Elias Acker



4 years, 2 months ago



  • Name Elias Acker
  • Alias Viridian Blaze
  • Age 27
  • Gender Male
  • Pronouns he/him
  • Sexuality Gay
  • Ethnicity Chinese/White
  • Occupation Green Lantern, Botanist
  • Residence Night City

He is a naturally bold and compassionate person. He is very open with his affections with the people closest to him, however he is slow to trust due to being abandoned in the past. He finds it difficult to open up about his own feelings due to closing himself off for a long time and only now getting used, or re-used, to people supporting him. With his friends and loved ones, he prefers to listen, but when he starts talking about the things he's passionate about, it's hard to get him to stop.

In his younger years he was extremely outgoing and rebellious, however past events have made him more quiet. He still seeks the approval and affection of others, but he's used to not getting it so he doesn't know how to ask or even try.


  • Rain
  • Plants
  • Floriography
  • Green
  • Listening to people talk


  • Fake plants
  • Red
  • Space
  • Getting lost
  • Museums


  • Guitar
  • Gardening
  • Cooking
  • Flower arranging


  • Reserved
  • Vindictive
  • Strong-willed
  • Considerate
  • Easily irritated


  • Bottled up anger
  • Stubborn
  • Impatient

Skills & Powers

  • Basic self defense
  • Indomitable will
  • Holder of a Green Lantern power ring
  • Red Lantern ring imbedded in his spine (gives him some Red Lantern powers)


  • Hair Short hair dyed light and dark green
  • Eyes Light brown
  • Skin Light pale
  • Marks Scar on his chest and on his back
  • Height 5'11"
  • Weight 169lbs
  • Body their body type
  • Clothing Light academia & grunge

Elias has short hair that is naturally black, but he dies it green, with most of it being a vibrant green but his bangs being a pale green. He has light brown eyes and pale skin. His Grecian nose sits squarely on his face under his less-pronounced browline.

In his first super suit as Viridian Blaze, he wears a ripped, light green jacket atop a black and green suit that is adorned with green accents that light up. AFter his arm gets ripped off by a Red Lantern, he changes his suit for a half cowl with his hair sticking out of the top and a different black and green suit without the jacket. He gets a prosthetic arm that lights up when he uses his Green Lantern ring.


Elias Acker was born to Alexandra Acker and Thomas Zhao in Hub City. Thomas left shortly after Elias turned 4, leaving Alexandra a single mother. When Elias was 11, Alexandra was diagnosed with late stage cancer. When he was 12, he witnessed a battle between two Green Lanterns, Hal Jordan and Raz’un, and a Yellow Lantern. Elias was caught in the crossfire but instead of running he punched the Yellow Lantern and Hal intervened before they could retaliate. Raz’un was killed in the battle and his ring chose Elias. After Hal defeated the Yellow Lantern, he decided to take Elias back to Oa. The Guardians decided that Hal would mentor Elias, so that Elias could continue living his regular life on Earth and learning how to be a Green Lantern. When Elias joined the Corps he would become very close with a Blue Lantern named Kholwa Ithemba and Elias viewed him as an older brother. Shortly afterwards, Elias came out as transgender to his mom, previously he had just been going by Elias around the Corps and other heroes, but hadn’t said anything to his mom yet because he didn’t want to add any extra stress on her. Alexandra accepted him without hesitation.

Elias and Hal would have a semi strained relationship, with Hal not wanting the responsibility of Elias and Elias trying his best to please Hal. They finally had their first real moment of bonding when Elias was 14, at his mom’s funeral. When Elias was 16, he first met Robin. He had of course known the masked hero by reputation, but they didn’t officially meet until a League mission paired the two up. Afterwards, Robin offered Elias a spot on the Teen Titans, which Elias accepted. He quickly found his place within the team and became closer with Robin after he opened up about being transgender.A year later, Hal needed Elias’ help again as a Red Lantern was loose on Earth. As Hal investigated, Elias and Kholwa stood guard until the Red Lantern came raging out of the sky and attacked them. The Red Lantern killed Kholwa and punched Elias in the spine so hard that a piece of the red lantern ring broke off and attached itself to Elias’ spine. While Elias was in the Justice League’s medical center, Hal up and left Elias. After that, Elias didn’t see a point in continuing to be a superhero so he left the Corps and pursued a degree in botany. He moved back to Night City.

