


4 years, 2 months ago


*note that her ears are actually fluffy! Also please only use the first image in her gallery as a reference!
Basic Info
Name Seila
Nickname Seila
Age 27?
Birthday April 29th
Height 5'8"
Gender Female
Species Laceridae (Laceri)
Powers N/A
Origin Unknown
Blood Type Unknown
Orientation Heterosexual
Occupation Farmer/Commander
Status Alive
Worth N/A
  • Fresh air
  • Cooking
  • Physical activities
  • Animals and nature
  • Violence
  • Refusal to talk and compromise
  • Extreme methods
  • Seila is constantly struggling between what to do during the war. She doesn't agree a lot with what's happening, yet feels it's the only choice.
  • Because she used to live on a very unfertile planet one of the first things she did on Magnus was take a walk through a forest; something she had never seen in person before.
  • Seila mostly agreed to go with Venkat to keep an eye on him. She could tell he was starting to take things a little far, and wanted to make sure he didn't create irreversable damage.
  • TBA
Caring . Cheerful . Determined . Mediator

Seila is a very kind girl who strongly dislikes confrontation and violence. She doesn't fear these things as despite what her personality might imply, she's actually a very skilled fighter, but Seila does believe that it often hurts more than it helps. That said when things get desperate Seila is willing to forgo her own beliefs if it's the last option... and if it's for the benefit of everyone else. She won't give up, though, and is always looking for better solutions. Seila is also very charismatic and she tends to get on people's goodside very quickly. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so perhaps people can tell how sincere she really is.

Although it takes a lot to get her there, Seila can be very fierce when she's angered. Even if she tries not to resort to violence, she's very smart and knows how to use her words and voice well. Debate is something she's very good at, even if she would rather people just get along. For the most part though, she's a very relaxed and kind person who just wants to try and bring everyone together in her own way.


Seila grew up during very hard times. Although she was too young to have been born on Magnus, where her people originated, she was present for most of the hardships they dealt with living on their new home planet. Because food was in high demand that meant farmers were in high demand so, unsurprisingly, Seila grew up on one of the many farms attempting to ease the struggles for the Magnarians. Her family's farm struggled through the years, as did all the others, though they were considerably more well off than some others in the area either due to luck or skill. When she was in her pre-teen years a certain person would start to visit the farm more often in attempts to help. At the time she didn't know who he was, though it didn't take long for word to get around and for Seila to realize the young boy was, in fact, the young Magnarian prince Venkat. The relationship was completely formal in the beginning, but Venkat would eventually break down those walls and both of them would grow much closer through the years.

Things would only get harder for the Magnarians. The planet they hastily found a home on would not support them for much longer, and they all knew that. Seila wanted nothing more than for things to come to a peaceful solution, but all of their attempts to strike a deal with the new inhabitants of Magnus were failing. Venkat, frustrated and fearful of what would happen if they waited any longer, came up with a plan to take their old home planet back. Naturally, being someone who despises violence, Seila objected at first. As time went on and Venkat prepared for his plan though, Seila knew it was probably the only way and decided to support him. Even as the plan was underway Seila hoped there would be a way to make peace... and she worries that this war will only worsen Venkat's feelings towards humans.

Venkat | Fiance

Seila's fiance. She met Venkat when she was much younger and a simple girl who lived on a farm. She grew close with Venkat and Neas, who visited often, and despite his high status Venkat often helped her and her family out on the farm.

Neas | Close Friend

Seila's close friend. The two of them support Venkat in anyway they can as he has a lot on his shoulders, and they both help him to shoulder the burden. That said, after the attacks on Cleodora, they both start to fear that Venkat might be going too far.