Kaori Raville



4 years, 2 months ago


Kaori Raville

Basic Info

Theme xxx
Job Starbvcks barista
Age 21
Birthday 17th May
Gender Female
Pronouns She/They
Orientation Bisexual
Boyfriend Wolfe Fischer
Height 1,60 m
Voiceclaim Kinoko Teikoku
Design Notes

  • Fluffy, messy, thick hair
  • Freckles
  • Resting bitch face as default
  • Ears, left eyebrow, right nipple & hooha piercings
  • Smiles rarely
  • Short, thick eyebrows

  • Kaori is Korean. Speaks fluent English & Korean. Still learns Japanese.
  • Lives in a pretty small apartment located in I1, near to the Willsden Forest entrance.
  • Her apartment is pretty messy. Cleans it only when someone not-too-close to her comes over. Generally she spends most of her time outdoors/at other people's places, so her apartment mainly works as a place to sleep in and store her stuffs in peace.
  • Spends majority or her time at Keizo's and Gori's place.
  • Likes to bug Keizo whenever he's recording new videos for his YT gaming channel.
  • Knows a lot about Martial Arts & self-defense.
  • Always carries a pocket knife with herself.
  • Owns a Nintendo Switch.
  • Has a weak spot for N from Pokémon.
  • Owns a tiny collection of stuffed animals.
  • Obsessively buys new plants either for herself or her friends. She loves plants a lot and loves to take care of them.
  • Smells like cinnamon or flowers.
  • Able to hurt badly without hesitation if needed.
  • Surprisingly a picky eater. Pretty much avoids eating meat.


Kaori has a stoic and cold attitude to basically everyone. It doesn't bother her that people don't want to get to know her closer, being alone is okay too. Easily gets sassy around her friends and makes jokes that can quickly go too far once she warms up enough. Putting her cold attitude aside, she has a really caring and guiding personality as to she's heavily empathetic to people who are kind in the first place. Eager to make friends but doesn't make first moves yet moments where she's smooth since the very beginning happen as well at times. Heavily cherishes her friendships once she gets really close to people she gets along with. Loves to help people, check up on them and make them happy. Often gifts her friends with bought or self-made things out of nowhere; usually these are chocolates, cookies and cakes. Never means to hurt people but she's not really willing to change her entire cold personality part; she can go a little lighter on people at most.

Easily gets really hateful. Hard to gain her trust and really easy to make her completely untrustful towards you. Has really hard time forgiving people and she prefers to forget, never interact again and move on than to forgive and start the relationship all over again. Basically never gives second chances. Easy to tick her off but tries her best to remain calm. Gets violent and aggressive when there's no time given for her to calm down and collect thoughts.

・ Suffers from Asthma
・ Passive/aggressive


  • Sweets
  • Iced/Milk tea/coffee
  • Cooking & baking
  • Hanging out with people
  • Honesty
  • Helping people
  • Making people happy
  • Walking around the city
  • Evenings, sunsets
  • Raining at night
  • Rainbows
  • Flowers, plants
  • Playing volleyball
  • Swimming
  • Lakes, beaches
  • Playing (electric) guitar
  • Playing video/board games
  • Reading books
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Watching movies
  • Memes
  • Music
  • Fashion
  • Cottagecore
  • Sex (fav: Pegging)
  • Alcohol

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Drugs
  • Not being able to help
  • Stubborn attitude
  • Violence without any reason
  • Seeing people dear to her being sad/hurt
  • Heavy storms
  • People trying to humiliate her
  • People trying to tick her off on purpose
  • Nasty people, perverts
  • Walking all alone at night