While at university, he started fully transitioning and began seeing another student, Jayce Jackson. While Jayce helped him throughout his transition, he also made snide comments about it that made Elias uncomfortable. But he stayed with Jayce because he didn’t really have any other friends. It wasn’t until they were ready to graduate that Elias put his foot down when Jayce demanded Elias give up his dream job in order to stay together. They broke up and Jayce stormed out of Elias’ room and wouldn’t be seen again for quite some time. The whole ordeal kind of broke Elias and he finally reached out to the Titans for support, who immediately came to help. They helped him get back on his feet but he made it clear he did not want to be a superhero again, he still hadn’t healed from that part of his life. He started working as a botanist with a speciality in conservation for Kord Industries in Night City, trying to forget his life as a Green Lantern. He didn’t pick up his ring again until an alien crashed into the city and attempted to kill a few civilians. After that, he sort of rejoined the Green Lantern Corps as a reserve member, and would do some missions for them from time to time, taking up the name Viridian Blaze.

Shortly after picking the ring back up, Elias would begin to get close once again with Dick. After a while, the two started a relationship with each other. When Hal was possessed with the galactic entity, Parallax, he attacked and nearly killed Elias, stabbing his former mentee right through his chest. Shortly after, Hal Jordan died and Elias felt numb to it. Though he didn't blame Hal for his actions as Parallax, he was still bitter about being abandoned and he declined to speak at the man's funeral. Afterwards, Kholwa, being revived by an alien form of Lazarus, reunited with Elias and two quickly picked right back up where they left off.

Elias was attacked by another Red Lantern, this time they ripped off his arm to send a message to not only the Green Lantern Corps and the other Lanterns, but also Batman, who the Red Lantern had discovered had a loose connection to Elias. He ended up getting a prosthetic.


  • Elias first dyed his hair green when he lost a bet to Guy Gardner. The first dye job was poor, but Elias liked it so much that he continued to dye it.
  • Elias is super into floriography, so whenever he visits Dick, he always brings a flower arrangement that means something different each time.
  • He has cold hands.
  • Relationship Pseudo-father

Hal was Elias' begrudging mentor when he first joined the Green Lantern Corps. Elias and Hal have a complicated relationship since Hal was not prepared to take care of a kid which led to them being strained. Hal also left Elias after his encounter with the Red Lantern and only reappeared back in his life during the Parallax incident. Following that, they did try to mend their relationship, but it would never be the same again. Elias looked up to Hal until Hal abandoned him. They're still working on repairing their relationship.

  • Relationship Brothers

Kholwa (belongs to @the_usual_stuuf_wbu) is a member of the Blue Lantern Corps. Kholwa and Elias met shortly after Elias became a Green Lantern. Kholwa acted as an older brother to Elias and his death broke the young kid. He was resurrected later thanks to some aliens and he and Elias picked right up where they left off. Elias has always looked to Kholwa as a source of comfort and safety.

  • Relationship Boyfriend

Dick is the first Robin and now Nightwing, hero of Bludhaven. Elias and Dick met on the Teen Titans and were pretty close, but it wasn’t until Dick became Nightwing and Elias became Viridian Blaze that they started dating. While DIck continued to be a full time superhero, Elias would only help out part time because he still wanted a life outside of the mask. However, they were able to make their different lifestyles work.

  • Relationship Friend

Twila (belongs to @cherrybomb_artu) is the daughter of Hecate. They first met through Jason and Dick and became friends after that, going on countless missions together.

  • Relationship Pseudo-uncle

Guy looked out for Elias when he was a member of the Corps. Guy is really great with kids, and Elias is no exception. These two have a relationship built on mutual respect, even though Guy didn’t want Elias in the Corps (still doesn’t because he’ll always be a little kid to Guy). Transgender solidarity.