Sorano Kasumi (Old Info)



Name Sorano Kasumi
Alias Sky Hero, Hurricane
Birthday May 2
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 154 cm
Hair Color Half Brown, Half Blue
Eye Color Light Blue
Blood type O
Quirk Air Space
Occupation Student
Affiliation U.A. High School
Status Alive
Fighting style Varied Combat


  • When asked about it Sora generally tells people that her hair is so long because her mother forces her to keep it that way. When in reality, she herself elects to keep it that way as a way to hid the burn scar on her back.
  • Sora absolutely loves Pocky! It’s her all time favorite snack.
  • Sora has a pet bunny, a little gray one named Daisy.
  • Sora works as a part-time waitress at a small coffee shop on the weekends.
  • Sora’s U.A. Data is as Follows:
    • Student No. 3 in Class 1-A
    • Got in on Recommendations
    • Ranked 3rd in Aizawa’s quirk apprehension test
    • Ranked 2nd in class 1-A’s mid term grades
    • Ranked in the top 8 of the U.A. Sports Festival First Year Stage
  • When I first created Sora her name was Hinode Kirino and she had a fire based quirk.
  • Sora’s hero name is paying homage to her grandmother, who is a retired pro hero.
  • Sora is a total arachnophobe and will flat out refuse to even enter a room if she knows there's a spider there.
  • Sora’s necklace contains a special device that prjects a large collection of pictures on a hol-screen when opened. The pictures range from when Sora was a small child to pictures of her an Katsuki in the present.
  • Sora doesn't mind most scary movies in general, but put on a zombie movie and she’ll run away screaming. The concept of zombies is the one thing she hates more than spiders.
  • Sora's Japanese voice is Ayane Sakura and her english voice Cherami Leigh.
Keen Intellect
Despite playing dumb a lot of the time, Sora is quite intelligent and puts this intelligence to good use. She observes her opponents as she fights and uses these observations to her advantage.
Enhanced Endurance
Due to the way she was trained the nature of her quirk Sora has above average endurance. She can take a hit that could finish someone easily and still get back up and keep fighting.

Air Space Emitter | Close or Long Range

Sora’s quirk is combination of recessive genes inherited from her grandmothers. It allows her to manipulate the density and pressure of the air, generate wind gusts and levitate. She can manipulate the air within a 25 meter radius of herself. Inside this space she is capable of densitizing the air to the point that it crushes her opponent or making it so thin that it becomes hard to breath. On the other hand, changing the air pressure allows her to create massive shock waves often accompanied by a massively loud thunder like sound. To release the pressure and return the air to normal all Sora has to do is touch the tips of her index fingers together.

The other half of Sora’s quirk allows her to generate wind gusts with a flick of her wrist and levitate. Sora has some control over how strong her wind gust are, but more often than not it depends on her mood. The more intense the emotion she‘s feeling the more powerful her wind gusts will be. Her levitation works in a similar fashion, often responding to her mood and feelings. While it may seem like a simple ability, Levitation is actually the ability Sora has the least amount of control over. Without her weights, her movements become chaotic and difficult to control.

Due to the nature of her quirk Sora’s body can withstand ten times the amount of pressure a normal persons can. She can also take hurricane force winds without batting an eyelid. Despite this Sora’s quirk can cause her serious damage in the right situation. Going over her max pressure point can crush her and her wind gusts can worsen wounds, depending on how strong the gust are and the severity of the initial wound.

Another disadvantage to her quirk is that the longer it’s in use the harder it gets for Sora to breath. When she gets close to her limit she’ll start coughing and hacking. The further past her limit she goes the worse it gets. She’ll start coughing up blood after a while and eventually collapse from exhaustion.

  • Prehensile Hair
    Due to a mutation that she inherited from her mother, Sora can use her hair like it were an extra arm. All she has to do is think about what she wants it to do and it will perform that task. She often uses this in conjunction with her actual quirk in battle.
Super Moves

Air Lock
Sora compresses the air around her opponent, crushing them to the ground until she releases the pressure.
Sora compresses the air around herself to ten times its normal density and then quickly releases it, generating a massive shock wave and deafening thunder like sound.
Air Cannon
Sora blasts a focused jet of air at her target, knoking the wing out of them upon impact.
Head Wind
Sora creates a huge wing gust that blows away anyone it's path.
Cyclone Strike
Sora creates two massive cyclones of air and then combines them. Creating a mosterous detructive force.

