


4 years, 1 month ago


Plumae (also known as Aaron)



6"8 (5"4 "human")

age unknown, adult

~Relationships + Personality~

Plumae is the son of Pathos and a fatespinner, he has a similar body structure to Pathos with some attributes closer to fatespinners. He is friends with Rin, Eris, The Puppeteer, Skylily, The Tailor and Leah. Rin and The Puppeteer are his closest friends and he views Leah as a sister. He acts as a father figure to Estelle and Jeremy. Cecil is his best friend, who he sees as a brother. The two of them can be very sincere and serious together but tend to feed into each other's energy and become rather chaotic. Usually, they have a third person with them to balance them out, generally either Eris or Z.

Plumae is generally very friendly and trusting. He tends to be extroverted and enjoys learning about other people and cultures. In his youth, he was very optimistic, however, postfall he tends to be more pessimistic (he thinks he is realistic) and somewhat cynical. He has a tendency to put others before himself and let his problems and needs go unfulfilled. He loves gardening, especially growing foods and has a hobby of baking. He'll pick flowers to make into flower crowns or arrangements for his friends and family to show that he cares.

~Form Breakdown~

Using varying levels of magic, Plumae is capable of altering his appearance to blend in with the people around him. His form can also change based on an overwhelming emotion (either love or despair) and is different based on the point in the timeline.

"Human" form- Note, there aren't humans in his world, this is just for reference. In this form, he will always be called Aaron. His sclera are white, his irises are green and his skin is tan. Dark sclera, cool/muted colors and any level of gray skin are all marks of a dark creature, so changing them helps Aaron to easily blend in. He is already rather short for his species and is still somewhat short in this form.

Normal form- He can be called Plumae or Aaron in this form, it depends on who he is talking too and who is around him. This form is inbetween his real look, it still follows human anatomy and he is still shorter than normal (height can vary, but will be 6" at most). It takes far less energy for him to keep up appearances like this. He may or may not have darker splotches on his skin and may or may not have missing eyes, that depends on mood and exertion. Lots of creative freedom, can mix and match scars and leg anatomy, anything inbetween his human and other forms.

(all other forms will be referred to as Plumae and will be his actual height of 6"8)

Prefall- Plumae will not have any of his scars or be missing any eyes in this form. In addition, his wings will be functional, however he never learned how to fly. The insides of his wings are covered in leaves and the backs are visible branches.

-The following forms contain various scars and their reference has a sensitive content warning, just in case-

Postfall- In this form, Plumae is missing both fatespinner eyes, his left eye, has stitches holding on his neck and wrists, has burns across his left side, has a large scar over and around his heart and has darker splotches of skin surrounding the majority of his scars. His wings have a sparse amount of leaves, they're burned at the ends and the branches and leaves are dying.

Spirit of Love- Plumae only has his burn scars in this form. He has all of his eyes and no dark skin splotches. His wings are stripped of any leaves and the branches are burned at the ends. No flowers grow on his wings or his left side, however they can still grow on the right side of his body as normal.

Spirit of Despair- Plumae does not have his burn scars in this form, however he is still missing eyes and has his other scars and dark skin splotches. His wings are somewhat dead, however there are still some leaves growing on them. Any flowers on his wings would be wilted.