Luda (Corceis)



Female (she/they/it)


Lawful Good • Charitable • Perceptive • Loving

Luda is a cor from a weathy family who grew up with big ambitions. She went to a prestigious university and graduated top of her class, quickly becoming a respected polition and rising in the ranks. Soon, however, she was confronted with the realities of politics and the corruption that was all around her. She learned what her privilage truly meant and started campaigning for change.

She frequently travels around Postinen trying to help the less fortunate and learn about the problems of the less privilaged so that she can propose changes to policy that will help them. Though she knows there's only so much someone like her can do, she encourages the people to take power into their hands. While on one of her trips, she met Negan and the two fell in love and started a family. Despite this, she continues on her campaigns.


  • Sunlight
  • Puzzles
  • Charity work
  • Travelling


  • Darkness
  • Winter
  • Corruption
  • Bugs
"Everyone deserves second chances"


Luda is an extremely kind and sensitive cor. She gives and gives to others, and rarely accepts anything in return. She is always there to lend an ear, or anything else someone might need. This has gotten her into trouble before, and despite her well-paying job and affluent lineage, she and her husband Negan live on fairly meager money. The rest of it she gives to people who need it more. She has never cared for material possessions. Her and Negan's home in Callasta is modest and sparsely decorated, but if the walls could speak they would tell of a close, warm, and loving family. Luda has always wanted a large family, and gives her children all of the love she possibly can. They are perhaps a little spoiled, but Luda would never have it any other way.

Luda met Negan while on a campaign to Zhedo, Postinen's poorest state. Negan had been exiled, then redeemed, but because if his criminal past and rough demeanor was struggling to reintegrate into society. Luda was working in a soup kitchen when he caught her eye. She'd been compelled to help him when she saw a sad desperation in his eye. She spent months helping to rehabilitate him, and during this time the two fell in love and the rest was history. He still struggles frequently with reintegration, but she is always there to pick him back up when he falls.


• Horns: Sharp

• Horn Texture: Ringed

• Ears: Flat

• Eyes: Dark

• Tail: Silk

• Hooves: Cervine


• Her favorite color is blue

• Luda originally hoped for 10 children, but Negan insisted on fewer

• She was shocked when she first learned that not everyone had maids

• Her guilty pleasure is greasy street food

• Luda has visited the Wastelands and was horrified by what she saw

• She secretly supports rebellions




Luda's husband and father of her children. They love and support each other very much, and while arguments sometimes erupt they are always quickly resolved. Luda is definitely the one wearing the pants.



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