


4 years, 2 months ago



Evelyn Agnes

Female ✦ Alien ✦ "Eee-Vee"

A blinding light


Evie is an alien who runs away from home, seeking refuge at Reone's home. Her body contains extremely powerful magic compared to others of her species; however, she states that she has no way to make this magic flow out of her body on her own. Therefore, she pleads with Reone to allow her to possess her body so that Reone can use this magic. Evie says that she needs someone to be able to use her magic at a moment's notice for the sake of protection, but it is unclear what Evie wants protection from.


Evie is a creature who is made up of amorphous white matter. She has no internal skeletal structure, so she can shape her body in any way that she pleases, but her species tends to stay in a human-like form. Her body is packed to the brim with magical potential, but she cannot use it herself, so she takes advantage of her ability to fuse with others to have a vessel channel her abilities for her. She has short, clumpy hair and red eyes. Her entire body radiates a pink glow.

The matter that her body is made of is unlike anything seen on Earth; it would be considered nothing short of real magic to humans. Its properties defy known laws of physics. Evie is actually able to make herself invisible to all humans except those whom she touches because of the strange properties of her composition.

  • Humans
  • Snacks
  • Video games
  • Eavesdropping
  • Magic
  • Boredom
  • Responsibility
  • Her homeworld
  • Vegetables
  • Feeling powerless


Evie is very bright and cheerful, both physically and emotionally. She is very energetic and loves to be around other people. It kills her to feel bored or have to hide away, even when she knows that she has to. She loves to life live the easygoing way, just letting the days pass by eating snacks and watching tv, or going out to do something fun like an amusement park. It is really hard to make Evie truly mad, though she may pretend to be annoyed sometimes.


The human whom Evie chose as her vessel. Evie invited herself to live at Reone's house, much to her dismay at first, but they become genuine companions over time. Evie cares for Reone and does not want her to be hurt due to Evie's problems.





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