Follows his feelings, not any reasoning.  
Physical Description: thin frame w/long limbs. a Slenderman. Black hair with green tips. Choppy bangs and long hair with a shaved side. Droopy eyes and straight across brows.


Relationships: Fellow Hobo Friend Moneyass, sister


Extra: Sometimes gets mistaken for a lesbian. Doesn't really protest to being thought of that way. 

Everyone thinks his hair is weird but he doesn't care

Can and will sleep on your dirty floor

Couch surfer 

Dropped out of high school. Does odd jobs. Broke all the time. 

Presumably, he can sew... But has anyone seen him sit down and do it...?

People either think he's hella cool or insane. No in between.

"Unexpectedly attractive" type 

Quotes: "Ha, GAY" 

Drawing notes: has many hairstyles

Story: Hyungki was always a bit of an oddball. He got bullied in school for being "strange" and doing his own thing. He disliked school and skipped often. His parents were always mad at him for it and tried to keep him away from his little sister Hyunsoo because they were convinced he was a bad influence on her. He avoided home and his sister as much as he could for many years, until he was in high school and she was in middle school. He was ordered by his parents to escort her to and from school and cram school because it was dangerous to walk alone at night. They got closer and formed a good bond during that time. He would sometimes take her to have fun while skipping school. Their parents found out and were furious. When she tried to defend him, they threatened to kick him out. When he left on his own accord, they forced him to come back home. He knew that he would have to leave for good. He attended school for one last day before dumping his phone and school books into a sewer and disappearing. Since then he has been drifting around the city with his friend, making a living in any way possible.