Hero Costume
Sora's Hero Costume is specifficlay design to help her better control her quirk as well as negate the negative effects on her body.
  • Sora Suit
    The main part of Sora's cotume. Made from a strong fabric designed to be lightweight and breathable.
  • Sora Boots
    Sora boots, designed to help cusion landings and ehance kicking power. They have springs and cusions built into the soles to maximize effect.
  • Resperator Mask
    Sora resperator, desinged to keep her going when the affects of her quirk start getting to her. It will help her keep breathing normaly when using her quirk for extended periods of time.
  • Visor
    Sora's visor is equipped with a a high tech microchip that allows her to compile data on her opponent, communicate with her teammates and send and receive information to an outside source, any information gathered or received will be transferred to her phone.
  • Weights
    The weights Sora wears around her ankles and neck help her to control her movements while levitating. They also help her build muscle strength and endurance.
  • Compact Air Cannons
    Sora’s gloves are part of the air cannons she uses to control the flow of her wind gusts. The gloves have a special sensor on the palm that reads Sora’s fingerprints to activate the air cannon. She can then change the strength of the air flow using a dial at her wrist.

Sora is an energetic, bubbly and in your face girl with a real sassy streak. She will pop up when you least expect her to and join in the conversation, even if she doesn't know what's being talked about. She loves to be with her friends and excels in most social situations. She is intensely loyal and has a habit of butting in whenever she sees someone picking on her friends. She has developed a reputation as the “I don’t and won’t put up with bullies” kind of person because of this. She especially hates seeing people getting picked on for things they can’t control.

Despite being to loyal for own good, Sora is also extremely stubborn and dislikes working in groups. She likes to take charge and can, more often than not come off as bossy. She has a nasty temper and is not afraid to throw a punch if she thinks it’s necessary. She often jumps in without thinking when her temper is running high which often leads her to getting into trouble. More often than not she doesn't care though. Her mentality is, if hitting someone who deserves it gets me grounded, then so be it. Sora also tends to get pretty vicious when she gets to angry.

Underneath her energetic, hot tempered and confident outer shell Sora is extremely vulnerable. Due to the way her mother treats her she has acquired the mentality that the people who say they care about her really don’t. Sora doesn't let these insecurities show often and tries her best to hide them for fear of being laughed at. On the rare occasion that they do come out, Sora will take to continuously asking things like “Do you really care about me?” and “You like me, right?”. Only the people closest to her have seen this side of her personality.

She would never openly admit it, but Sora is a hopeless romantic. She loves the idea of finding her prince charming and is absolutely obsessed with the concept of The Red Thread of Fate. Ask her about though, and she’ll turn into a right little tsundere.


  • Anything Blue
  • Fantasy Adventure Novels
  • Being in Charge
  • Ice-Cream
  • Plush Toys
  • Bunnies

  • Spicy Foods
  • Hypocrites
  • Most Bugs
  • Green Beans
  • Being Underestimated
  • Being Bossed Around
I will become a great hero! No matter what you think!

Sora is the youngest daughter of the well known Pro Hero Viper (Kiku Kasumi). From a very young age Sora was fascinated by the idea of being a Pro Hero, this fascination was fueled by the fact that she came from a long line of them. Sora was only three when she decided that she was going to be a pro like her mother and grandmothers before her, and nothing was going to stop her. Sora began observing her mother, as well as other pro heros, taking in everything she saw and committing it to memory. Impressed by her drive Kiku decided to show Sora some of the other aspects of being a pro. So, shortly after Sora’s fourth birthday Kiku had the little girl and her nanny spend a day observing the everyday proceedings at her agency. Sora loved watching her mother's various sidekicks and interns as they went about their business and begged to see more. Kiku obliged, giving Sora an in depth insight into the world of Pro Heroes and even introducing her to some of the top ranked heroes of Japan, including Endeavor and Best Jeanist. Sora was even more keen on the idea of being a Pro after this.

During her first few years of schooling Sora was homeschooled. Studying lessons with her tutors in the mornings and doing some simple training with her mother in the afternoons. It was during this time that Sora’s quirk came to light. In years prior everyone believed her to have the same quirk as her mother. But, through training and a few chats with her grandmother, Sora discovered her actual quirk. She could manipulate the density and pressure of the air around her as well as levitate. This revelation angered Kiku, who had always coveted her mother's powerful, flashy quirk. Seeing Sora manifest such a similar power was almost infuriating. Sora, on the other hand, was ecstatic, she couldn't wait to put her newly discovered quirk to the test.

