Akasha (and Exodia)



4 years, 4 months ago



Name Akasha
Species Sequoia Dryad (or "Sequoyad")
Age 200-something
Gender Female
Alignment Chaotic Good

A defender of nature, Akasha lives peacefully on her island with her butterfly familiar Exodia.


  • Trees
  • Animals
  • Honey
  • Sunlight


  • Technology
  • Wooden planks
  • Fire
  • Loud noises


Akasha was born out of a large tree in the center of her island. She doesn't really remember when, or why, or how, but she's not all that interested in dwelling on the past. She instinctively feels like her purpose in life is to protect the forest, which is exactly what she's been doing. It's not a hard job, as no humans are particularly interested in settling on an island that's only a few miles across and entirely covered in trees. She's always accompanied by a goliath butterfly called Exodia, despite butterflies normally only living for a few weeks. He's remarkably intelligent and acts as Akasha's familiar and companion. They have a limited ability to communicate.

Akasha always appears optimistic and cheerful, but she can become serious very quickly if someone does something she disapproves of. She is whimsical and acts on instinct rather than logic. She has a playful side which she mostly shows in combat situations, where she confuses her foe with her magical abilities.

She wields a chakram made out of a thorny vine, which can be used as a weapon, but isn't very effective. She mostly relies on her magical abilities should she be forced to defend herself or her woods. Most of her magic is not directly harmful, but can indirectly be dangerous through confusing, misdirecting or blinding the enemy. She can also use helpful magic, such as the coveted ability to heal the injured.



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