Kieran ??????




Name Kieran ??????
Orientation Homosexual
Age 123 Sweeps
Pronouns He/They
Handle wintryRevenant
Profession Crypt Keeper
Blood Color Lavender (#AD77E5)
Theme Class Clown

Calm, quiet and solemn, Kieran isn't exactly the friendliest troll out there. He keeps to himself, avoids conflict as best he can, and prefers to carry out daily activities on his own. He's quick to dismiss anyone seeking his attention, but he isn't heartless, so he'll help out if he deems it necessary. His tendency to isolate is a result of his mutated blood, and because of an accident that came as a result of his hue, he's now quite slow to trust... though not entirely averse. Kieran was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve, and very much prefers things that way. He beleives himself to be safer this way, and he's not entirely wrong. Overall, Kieran has much to work on, but for the time being, he seems comofrtable with where he's at.


  • Reading
  • Silence
  • The Unknown
  • Blueberries


  • Physical Contact
  • Loud Noises
  • Warm Temperatures
  • Idiots


Kieran currently lives within one of the largest gravesites on Alternia, and is tasked with upkeep. Unbeknownst to his employer, Kieran uses this position of his in order to speak with the souls whose bodies were buried there. With his unique gift, the mutant is able to see as well as communicate with the deceased, and often makes a point to help them out. Many trolls die every day, and Kieran finds peace in assisting their lost souls until the day they're ready to officially move on. He takes great pride in his work, but keeps the entire ordeal under wraps. He wouldn't tell a living soul of what he's capable of, as he fears it'll only bring trouble his way.


As a grub, Kieran truthfully didn't stand a chance. If it weren't for the kindness of a single jade, he would've been squashed into paint along with the other mutated grubs in his cluster. This jade's name was Amayah, and she had managed to save not only him, but a few other mutated grubs as well. With the help of a few jades within her circle, she and the other jades raised the grubs until they were old enough to leave the caverns. Amayah took on raising Kieran, while the others took care of the rest. Kieran remembers her fondly, and misses her as he would an actual lusus. From that point on, however, the young trolls were sent off into the world with only themselves to keep each other in check. Kieran wound up the head of the group, and did his best to help the trolls he now considered siblings. For a while, they did very well. With the skills taught to them by the jades, they managed to make a living for themselves as kids. Everyone had their designated tasks, which correlated with their particular set of skills... WIP

Teen Sweeps


Present Day




Amayah Ainnox [ Guardian - Deceased ]

After saving his life as a mutated grub, Amayah was the jade that took care of Kieran during the early stages of his life. She cared for him as a mother would, and the two became like parent and child. Kieran greatly misses her now that he's grown and far from the caverns, but all she had done for him in those first few sweeps greatly impacted his life for the better. Now while he isolates himself for his safety, and often comes off as cold, the lessons of kindness he was taught were not lost on him. He may express these teachings differantly than most trolls, but he's a better troll because of them... and he has her to thank. If she were alive today, he'd tell her just that.

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