
Adoption Link

ɴᴀᴍᴇ// Experiment #015562 - Sarah Owen Moore
sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ// Lesbian
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴀɢᴇ//18
ᴇᴅᴜᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ʟᴇᴠᴇʟ//High School graduate, currently looking to enroll in college of some sort.
ᴋɴᴏᴡɴ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs//English, ASL, Hazard Cat
ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ//March 22nd
ᴍᴇʏᴇʀs﹣ʙʀɪɢɢs ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ᴛʏᴘᴇ// ISTP


ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ// Confusion has it's hold over Sarah's life. An artificial amalgamation of two parts that were never meant to be combined, yet still one whole, one soul. She doesn't know what to do with herself. She is intelligent and self aware like a human, yet because of her Hazard Cat DNA people treat her like an animal, like she isn't smart. So, Sarah has pulled herself into a shell to protect herself from the outside world and their opinions. She has learned sign language so that she can have conversations with the most important people in her life. Sarah likes science, especially doing experiments, however she is a bit clumsy due to her hand not being entirely as flexible as your average human's being rather paw like. Occasionally, she tries at home, doing non-dangerous experiments, but she won't share with anyone.

When she is with her family, Sarah is a bit more open. She communicates in a flurry of sign language and English, sharing with her family ideas and generally being more talkative. Her siblings make her a bit nervous, since they are a lot older than her and not all of them accept her. Her entire family is human, the only humans that Sarah is really comfortable around. She is especially close with her mother Anita, who used to be a scientist. Sarah has concerns that her mother has many secrets about how she was made, especially with her father's story about how she came to the family and because of all of her mother's insistence about many things, including staying with her bodyguard at all times. It feels really awkward to have a body guard with her, but due to the nature of what she is, Sarah puts up with it.

Around humans, Sarah is really, really quiet. She wears really baggy clothes when she goes out in public, to try and hide what she is from the rest of the world. It doesn't always work. Many humans gawk and stare when they've never seen her before, and when she was in school, she was ostracized by all the other students. A few went so far as teasing her every day, calling her names, taunting her with cat things and saying she was a pet, not fit to be at school. She has become very self conscious, unwilling to take criticism of any kind because of all the cruel things said to her at school. Some of the teachers tried working with her, but many missed their mark. Some treated her like a being of lesser intelligence, others worked her harder than everyone else in a mean manner. None of them really treated her like she wanted to be treated, like any other student. Sarah's become very concerned about anyone who is trying to teach her for fear of them teaching her in the wrong way.

With hazard cats, Sarah is a bit more comfortable. She has learned many valuable skills from them, like how to care for fur and clean her grates. She has tried communicating with them, but because of her vocal chord structure, she has a hard time talking with them. Some of the hazards judge her for trying to be like a human, but Sarah ignores it because she doesn't understand half of what they are saying anyways. Unlike the humans, a few hazard cats have become her friends and are more accepting of her because, well, they've seen some pretty strange hazards out there, and she's no exception. One of her best friends is Leif, who likes to explain things he has learned to her that she hasn't learned at school. She really enjoys his companionship because she really wants to have more friends, but because of what she is, only a few wants to really hang out with her on the human side of things.

ʟɪᴋᴇs//If you could ask Sarah what her favorite, though not necessarily her best, subject in school was, that would be science. Because science tells you how the world works, Sarah is fascinated by it. She would love to grow up to be a scientist, but due to her unique biology, and due to the fact that her hands are a bit clumsy because they are rather paw like, she can't. Sarah enjoys activities that do not require her to interact too much with others. Reading is one of her favorites - her favorite genre is historical fiction. Out of all the seasons, Sarah's favorite is spring because it is pretty outside, however she doesn't like it when it rains as it interferes with her fur and all of her tech.

ᴅɪsʟɪᴋᴇs//In life, there are things we like and things we dislike, and Sarah definitely has some strong opinions on this that she doesn't like. Her most hated thing is being made fun of and answering questions about herself that she doesn't even know. And while people may drink coffee, Sarah absolutely detests the stuff. Not only does it taste bad, she finds that it causes some weird things to happen to her, such as randomly glitching because of excess energy. She also really dislikes parties because they cause extreme sensory overload and because of the social interactions she drains energy really fast. Sarah is kind of scared of humming birds because when she was four, a little green hummingbird zoomed right past her face and was really loud in her ear. This terrified the young kiddo, and to this day Sarah has a bit of a fear that humming birds are out to get her even if it is a bit irrational.

