


4 years, 21 days ago

Basic Info


Node of Aureate City


Monitor, Artifact Hunter


Domestic Cat (Van cat)


17 Seasons (4 1/4 years old)




-and I do my job well enough to keep my position. Yes. Some artifacts I find are never reported back to the Capital. Why? Well that is a complicated question. One might think of me a traitor if it weren't for the video evidence of said artifacts blowing up in my face after exiting their catacombs. Others may dismiss this notion and accuse me of illegal actions against Media and its people. Those notions are absolutely false and are only trusted by those drowned so far in denial that they aren't able to see the reports right in front of their faces.

-Interview of 'Node of Aureate City' from Stenotype's 'Miranda of Median's Innocent' pg. 234

Node came from the farthest reach of Media to Aureate City as a kitten. He got verified quickly and soon was on his way to a higher monitor title before his past deals caught up with him. Due to how he got a verified position so fast, Node was placed into one of the new worst jobs a Monitor could do alone. Artifact hunter. Usually anything magic is left to Nobles or strong handed Guards however Monitors started to preferred if these artifacts could be handled with little less drama and so created the hunter role to do so in relative peace. Node was the exceptional at this but lost a few artifacts due to traps and so is usually only a half time hunter.

Node watches out for himself first and foremost or so it seems. And while glad for his position, he would switch on the dime if and when the situation turns against his favor. He's no stranger to a change in strategy when it's called for.