Over the next few years Sora began to get bored with the same old routine. By the time she was eight Sora was completely sick of it. She began begging her mother to let her attend the local public school claiming that she wanted to make some new friends and hang out with other kids her age. Kiku reluctantly agreed, on the condition that Sora continue her training after school. Sora agreed without hesitation. Beginning her time at public school the next week.

Sora entered her new school with a bit of a bang. It seemed to be common knowledge to her classmates that the daughter of a famous pro had joined their ranks and many of them pestered her to see if it was true. Sora happily answered the majority of the questions posed to her, acquiring plenty of new playmates in the process. Within a week Sora had talked to almost all of her new classmates.

About three weeks after her arrival Sora discovered that one of her classmates, a boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya, was constantly getting picked on for being quirkless. Sora, who hated seeing people getting picked on for things they couldn't control, started butting in to protect him. It was this habit of intervening that lead to her first encounter with Katsuki Bakugou. Sora disliked him almost immediately, seeing him as an egotistical jerk.

Outside of all the craziness that was school, Sora was still required to train with her mother. Kiku was harsh and often worked Sora to the point of exhaustion, claiming it would help improve her endurance. Sora believed this until what has come to be known as "the Incident". Sora's mother was training her to capture and apprehend villains. Sora was playing the hero and her older brother Haru was playing the villain. About half way through the exercise Kiku noticed that Haru was going easy on Sora and, to supposedly give Sora more of a challenge, decided to provoke him into using his quirk. Haru lost his temper and control of his quirk because of his mother's taunts. This led to Sora ending up with third degree burns. After this incident and Sora's recovery Kiku got even harsher. She saw the injury as a failure on Sora's part and began working her to the point of collapse almost daily. All of this caused a build up of stress and negative emotions in Sora that she began venting through her fights with Katsuki. Over the next few years, Sora found herself relying on the ill tempered blond as a way to escape the fear and pain her mother was causing her and that didn't go unnoticed. Perturbed by the sudden bout of almost unnecessary intensity in their fights Katsuki began doing some digging eventually discovering what was going on with Sora and why she was acting the way she was. After that it became clear that the two's relationship was starting to change.

The beginning of middle school was when this realization really hit. In the time since the incident occured, Sora had grown to need Katsuki and that scared her. She didn't want to believe that the person she hated the most was the only thing keeping her sane. Sora, in an effort to distance herself from him, slowly began withdrawing. Keeping to herself, oftentimes flat out ignoring the explosive hot head. This led to many occasions where Katsuki would corner her and, in an effort to get things back to normal, try to get a rise out of her. He rarely if ever succeeded though. Sora was completey indifferent to his bull shit. That is until their third year.

Sora was waiting outside the classroom for Izuku one day when she heard a commotion inside. Overcome by curiosity she made her way over to the door, just in time to hear Katsuki say:

"If you wanna be a hero so bad I've got a time saving idea for you. If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life… go take a swan dive off the roof!"

Sora, who wasn't in the best frame of mind at the time anyways, snapped when she heard this. Before her mind had even registered that she'd moved she was in the classroom yelling herself horse at Katsuki, who was sitting on the floor massaging a bruised cheek. Sora had been so blinded by pure, unadulterated anger that she had punched him before even realizing what she was doing. Katsuki didn't seem too fazed by this though. On the contrary, he seemed somewhat pleased to have finally gotten a reaction, albeit unintentionally, out of the girl who had been ignoring him for too long now.

A little while after that little scene and helping Izuku retrieve his notebook, Sora found herself headed in the direction of a commotion going on in the shopping district. She was still in a pretty foul mood, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her once again and it didn't hurt that there were rumors running around that All Might himself had been after the perpetrator of the disturbance. Suddenly a loud bang went off, forcing everyone back, still Sora pushed on finally making her way to the front of the crowd. What she saw when she got there terrified her. The villain, who looked to be some sort of sludge monster had managed to capture someone and, the longer she looked, the more familiar that someone seemed to look. She only realized that it was Katsuki that monster had gotten a hold of when Izuku wnet tearing past her into the frey. A whole slew of emotions were battling it out inside her as she watched the scene unfold. A part of her wanted to rush forward and help and she was mere moments away from doing so when All Might appeared and saved the day.

