


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: 이현수

Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Orientation: ???sexual/???romantic
Height: 5'7 (170cm)
Blood Type: 
Personality: witty and charming, straightforward and practical. Stubborn when it comes to her goals.
Physical Description: tall and thin with naturally black hair. Hair is often dyed and wears contacts for photoshoots.

Relationships: brother 

Likes: video games, working out

Extra: A model 


Story: Hyunsoo had a strange older brother and she disliked how people from school would make rumors about him. She wanted to get to know him better but her parents forbade her to talk to him and he was never around the house anyways. When they started walking to and from school together (per their parents orders) she got to know him better and they became close. They skipped school together and got in trouble. She felt horrible that he took all the blame for it and tried to stand up for him. One day, as they were walking home from school, Hyungki told her to do what she loves and he left. She hasn't seen him since. She is now in high school and she has gotten offered contracts for modeling. Her parents are trying to convince her to focus on school and give up on modeling. She agreed to finish high school at least but she doesn't want to go to college. Her parents are very disappointed that neither of their children are getting higher education. She remembers what her brother said and hopes that if she makes it big in modeling, he will see her in magazines and on TV and know that she followed his last words of advice to her. She misses him and hopes that he is doing okay. She hopes to see him again in the future.