Deisin (Corrupted Deisin)



*ALTERNATE UNIVERSE* This version of Deisin is a man driven mad after he witnesses Zombie lose her life in front of his eyes. In that moment, and holding her with his grief, his shock and his horror, something breaks inside his mind. His former feelings toward humanity, toward life, are warped in horrendous fashion. Where once he valued humanity and wanted to see them succeed, he now harbors only disgust and fury for the race, and also for many other living things. After he buries his love, he begins to fall to deep corruption, jading himself and becoming bloodied. A dark, oily halo sits above his head, the inky black a mirror for the soul he now inhabits. His wing, once fluffy and purest of white, blackens and wilts, feathers dying and fading, eventually falling off altogether - at which point he affixes it to his body via a crude pin embedded in his back. His new goal? To 'cleanse' the earth of humanity and the perceived corruption the race fosters to him. Cold, mad, unceasingly smiling and driven, he wanders the world, bringing death and 'release' to humans he encounters in an almost demonic fashion. He wears Zombie's glasses and her tie, to keep a part of her with him always, and to make him never forget her, or the people he believes made his world so empty.