In the end it was witnessing that incident that ended up bringing to light several new feelings for Sora. Feelings that she never thought would see the light of day, feelings related to Katsuki. As much as she hated herself for it Sora realized that she had fallen for the explosive hot head. Afraid that he might figure her out she started trying to further distance herself from him. But the more she distanced herself the closer she wanted to get, and that scared her. Absolutely positive that Katsuki wouldn’t return her feelings, Sora tried to shove them aside. Only for them to resurface again when a rumor that he actually did like her reached her ears. She was skeptical, but at the same time wanted to believe what she was hearing.

As the school began to draw to close and the U.A. entrance exams drew nearer all thoughts of boys were temporarily driven from her mind. Sora’s mother doubled down on her training and Sora worked herself to the breaking point, studying. When the exams finally rolled around Sora was tired but sure of herself. She thought she did okay on the written portion and managed to get third in the practical. She was a little unsure about the interview , but looking back on it she thought she did a decent enough job. Sora wasn’t all that surprised to find out she’d got in, being as her mother had spent the entire week after the exams telling her that was a shoo in.

Umeko Hirmashi Maternal Grandmother

When Sora was a young child Umeko would often come and take of her and her siblings while their parents were at work. So Sora ended up developing a strong bond with her grandmother at a very early age. Umeko was a retired Pro Hero and would often recount fantastic stories about villains she'd caught and cases she'd resolved, which Sora would listen to with rapt attention. One the key reasons Sora wants to Pro is because her grandmother encouraged her. Umeko had always been impressed by Sora's drive, despite how young she was, and never missed an opportunity to tell her so.

But, After Sora's real quirk came to light she began seeing a lot less of her grandmother. Umeko could've been a valuable resource to Sora in learning how to use and control her quirk and that's exactly why she was being kept away. Despite this, the two still maintained a close relationship.

Moriko Kasumi Paternal Grandmother

Sora wasn't nearly as close to her fathers mother, but they still got along fine. For the majority of her life, Moriko spoiled Sora. She was always showing up with expensive gifts as well praise and encouragement. Sora loved how upbeat and friendly she was, preferring Moriko's company to her own mothers at times. Sora was devastated when Moriko passed away and resolved shortly after to do her best so that all the encouragement she'd been given wouldn't have been a waste.

Despite being busy with work, Shirou always seems to find time for Sora. They are extremely close and rarely ever fight or argue. Shirou is kind and non-confrontational, so he isn't much of a disciplinarian, often preferring to talk things out instead of handing out punishments. Sora feels safe telling him about her problems because of this. Shirou is always willing to sit down and listen when Sora needs him and never fails to offer sound advise. Sora considers him the best dad in the world.

Kiku Kasumi Mother

As a small child, Sora adored and idolized her mother. For years Sora would declare proudly to anyone who asked "Yes! My mommy is the Pro Hero Viper!" At first Kiku loved seeing how enthusiastic Sora was and did everything she could to encourage her.

This all changed after Sora's quirk manifested. Kiku began to resent her daughter for inheriting the quirk that she herself had missed out on. This lead to her slowly growing colder and harsher towards Sora. At first Sora was happily oblivious to her mothers attitude and continued to show enthusiasm and excitement about her quirk and becoming a pro. But as the years went by, Kiku's attitude became more and more noticeable until Sora could practically feel it burning her every time she got to close to her mother.

In recent years, Sora's relationship with her mother has only deteriorated further. Kiku is often very aggressive and even flat out abusive towards Sora when they are alone and treats her with a sort of cold indifference when they aren't. Sora has come to fear being left alone with her mother and tries to avoid it all costs.

Haru Kasumi Older Brother

Sora and her brother are pretty close, though they do argue here and there. Most of their disagreements stem from Haru's over-protectiveness. Ever since he hurt her during a training match, Haru has made it his mission to protect her from any and all danger, including the danger of fake or untrustworthy friends. Sora hates bringing new friends over to visit because Haru with do everything he can to find out weather or not their trustworthy, especially if their boys. His antics have driven away more people than Sora can count over the years. At this point, Sora has learned to keep quiet when she makes a new friend.