ʜᴏʙʙɪᴇs//When it comes to hobbies, Sarah probably has a lot. When it comes to collecting things, Sarah only has one collection that really matters to her, and that is her bird feather collection. There are many loose bird feathers, and if Sarah has a safe way to carrying one, she will take it home and wash it and add it to a stunning collection. She also enjoys rollerskating to a minor degree, and since she lives in a quiet neighborhood where few people live she sometimes goes skating after school to be alone with her thoughts.

ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴇʏᴇ ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀ// Sarah's third eye power took a really long time to come in. In fact, she was believed to have a null eye when her power did not come in at all in the years it was expected to. However, starting around her 18th birthday, she began having headaches coming from her 3rd eye. She peeled off the band aid that she kept for convention's sake, and discovered her secret power - blending into the crowd. It works like a chameleon, making others perceive her as a regular person, or just another face. Unfortunately, it came in after all her school years, so while she is a bit more confident when going out in large crowds, she still had some pretty nasty school experiences.


Biological Family ~

  • Biological Human Mother/Adopted mother - Anita Moore - Anita Moore is a 52 year old human, and the donor of Sarah's human DNA, making her the biological parent of Sarah. Anita is tall and willowy, has a slightly greying red pixie cut, and hazel eyes. Anita used to be a scientist who worked at Lab 22 before she left her job and it closed. She was one of the scientists who helped combine human and hazard DNA in a way that would create a living creature. Anita has a drive to learn, and cares deeply for this fluffy child that she helped create. However, she hides the truth from Sarah because she doesn't want her to know the whole truth behind where she came from yet. It's a bit of a sore subject for her, and while it brings back fond memories, it also brings back sour memories. Anita is very supportive of her daughter, and Sarah is very comfortable with talking to her mom. When Sarah came up with the idea of learning sign language so that she didn't have to talk as much, Anita agreed and together they taught the entire family.
  • Biological Hazard Cat Parent - Unknown - No one actually knows who Sarah's other DNA donor is. Everyone knows that they probably were a hazard cat, and probably red, but no one is certain. Even Anita doesn't know because she quite simply forgot. She thinks it was one of the hazard cat interns who worked there for a long time, however the data has been lost and so no one is quite sure.

Adoptive Family~

  • Adoptive Father - Sebastian Moore - Sebastian Moore is a 53 year old human, and Anita's husband. He is a bit short and has unkempt brown hair and brown eyes. Currently, Sebastian is a supervisor over the IT department in the county. When Anita first brought up the idea of adopting Sarah, he was a bit leery about it because of what Sarah is - a science experiment. He doesn't know that Anita is one of the donors of Sarah's DNA, but since she seems so attached, Sebastian agreed. He's actually a pretty chill person, and got over his reservations fairly quickly when he actually met Sarah. Considering the circumstances, Sarah is very comfortable with Sebastian because he is very willing to go with the flow and learn things to make Sarah happy. His co-workers are actually pretty nice to Sarah when she comes along ti visit, though there is a bit of friendly teasing among the group which makes her uncomfortable.
  • Adoptive Older Brother - Robert Moore - Robert is 13 years older than Sarah, and does not like her very much. He inherited their mother's height and his father's hair. Unlike both his parents, Robert does not like Sarah at all. When he was 14, Sarah came into the house, and his social reputation of being one of the most normal families at his school was gone. Many of his friends left him, and Robert didn't take it well. He unleashed his frustration on poor little Sarah, taunting her a lot more than an older sibling ought to. She was glad when Robert moved away to college, meaning that she would finally get some peace and quiet without her big brother constantly annoying her and reducing her to tears.
  • Adoptive Older Brother - Dalin Moore - Dalin is about 9 years older than Sarah, and is a load nicer to her than Robert. He's very small, with brown hair that gets pretty much everywhere and hazel eyes. When Dalin wants to know about something, he will learn absolutely everything about it. When Sarah arrived, 10 year old Dalin was crazy about her. Here was this adorable anomaly of a sister that he would play with and learn all about. She was doted on by him, and when Robert got really mad and their parents weren't around, Dalin would protect Sarah from the angry older brother they shared. Unfortunately, when he introduces friends to his family, Dalin finds it gets a bit awkward since the list goes - "This is my mom, she used to be a scientist. This is my dad, he works in the government. This is my big brother, he really likes to go explore. And this is my sister, a hazard cat - human hybrid."

