
4 years, 1 month ago


     Fuzz is a bud. 

     This fuzzy little chum nearly always covers at least a bit of his left eye (right facing us) with that li’l leaf of his. 

     Fuzz is quite shy, but not cold. If someone needs help, he’ll try to help ’em. If someone would like to engage in conversation, he will. He’s just rarely ever the one to start a conversation. 

     He doubts himself constantly, but not so much that it blocks him from doing anything productive. No one really dislikes him, although he wouldn‘t mind if they did. Simply put, he’s notably afraid of being really stupid, so he keeps to himself a lot but still is there for people when they need it. 

Gender Identity: Male (Cis) 


  • “He/Him/His/Himself”

Species: Personified Peach 

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Panromantic (but mostly happens to lean toward males), Asexual

Birthday: September 7th, 2005 

Age: 17 years 

Personality & Similar: Shy, Intelligent, Modest, Humble, Friendly, Kind, Conscious, Reticent, Forgiving 

Representative Music: “Try to Remember“ 


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Writing poems, Listening to music 

  • Season: Autumn 

  • Colours: Beige, Warm Grey, Sage

*Last Updated: Wednesday, January 25th, 2023