Éva Carthaigh



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Éva Carthaigh
Age 58
Gender Female
Race Human
Role High Priestess of Mátheoir


Éva was left on the doorstep of the Monastery of Mátheoir as a baby─a beginning shared by many of the Order of Mátheoir. The priests and priestesses there raised her as one of their own, instilling a great faith in Mátheoir in her, as well as integrity and honor. She showed a natural aptitude for swordplay─especially when dual-wielding─that she used to protect and aid many innocents.

At the age of 30, she became the High Priestess of Mátheoir when the previous passed away of old age. Her amount of adventures greatly decreased with her new role, but on one of her rare excursions, she met a Fáidh--a prophet--who told a Prophecy of a One who would save the world from a coming evil and rule over all of Domhan. This One would be born in Amanthas on the night the Star of Creation appeared in the sky, but the Fáidh did not reveal where. Word of this reached the corrupt king of the kingdom of Verhirith, King Cillian, and the Order of Mátheoir's spies reported back to Éva his intent to murder every child born that night which his scholars had projected to occur five months from then. Éva decided to spread every single member of the Order across Amanthas─at least one to each town, and many to each large city─in preparation for the Night, scouting ahead of time and finding out who was due to give birth on the Prophesied Night.

When the Night came, the priests and priestesses of Mátheoir all stood guard at the births─including Éva─whisking the parents and newborns back to the safety of their monastery as soon as the children were born. Some births weren’t found out until the night of and the Order was too late to save them. Others were overwhelmed by soldiers and assassins of King Cillian’s and the children, parents, and Order members were killed.

Éva, herself, prevented the majority of the outcome of the last one when she heard screams in the streets of Bethagne, where she was overseeing the evacuation of parents and their newborns. She hurried to investigate and found ten of King Cillian's soldiers standing over the dead body of a man, about to kill his wife and child. Éva arrived too late to save the mother, but she defeated the soldiers in time to recue the child. Éva named this child Aileen and brought her back to the Temple of Mátheoir where she raised her as her own alongside the Twenty other newborns saved.





Aileen Kearney ( Adoptive Daughter )
"Ever since I saved her twenty-three years ago, when she was but a newborn, she's been the daughter I've never had. I would do anything short of breaking Mátheoir's commands for her. And even when I remove myself from my obvious bias, I still stand by the fact that she is one of the most prospective of the Twenty. She embodies all the qualities Mátheoir values: kindness, empathy, integrity, honor, justice, truthfulness, and goodness."


Senan Eason ( Ally & Acquaintance )
"This young Magicweaver possesses wisdom beyond his years. No doubt, no small thanks to Tormaigh's guidance, but he can call much of it his own. And his resolve to safeguard those who come under his protection is admirable. I am glad he is one of the companions my daughter is travelling with to complete her Task."


Tormaigh Stormcaller ( Ally )
"I do not think Senan fully comprehends the true nature of his hawk friend. For surely this is Tormaigh Stormcaller, Lord of Storms, the Dawn Herald! I have heard much of him and his Kind in the eariler texts of the Script of Mátheoir. For the coming days of darkness, I suspect his and his Kind's allegiance to Mátheoir will soon need to be called upon..."

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