ɴᴏɴ ғᴀᴍɪʟɪᴀʟ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs//

  • Bodyguard - Madeline Fenrir - Madeline has been the bodyguard Sarah's had ever since her first month living among a real family. Sarah even considers her as such. Madeline is big and buff, like all bodyguards must be, and has protected Sarah from kidnappings by strange people who want money, or to expose the government. She also gets Sarah out of the occasional fight, and basically is a chaperone throughout her entire life. Even the Hummingbird Conspiracy doesn't faze her, despite lasting throughout an entire lifetime. Most people dismiss it, however Madeline has been known to hummingbird proof places just to make sure Sarah feels secure. Secretly, Sarah really enjoys having a bodyguard because of a feeling of security, however she also kind of despises it and that feeling comes out most often in public. Madeline is definitely aware that Sarah appreciates her, and guarding Sarah has given Madeline's life some interest.
  • Friend - Sariah Marsh - Sariah is one of Sarah's only human friends. Most of the humans are unwilling to associate with such a freak of science as Sarah, however Sariah is determined to be friends with everyone. Sarah has warned her against this because of being ostracized, however Sariah has managed to pull it off. The two have a complicated dynamic. While Sarah appreciates the human company, the constant peppiness and attempts to draw her out of her shell really make her awkward and uncomfortable. Sariah in turn has a confusion about how you could live without having friends and telling others about the cool things you can do. She thinks that Sarah is neat and wants to know exactly how Sarah was created when even Sarah doesn't know. Sariah's started taking sign language lessons so that Sarah can be more comfortable when she talks to Sariah.
  • Role-Model - Sky Rivers - One year, Sarah's family went on a vacation into the country just to see what kind of cool things were there that weren't in the city. At some point in the month long vacation, the Moore's stumbled into the Phoenix Hearth Stables, a bit of a spacial anomaly. Sarah was fascinated by the horses and the people that lived there, however she felt really uncomfortable just standing there listening. After a short tour and having all of the rest of Sarah's family meet with one of the other handlers, Sky met with Sarah. She wasn't surprised by having a cat-person talk to her. In fact, it seemed like it was quite normal for Sky. Sky's confidence inspires Sarah, and the two have each other's phone numbers so that when Sarah is feeling like she needs help and doesn't feel comfortable talking to her parents. Sky's bluntness is oddly comforting to Sarah.
  • Sister Figure - Holly Sprite - On the same adventure that she met Sky, Sarah also met Holly, the youngest of the three handlers at barely younger than herself. At first, she wasn't sure what to make of the strange seeming child, before realizing that Holly probably wasn't as strange as she was. As she viewed Sky as another role-model, over the course of the few days she spent as the stables Sarah began to view Holly as the little sister she never had, and never wanted to have. However, she gladly exchanged phone numbers just so that she could have someone to chat with randomly throughout the day that she didn't see all the time. Holly acts as if this is nothing weird at all, and Sarah has many questions about the stables and their status as a spacial anomaly. Her mother also has concerns about the breaking of space-time with the Phoenix Hearth Stables, and Holly sorta helped out with alleviating her concerns.
  • Rival - Audri Fisher - Audri, while not really one of the most popular girls in the school Sarah went to, was certainly one of the most science minded, and was really good at it too. She took every opportunity to flaunt it in Sarah's face, dirty blonde hair tickling Sarah's nose causing her to sneeze. Sarah was really frustrated with this set up because she knew that she would never be able to be the scientist she wanted to be and having someone who could do some much better than her just constantly flaunting it just rubbed her the the wrong way. The two actually had a fist fight a few times because Sarah just got so angry. It turns out that Audri packs a mean punch, and sometimes it take a bodyguard a while to detangle angry classmates and stop them fighting.
  • Sibling's Friend - Kyle - Sarah doesn't actually know Kyle that well, however she has a few vivid memories of him from her childhood when he would spend a lot of time over at her house in Dalin's room playing video games. Sarah enjoyed watching them play, however never asked. Kyle also knew a lot about the humming bird conspiracy, something that to this day Sarah has not dropped yet. Since Dalin moved out, she hasn't seen him much, nor would she care very much.

