
Sima - A shy gal who would rather talk to flowers than people. Likes all plants including weeds (but don't call them that, that's mean). Somewhat naive and innocent with delicate emotions. However, she is not a cry baby. She never seems to do things like blush or shed tears. Although she doesn't think so, she's stronger than that. When under pressure, she's awful at forming understandable sentences and sometimes even words. Doesn't really know how to treat others and doesn't want to mess things up, so she has a tendency to panic when put into social situations. She's not really aware of it since she hasn't had to go through such a thing, but she's very good with words when others need comfort as she's thought up impossible disasters of her own and then had to reassure herself until she calmed back down. Every blue moon, maternal instincts will kick in, making her oddly gentle, quiet, and welcoming. Although she often acts like a shut-in, Deli does quite enjoy exploring and finding new things. Likely to laugh when stressed and try to make light of the situation. Not really a pessimist

Sima Name;; Delilah aka "Deli"
Personality in 5 words;; Hiding in a distant corner
Favorite flower;; Bachelor Buttons (mainly the blue ones)

Alastair - Al accidentally found Deli's little hideaway while he was busy being lost. The both of them were a bit...startled to see each other  More so for her, as he had stumbed right into her hidden home. While she ran around, trying to hide, he apologized several times. Finally, he gave up with this and just asked her for directions while she panicked. Thankfully, she was able to point him in the right direction, but he'd been nice enough to her that she reconsidered her episode. So, as he was leaving, she asked him if he wanted to come back. Being very confused now, he said he'd think about it. Deli proceeded to stress over this until he showed his face again. Although he seemed to be careful and kind each time he showed up, she was a ball of nerves. He didn't really know what she wanted from him, but he assumed her lonley. So, each time when she became too frazled to think, he'd do the talking for her or suggest something for them to do, much to her relief. Over time, they got a little more relaxed, but Deli kept asking if they were friends, which was sort of a trick question because she was clearly freaking out about it. Al said no and she seemed to be oddly happy with this answer. Thus, they became not-friends which is exactly the same as being friends...but not.