Despite how over protective he is, Sora still loves her brother and is always willing to spend time with him. They can often be found tinkering with something Haru built, playing video games or DnD or else just reading together and discussing their books.

Noriko Kasumi Older Sister

Sora and Nori are completely insufferable. They never really fight and are constantly laughing, joking and swapping stories. Nori is the glue that hold the three siblings together. Stepping in when Sora and Haru are arguing and resolving the situation.

Much like Sora, Noriko is a hopeless romantic, loving nothing more than to help those around her with their romantic problems, especially Sora. Nori acts as Sora's love councilor, helping her figure out her feelings and decide weather it's worth it. It helps that, unlike Haru, Noriko is perfectly okay with idea of Sora having a boyfriend and is willing to do anything to help her get one. She never misses an opportunity to tell Sora to follow her heart and to not let anyone tell her what to do. Nori's encouragement is one of Sora's biggest confidence boosters when it comes to dealing with her emotions.

Katsuki Bakugou Rival/Boyfriend

Sora and Katsuki haven't always had the best relationship. In fact, they started out as the bitterest of enemies.

They met in elementary school at the age of eight. Sora saw Katsuki picking on Izuku and decided to intervene. The animosity between the two was practically tangible. Over the next few years Sora and Katsuki's mutual dislike for each other only seemed to deepen. They would constantly fight and argue. They even started competing with each other over almost everything. Things changed, however, when they were ten. Sora's home life was starting to go sour and she was to afraid to tell anyone. So she started using fighting with Katsuki as a way to vent all the negative emotions she kept pent up. Katsuki noticed the newfound intensity in her and started wondering where in the hell it had come from. He started keeping a closer eye on Sora and, by the time they were in middle school, had a crude idea of where all that intensity was coming from. He also discovered, through his observations, that there was a lot more to Sora than meets the eye. Much as he hated the idea, Katsuki found himself starting to fall for her.

Sora, meanwhile, having realized how much she relied on Katsuki began trying to distance herself from him. Unfortunately, the more she pushed him away the closer she wanted to get, and that scared her. Even so, by the end of sixth grade year Sora was certain that she was in love. Positive that Katsuki wouldn't reciprocate her feelings, Sora did her best to hide them. But he figured her out.

The two spent the next few years playing emotional hide and seek with each other. Both looking for a chance to confess. They finally found that chance after the sports festival and have been going steady ever since. They aren't particularly open about their relationship, preferring to keep things casual when out in public. But, don't be fooled into thinking they don't care. When left alone or around close friends, Sora and Katsuki are perfectly willing to be affectionate towards one another. At this point they have a sweet, trusting and passionate relationship built up from the ashes of rivalry.

Shoto Todoroki Childhood Friend

Sora and Shoto first met when they were around four years old because their parent were working together on a case.

Sora took an almost immediate liking to Shoto and did everything she could to make friends with him. He was a bit put off by her energetic, in your face, super upbeat approach to everything at first and didn't really engage. That is until the topic of pro hero's and quirks came up. The ended up talking for ages, theorizing about what quirks they might get in the future and bonding over their shared dream of becoming pro's. They spent much of their first few meetings discussing how cool the pro's were and how much they both wanted to be just like All Might. All in all it seem that the two were well on the way to becoming the best of friends.

However, they started seeing less and less of each other after their respective quirks manifested. For about a year and a half Sora wasn't sure if she would ever see her friend again and would continuously beg her mother to find out what was going or else pester her as to why she wasn't allowed to see Shoto anymore. To Sora it felt like an eternity before she finally saw him again.

When they were finally allowed to see each other again, Sora was shocked and a bit put off to discover everything that had happened since they'd last met. More often than not she found herself staring in horror at the scar that now framed Shoto's left eye. Despite not really understanding the gravity of the situation Sora still tried to be a good, supportive friend. But something was just... off. Shoto seemed colder and more reserved, which was more than a little bit unnerving to Sora. Even so, she still liked him and did everything she could to maintain their friendship. Through her persistence and effort, the Shoto she had known started coming out again.

Over the next few years after their reunion, Sora acted as an outlet. Letting Shoto vent his emotions to her and doing her best understand. They both had to deal with a harsh, overbearing pro hero parent that expected to much of them and were able to commiserate with each other about this fact. By the time they got to U.A. they thought of each other more like siblings than friends.