I want to keep him as safe and comfortable as possible whenever he's around me. I have all my patience for him and I love to encourage him to talk more about himself and his interests. I want to know him as well as it's possible as the fact that I don't ever want to hurt him, I wouldn't forgive myself even if I hurted him by accident. He's extremely precious to me and he gives me the feelings I never really felt before, and by that I mean that he gives me a reassurance that this relationship really will last longer than I could ever imagine. And with all honesty, I'm really looking forward to be by his side forever. I love him the most.
Our sibling bond is really, really strong and I love to spend my time with him. It's hard for him to get serious which is either problematic or simply annoying as fuck and I need to snap him into reality pretty often but still, he's a really kind and friendly person. Doesn't know how to approach people and might be awkward but I always try to help him out. I just wish he knew when it's time to stop playing around.
I'm glad that she lives together with Keizo as so I can check up on them both at the same time. My little baby who is so heavily precious to me. I know it's easy to hurt her with cold attitude but I hope she got used to me and my personality just enough. She's one of the loveliest person I know and I'm glad she trusts me and gets along with me this much.
Gori's boyfriend that comes over at their place just to witness us messing around with each other in absolute chaos. Needs to deal with our shitty jokes that often go too far, especially when they're aimed at Gori. I hope you don't have too hard feelings on me or Keizo, we both really like to see you and we're always really happy when you come over.
Keizo's boyfriend. He seems to be a genuine person and I'm glad they ended up dating. Keizo deserves to be finally in a healthy relationship. Didn't talk much with him but I don't have any bad word about him to be honest.
I'm trying to have a little lighter approach on her. Good god, she's such a nice and cute person? The way she cherishes all her friends is something that makes me clench my heart. She's absolutely pure and wholesome and I'll have all the patience in the world for her. I love to encourage her to talk about her interests, hobbies and herself as a whole.
A really funky friend spotted at the skatepark back in the day. Putting his weird and a bit intimidating presence to the side, he's actually a really kind and lovely person! I just don't really enjoy the fact that he's doing drugs, heh.
A friend of mine that I really enjoy working with. His chipper and chaotic aura boosts up the mood at work each time and he fixes my mood everytime when it gets destroyed by some shitheads I see during the day. I really cherish him as my friend and I'd gladly spend more time with him.
I don't interact with her more than during working hours but she gives off an older sister figure vibes to me. She surprisingly hypes me up to harm people and covers my back whenever I fuck up?? That's really kind of her, to be honest? I can tell she likes to spend her time with me and I really don't mind spending my time with her either, she's nice to be around with. Bugs me quite a lot but surprisingly it doesn't annoy me at all.
Feeling pretty much uncomfortable around her but I keep on brushing it off. Like, she's okay to talk with and to joke around with, hell, her interests and hobbies are really cute, but she's still... really creepy... Maybe it's because of her empty stare and beeing creepily quiet.
Rest In Peace. No words to describe how much you meant to me and how much I miss you. You encouraged me to dig more into my hobbies and you made me feel way more courageous about things I do and about myself in general... Thank you.
You lost that spark of joy and happiness in your eyes once you got to know he's no longer with us. I know it's hard but I'm glad you keep going, you're really strong. I'll always be here to keep on supporting you as you mean so much to me. I love to hang out with you anytime. Take care.
My precious little angel that always does her best to cheer people up. It's so surprising how easily she moves on and how fast she forgives people. I just hope that she doesn't bottle up any of the negative emotions. I'll always gladly hang out with her and check up on her. She makes me so happy with her chipper presence.
Older sister figure. I've been sticking around with her for years as she makes me feel really safe. Great listener with never-ending patience. I look up to her a lot as she's my role model in helping, protecting and supporitng people. Generally an amazing person.
A close friend of mine that really changed to the better lately. I'm glad he keeps on moving on almost all by himself at this point. You look way happier. I'm glad you got to finally accept yourself a bit more. You're a lovely person and I'm always here to support you.
She's pretty awkward while interacting as I know she feels the most comfortable only around Eri and Dulce. You're doing great, though. You're getting better at socializing and you don't isolate yourself this much anymore which makes me simply really happy.
Never ended up getting along with her well enough and I don't think we'll ever get any closer at this point. I don't see her as a bad person but there's that weird bittersweet taste in my mouth when I think about her and I simply prefer to not get closer than I already am to her. I just hope she's taking care of her own wellbeing.
Did you even want to be a part of our group? You always looked like you're being dragged in there by force but you never spoke up about it. Like, no matter what we did you looked displeased and that was ticking me off a fuckton in the end.
My classmate back in highschool years whose hobbies and skills I was really interested in. I still see her visiting at my workplace from time to time and even if we barely talk with each other I'm still glad to see her and to check up on her.
Alan told us to stay away from him and I guess I'll just stick to that. I generally heard that Hyuutons are kinda fucked up and he definitely gives off this kind of feeling. He tried to approach me but god, I felt so uncomfortable by his presence.
I will slit your fucking throat and beat you to death you fucking skank. Human waste piece of shit.