Hazard Cat~

  • Best Friend - Leif Anderson - Leif was the first hazard cat that Sarah actually ever met, though she had seen many. They met when she was 12, just learning truly how hard the world was. The two had a hard time communicating at first, since Sarah didn't know the language of the hazard cats despite being able to speak in the right tones due to her vocal chord structure. He began teaching her some secrets to self care and teaching her their language, effectively making her multilingual. He was very intrigued by her, and spent loads of time learning about her as he taught Sarah all the things she needed to know. As their relationship deepened, the two began doing more nonsense things, like taking hikes through the neighborhood, doing puzzles, and even trying to roller skate together. The two really are the best of friends.
  • Sympathetic - Milo - Like Sarah, Milo has faced discrimination because they are both part of science experiments let loose on the world. Milo is a rusty hazard cat, and is constantly starving for energy that he never gets. Sarah met him when he was starving more than normal, and took him home so he could plug in. The two have a kindred spirit in that other beings have discriminated against them just because of their species. However Sarah is jealous because he has a friend group to back him up, and while she may have a few friends she doesn't feel like she actually has a group she hangs out with.


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ʟᴀʙ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ₀₀₁
At last! At last! The many years of working on this project has paid off, and Experiment #015562 has begun developing. In celebration, I, Anita Moore, am starting a new set of Lab Reports, especially since the last set became much too long. I will also spend a day or two off celebrating with my family. I have not seen them very much, though I have had time for holidays. I am excited to tell them about this new development!

I do have my doubts though. I do not even know which hazard cat the hazard portion of the experiment’s DNA came from. I am presuming it is one of our interns, though I do not know which one. We have had many over the years. I am also concerned because the human portion of the DNA is my own. No one else volunteered, and we couldn’t hire anyone outside the labs because the project is top secret. But, since the experiment is partially made from my DNA, does that make it my child? I really don’t know.

I am very, very curious about how much human, and how much hazard the final result will be. Will the intelligence of the experiment match that of a human’s? Or more of a hazard cat’s? I bet it will be bipedal, structured for walking on two legs, and hands. I think that those will be traits taken from my DNA. Since we don’t really know precisely what each gene does, this is something we will have to wait to find out.

Well, I suppose I must end my writing and continue my observations of the experiment. It is in a clear silicon incubation chamber, making it easy to observe and scan. I shall continue with another report later.
ʟᴀʙ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ₀₃₀

It has been six months since Experiment #015562 was created, and I am amazed as how the Experiment has developed. We have confirmed that yes, the experiment is female, though admittedly, we knew that because of the DNA. She is so cute! And fluffy! And the best part is that she was just born. Well, not born in the technical sense, however she reached the developmental stage where an she no longer needs the incubator for air and nutrition. We do need to feed her and take care of her, though thankfully we had planned this out year in advance.

To be honest, I am amazed that she has turned out as healthy as she did. It was a concern of mine, since we had never done this before. Who knew how the experiment would turn out? And her fur! She is so soft I just have to keep holding her even when I am supposed to be working on something else while she naps. And to think that my DNA was a part of creating her.

Even though she has many of the features of a hazard cat, like a third eye, a grate, a screen and a crackle tail, her development is much like a human child, though slightly faster. She reminds me greatly of my own children when they are children, and I cannot help but wonder if we really thought this through. I will muse on this later, as science and an adorable child calls.

ʟᴀʙ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ₀₃₆

I feel like I should be concerned right now. Then again, I have been concerned for a while. The government has been inquiring after our experiment, and about if our experiment, though unconventional, should count as a citizen because of how she has been developing. Man, I feel weird about calling her an experiment, she feels a lot like she was one of my own children. I certainly share the concerns of the government.

Much of the staff around here have become attached to our experiment, even after two months of her existing. We have tried our best to treat her like a real child as we run tests on her to see how well she develops, and to study her anatomy, but she spends much time alone, or in her cage. Why is it a cage? Even if it is a comfortable cage, I feel wrong about this. I don’t think anyone expected her to be so real, so intelligent. She develops just a bit faster than the average human baby, and I hope that we can find out a way to make her existence more important and less objectified.

ʟᴀʙ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ₀₅₆

Can you believe our little experiment has been around for over a year? I can’t, she’s so precious! She’s said her first word back when she was 11 months old, it was the most amazing thing. All of the staff gathered around to listen to the precious child, except those who were in the middle of something really important.