Ichigo Kaori Childhood Friend/BFF

Sora and Ichigo first met when they were little more than two years old. Their mothers had been childhood friends so they were introduced very young.

Ichigo with her quiet, soft spoken personality is a nice contrast to Sora with her bubbly and temperamental personality. These differences in their personality's only brought them closer together over the years. Then again, they were pretty much insufferable from their very first meeting.

Now a days they can be found scheming about how they plan on debuting as heroes, shopping at the mall or singing karaoke together.

Izuku Midoriya Good Friend

Sora first met Izuku when they were eight years old. Sora hated seeing how their classmates picked on Izuku for being quirkless and began defending him. Maintaining that it was wrong to pick on someone for something that was out of their control.

At first Izuku couldn't quite get his head around why the daughter of famous pro wouldn't look down her nose at him to. The simple answer to that question, as Sora stated multiple times, was that she genuinely liked him. She enjoyed his company and loved to look over his shoulder as he doodled little notes about the pro hero's. All trough elementary school Sora made a point to hang out with him; listening with interest and amusement to his ramblings about All Might, defending him from Katsuki and his little gang and encouraging him energetically to follow his dreams. By the time they got to middle school Sora though of Izuku as one of her best friends.

However, a problem occurred, at least in her eyes, when Sora found herself falling for Kastuki. Sora considered it betrayal of the highest degree to fall for the boy who had bullied her friend for so long. She caught Izuku quite off guard when she tearfully begged for his forgiveness and told him about her feelings towards Katsuki. It took a lot of convincing on Izuku's part to prove that he didn't think falling for Katsuki was betrayal of the highest. Once she was convinced Sora began asking Izuku for information about Katsuki, something that she still does to this day out of pure curiosity.

Tomoko Aoi Good Friend

Sora and Tomoko first met at a summer camp when they were about twelve years old. Tomoko bounced over to Sora and introduced herself within a few minutes of arrival, ecited to meet the daughter of a famous pro hero.

Tomoko reminded Sora of her sister with how upbeat and slightly ditsy she was, so the two made friends quite easily. About a week after they first met the two were the best of friends. They goofed off at every turn, annoyed their bunk mates with endless jokes and generally had a good time.

After that first summer the two remained in contact, sharing stories about their respective classmates and schools and coming up with schemes and plans about everything and anything they could possibly do. By the end of middle school they had become each other's personal cheerleaders in a way.

Sora first met Okami on the first day of school. She found his quirk fascinating, wanting to learn more about it after watching him in Mr. Aizawa's quirk apprehension test. She approached him after he defeated her in All Might's battle trial, intending to introduce herself. But before she could say a single thing he started apologizing over and over for hurting her during their match. They were finally able to have a normal conversation a few days later and ended up becoming fast friends.

There's only one thing that annoys Sora about Okami, and that's his habit of apologizing constantly. Sora is continuously having to tell him to put a lid in it, so they get back to whatever they were doing.

Mina Asido Friend

Sora and Mina met through Ichigo, who was friends with both.

After being introduced the two hit it off almost immediately, laughing, joking and sharing funny stories with each other. Both being hopeless romantics, Sora and Mina would often end up talking about who in their class they thought would look cute together and/or theorizing about who could potentially have a crush on who. Occasionally acting on their guesses just to see if they were right. They rarely were but that didn't stop them.

About a week after meeting, Mina figured out Sora's crush on Katsuki. Sora was highly embarrassed by this at first. But Mina stared encouraging her to go for it, maintaining that Sora would be so cute with the explosive blond. In the end Mina ended up playing Sora's Wing-Girl, trying her best to help her friend get the guy and celebrating with her when she finally did.

Sora made friends with Kei after the sports festival. She admired the hotheaded girl for her strength and stubborn refusal to give up even when she was pushed to and past her limits.

Sora and Kei get along well and will sometimes train togeather. They are both facinated by the others quirk and will end having very intriging converations about what they think their quirk could be capable of and how they could possible reach these ideals.

Sora finds it somewhat amusing that Keiryo just can't understand why she puts up with Bakugou. She's has tried to explain it a couple of times now but Kei just can't get her head around why someone as nice and fun as Sora would want anything to do with a big old jerk like Katsuki.

Sora and Ayaka made friends shortly after the sports festival through Todoroki.

