


4 years, 2 months ago



Reone Osuna

21 ✦ Female ✦ Human ✦ Bisexual

Just a normal girl. Right?


Reone is a 21 year-old girl just starting her life on her own. Growing up in the city, she desires a new life in a quieter town. Finally having the means to do so, she expects to live a relatively peaceful existence in her new town, but when an alien scouts her as the perfect person to help channel the alien's power, her life ends up not being peaceful at all.


Reone is a normal young girl with pale skin, green eyes, and long, straight dark brunette hair. She is average height, around 5'5''. Her favorite thing is goth/punk fashion, so she is often seen in very "loud" gothic attire, which stands out among the citizens of a small town.

Magical girl:

When transformed with Evie, Reone takes on a much different appearance. Her hair and eyes take on the white and red colors of Evie's, respectively. Reone's magical form is very unlike Reone's personal style in general, and it is much more reminiscent of Evie's taste. Her wings and halo are made of an amorphous solid matter, and Reone has complete control over the shape and place of them. Her wings are too small for her body, but they work by Reone willing them in her mind to take her up; likewise, she can grab her halo and shape it into weapons or any other object she pleases, most often a bow and arrow.

  • Gothic fashion
  • Peace
  • Being alone
  • Social media
  • Rae
  • Crowded places
  • Fighting
  • Feeling alone
  • Home
  • Takoyaki


Reone is simultaneously a very extroverted and introverted individual. She loves her friends when she has them and seems like an open-book type of person when you first meet her, but in reality, Reone finds it very difficult to communicate with people. Reone is just an incredibly anxious person who is good at pulling it off to others like shes okay. She finds herself stopped from reaching out due to fear of not being liked or accepted by others, and she will assume that she will make a fool of herself if she tries anyway. Part of the reason why she wishes to leave the city is because she imagines that she would have an easier time in a smaller community, but internal dilemmas do not necessarily go away simply by moving somewhere else.

Once Reone feels comfortable with someone, she reveals herself to be a kind and passionate person. Even if she struggles, Reone is the type of person always trying to improve herself or work on something new. If she really feels okay in a situation she can also be quite sarcastic sometimes.


An alien who convinces Reone to help her use her powers. Evie contains immense magic potential within her, but needs a vessel to allow her to use it; however, although it might seem like Evie is just using Reone, she comes to care deeply for her, and the two become genuine best friends.


Another young adult who lives in the quiet town to which Reone moves. Cyrus is a clever yet kind and genuine individual who immediately charms Reone soon after they meet. Cyrus forms a crush on Reone's magical form, yet he is unaware that the two are one in the same.


Reone's little sister whom she leaves behind when she moves away. Reone loves her sister immensely and she is the person whom Reone misses the most once she leaves. Despite usually wanting her space when it comes to other people, Reone will happily let Rae stay at her place for as long as she wishes.

profile html by Hukiolukio