Gao Aoyama



4 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Yuuga Aoyama, Ashido Mina


Male (he/him)


Lavalamp. He has a bodily fluid, that like sweat can cover his skin a bit, but is mostly inside his body. The fluid is glittery, sticky slime. He can force it out of his pores under certain conditions and with training he learned to shoot it out of his hands with force. Slime cannon. It can run out as it's a product of his body, and too little levels of it in his body can be dangerous. The color of the slime fluctuates, from yellow to a pinkish hue.




A fankid?? Oml yes?? He’s gathered a mean reputation of being a bAD BoY bc he’s a lil’ punk that gets into fights, he doesn’t get taken seriously much and that frustrates him to no end

He doesn’t want to become a hero he just wanna go with the flow and see where his life leads him, he wants to make his parents proud most of all. You talk shit about either of them? Better be ready to throw fists my guy. He has lil' horn nubs hidden in his hair, they embarasses him. He's also pretty insecure about his quirk bc all that jazz u know. In the end "nothing is cringe if you just don't care" is the most important lesson he'll learn tbh. He's pretty anxious honestly but tries to force his way through it

The underside of his hair is another color. Prob gets called Flamingo as a tease rlly often, though his skin is an unnatural yellow-ish color

theme song