Shoto wanted to introduce his new friend to his childhood friend and the two ended up hitting it off. Sora and Aya get along well and have, on many occasions made poor Shoto feel like a third wheel.

Ayaka often comes to Sora when she has questions about Shoto and how he functions. Poor girl dosen't know what to do with her socially inept baby and Sora is always willing to help her figure it out.

Sora and Kisa met on the first day of school and ended up becoming friends shortly before the final exams.

Kisa didn't think much of Sora at first because of her connection and relationship with a person she deemed un-herolike, Bakugou. This didn't stop Sora, however, from trying to befriend her. Sora did eveything she could to befriend Kisa, eventually earning her resepect after she stood up and pointed out "It's not fair to judge me based on the person that I love! You have every right to hate him but don't hate me just because of my relationship with him!"

The two have been on pretty good terms ever since.

Sora first encountered Mitsu during the sport festival.

Due to the latter possessing a spider quirk Sora was initially quite terrified of her, even going as far as to hide whenever she saw her. Mitsuki, who was used to people jumping at the sight of her, was quite forgiving. She made an effort to try and befriend Sora and through that persistence helped Sora get over her fear.

They discovered a shared love of fantasy adventure novels and will spend hpurs at a time talking about them. They even started a book club.

Sora first met Ryuko around the same time she met Mitsuki.

Sora and Ryu were both facinated with the others quirk and ended up striking up a conversation about quirk mechanics during the intermition.

Despite some of her friends (Megumi and Neito) telling Ryu not to go making friends with the enemy, she went and did it anyways. She and Sora get along well and can more often than not be found training togeather.

Rin Takuma Friend

In a similure fashion to how she met Izuku, Sora first made friends with Rin after defending him from a bully.

They were eleven when Sora first came to his rescue. Rin had always been teased for having a "lame" quirk and seeing Sora vehemently declaring that how powerful his quirk was didn't matter and that he should be judged by his personality made him happier than he'd ever been. Sora encouraged him to be happy with the quirk he had and to not let any jerks tell him it wasn't cool. Rin ended up developing a huge crush on Sora because of this.

After sixth grade, Rin lost track of her, having moved over the summer break he started seventh grade at a different school. He almost gave up hope of finding again, that is until he go into U.A. He was ecstatic to discover, during the sports festival, that she was in the hero course there. Desperate to talk to her again he cornered her during the intermission and ended up confessing his feelings to her.

Sora ended up rejecting him, apologizing profusely as she did. At this point they are just friends, often stopping to chat about what books they've been reading or to gossip about their classmates. Rin is even willing to help Sora and Mina with their quests to discover who likes who, thinking of it like a grand adventure and generally getting a laugh out of the results.

Ken Hatobureika Frienemie

The two first met in passing during their first year at U.A. But never really interacted with each other until the sports festival. Hato was extremely cold and standoffish towards Sora at first. Sora didn't find out why until later, when Rin introduced them properly.

Hato was less standoffish towards Sora when Rin introduced them, but he was still a little cold which put Sora off. She later discovered that his attitude towards her was purely because she had supposedly stolen his first crush from him and rejected his current boyfriend before he got to him! Sora found this amusing and, despite Hato's reluctance, tried to make amends for unintentionally hurting his feelings. At this point they get along fine, majority of the time good-naturedly teasing each other or else debating certain subjects, much to Rin's amusement.

Shota Aizawa Homeroom Teacher/Mentor

Upon first meeting him Sora was put off by her homeroom teachers seeming lack of interest. To her, he seemed like he didn't even want to be there.

Sora's opinion of Mr. Aizawa started changing after the U.S.J. incident, after she saw him rush head on into the fray to protect her and her classmates. Sora admires his ability to look at things rationally, even if she doesn't quite understand it.

Best Jeanist Mentor/Idol

Due to her mothers status as a high ranking Pro, Sora got to meet Best Jeanist when she was a little child. She took an almost immediate liking to him, seeing him as an exemplary hero. As she got older, Sora grew to idolize him

When internships first first rolled around Sora excitedly took the opportunity to study under him. She had already put into practice many of the ideas that had had learned from just watching him on TV and was over the moon about the chance to learn some more from the master himself.

Sora was excited to find that over the course of her internship Best Jeanist seemed to take note of her knowledge of and commitment to his ideals. He saw Sora as an exemplary student and didn't seem to mind the idea of taking her on as a sidekick a few years down the road.