Another noteworthy thing is that we have been able to get the head of Lab #22 to officially change her name! We’ve had a name for her picked out for a long time. I think we all felt bad about calling her the experiment, but I didn’t want to write about it until it was official. The name we have chosen is Sarah Owen Moore.

Her middle name came first. One of our newer scientists was joking around, playing with the numbers in her title to come up with a name. 01 turned into Owen, and it became so popular that we had to add it to her name. I refused to make it her first name though, since she was female. No one dares argue with me about things relating to her, I’ve adopted the mother role since, well, she has my DNA in her. And that is why her last name is Moore. Everyone else chose it, and honestly, I have to agree it fits.

Her first name, Sarah, was run through a vote with our entire facility. We had had so many disagreements over name that one of my supervisors had to step in and set up a democratic system for her name. And Sarah won. My personal favorite was Isabelle, but the voice of the staff has spoken, and Sarah is her name.

As a group, we’ve come to the consensus that, well, she can’t stay an experiment forever. She’s too human, too intelligent, too self aware. She can’t stay like this, an object, not when we’ve named her, and are loving her as a child. I’ve agreed to adopt her if we do, since we just can’t kill her. I’ve taken it up with my husband, and he seems wary, but all right if I chose to take her home and raise her as my child. I never told him the identity of the human part of her DNA, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

ʟᴀʙ ʀᴇᴘᴏʀᴛ ₀₆₄

Finally. It’s over. No, little Sarah isn’t dead, but the whole legal stuff we had to deal with to end the experiment is over! And I get to keep her! I’ve decided to quit my job as a scientist if I am going to be devoting my life to my small precious child. It’s been four months since her name was official, and we had to figure out how to get papers of legally existing and being my child and adoption and everything.

Admittedly, I will have to be under extreme government supervision, just to make sure she stays safe. She’s going to have a bodyguard to protect her, and I’m still going to have to send in reports of how she is doing, and how she is developing to the Lab, even if I am no longer affiliated. And I’m okay with that. As long as I get to keep her.

I’m positive my friends from the lab will come and check up on her. They all love her so much, and want the best for her, but they also just want some time with her since they are all so attached.

I do have some major concerns though. Society doesn’t like things that are different, and Sarah? Well, she’s basically what media calls “furries” in real life, something weird. People will have doubts, people will probably try and kidnap her. And her new siblings? I don’t know how they will take it. Will they hate me? What will they think of having this weird little sister? I hope my sons are accepting of her. I can’t tell them who the human DNA came from. They can’t know, any of them. When Sarah grows up, I think I will tell her, and only her. I hope she makes it to adulthood, stays safe, and has a wonderful life, my little furball.

sᴀʀᴀʜ ﹣ ᴘʀᴇsᴇɴᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

Eighteen year old Sarah stared at the final paper in her hands, tears streaming down her face. There were many papers scattered around her, all written by her mother. A precious few, the ones she deemed most important, were stacked close to her. These papers were her story. They told how she, the freak of nature, came to be. She knew she wasn’t natural. Quite frankly, it was obvious. There were no other weird actual furries like her. And her mother was actually her mother? That was the best part of all!

So many of my questions mom couldn’t answer are answered here, in these papers she told me to find. I still don’t know who my real other parent is, but at this point, I don’t think it matters too much. Sarah smiled softly to herself.

And why I have a bodyguard is answered too! I’ve never been kidnapped, though someone’s tried a few times, thanks to my body guard. Because I was an experiment, the first of my, and probably the last for a long time, I had to be protected. I’m cared for by so many people.

Sarah’s face darkened as she thought about middle school, and how hard it was for her. Except, I can say that the kids in my school were cruel. I had to have a bodyguard with me in the class, even if all he did was sit in the corner and watch. And the names they called me were horrible! There are many I just don’t want to think about, but the worst one I can think of is ‘pet’, because of how hazard cats are known as pets to the ignorant. 

And the doctors, well, I didn’t like em. None of them knew what to do with me. They always had to call a vet, just because of my feline characteristics! Honestly, it was a pain in the neck trying to deal with those two. I’m just glad Mom was there to help out. 

Mom … I should get back home. She’ll be waiting, and I’ll tell her what I learned and that I love her. Sarah stood up, holding the most precious of lab reports to her.

“I am ready to face whatever life shall bring!” She declared to the mostly empty abandoned lab, and headed out to the big wide world back to her home.