


4 years, 2 months ago



Name Charleston Kong
Age 41
Gender Male
Species Volcanic Gorilla
Homeland Funky Ooga Booga
Occupation Ceran Environment Minister


A kind-hearted gentleman and scholar. Seeks diplomacy and peace before getting down to the rough stuff, despite being more than capable in that regard as well. Friendly and tries to get along with people, though he's somewhat oblivious to his intimidating stature.


Gorilla Muscles - Watch out for his monkey blast!

Powerful Jaw - If he can eat a rock, he can eat your skull, I'm just saying.

Smoke Plume - The hump on his back can create thick clouds of smoke. Smoke: handy for all your smokey needs!

Lava Barf - When he eats enough rocks and has a full tum-tum, Charleston can heat his stomach up like crazy and regurgitate a puddle of lava. It hurts very much and leaves man hungry though.

Heat Resistance - Can withstand high temperatures due to being native to a volcanic climate.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths - A strong and intellectual fellow. He is monkey.

Weaknesses - A bit of a fish out of water in more civilised places. Sticks out like a sore thumb. Develops a bit of a complex about his animal nature and becomes very self-conscious.



Charleston was an average Volcanic Gorilla on the tropical, volcanic sky-island of Funky Ooga Booga. He lived peacefully with his troop, including his partner Dennis. Eventually human researches, led by one Professor Sundae, arrived to study the island's ecosystem, and befriended the troop. The gorillas learned the common language and about civilised society during this time.

One day, stray fire from nearby islands at war, Broadland and Longburn, caused an unnatural eruption on Funky Ooga Booga, and Dennis was killed. Charleston, in a rage, stowed away on the escaping researchers ship and disembarked on Broadland to seek revenge, causing violent mayhem and panic. He was eventually subdued by Ceran Prime Minister Lotte, who recruited him to her own island, becoming her environment minister.

Artifice arc

Charleston peels some potatoes.

Lonsdale arc

Charleston cripples a cow.

Xaenos arc

Charleston breaks his glasses.

Vasille arc

Charleston goes to fix his glasses.

Leven arc

Charleston has a midlife crisis.



Charleston respects glorious motherlord. All glory to motherlord.


Charleston respects glorious deputy-motherlord. Some glory to deputy-motherlord.


Intellectual buddy friends.


Why does he fear potatoes? Charleston may never know.


Books are neat, she says. Charleston agrees.


Sensible lads.

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