Sorano Kasumi (Synopsis)



2 months, 8 days ago


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Sorano Kasumi



Born the youngest of three to Pro Hero Kiku Kasumi (Viper) and respected police chief Shirou Kasumi; Sora grew up right at the center of the hero world! Fascinated by the idea of being a Pro Hero from a very young age, she idolized her mother and many more, following any news she heard like a moth to a flame. Sora had just barely turned five when she made the executive decision that she was gonna grow up and be a great hero like her mother and grandmother before her… and nothing was going to stop her.
Sora practically became her mothers shadow during this period of time, following her around and listening in on all the pro hero stuff she could. She wanted to learn everything she could about being a hero as fast as she possibly could! Impressed by her daughter's drive Kiku decided to properly introduce her to some of the ins and outs of being a hero. Sora Soaked it all in like a sponge, from spending days at her mother's agency to accompanying her to charity events, everything was something little Sora wanted to be a part of.

During her first few years of schooling Sora was homeschooled. Studying lessons with her tutors in the mornings and doing some simple training with her mother in the afternoons. It was during this time that a snafu regarding Sora’s quirk finally came to light. In years prior everyone believed her to have the same quirk as her mother.
This, however, was not the case. Discovered shortly after Sora's sixth birthday, the little girl's true quirk was a mutation of her grandmother's that allowed her to manipulate the air around her in various ways. Sora was ecstatic to discover this, becoming even more invested in the idea of becoming a hero now that she knew she had a “mega cool and powerful” quirk to back her up; her mother, meanwhile, was beside herself. Kiku had always coveted her mother's powerful, flashy quirk while demeaning her own. Seeing Sora manifest such a similarly powerful ability was almost infuriating! Oblivious to her mothers frustration, Sora was more excited to continue her training then ever, she couldn't wait to put her newly discovered quirk to the test.
Though each lesson and exercise only served to make her angrier, Kiku did her best to continue with Sora’s training, she wanted to help her daughter achieve her dreams… yet the bitterness leftover from years of living in her own mothers shadow just wouldn’t leave. Kiku began subconsciously being harder on Sora… increasing the difficulty of her training little by little at a far more rapid pace than was initially intended. Thinking this was normal, Sora rolled with it, excited to learn more.
This routine continued for the next few years until Sora found herself starting to get bored. While she liked her tutors and enjoyed her training, she was also sick of seeing no one but her tutors and family, by the time she was eight years old she’d had enough. She appealed to her parents, begging to attend the local public school instead of continuing with homeschooling. Her biggest selling point being that she wanted to make some new friends and hang out with other kids her age. While initially against the idea, Kiku eventually caved and allowed Sora to enroll at the local public school under the condition that she continued with her training.

Sora entered her new school with a bit of a bang. It seemed to be common knowledge to her classmates that the daughter of a famous pro had joined their ranks and many of them pestered her to see if it was true. Sora happily answered the majority of the questions posed to her, acquiring plenty of new playmates in the process. Within a week Sora had talked to almost all of her new classmates.
Not too long after her arrival Sora discovered that one of her classmates, a boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya, was constantly getting picked on for being quirkless. Sora, who hated seeing people getting picked on for things they couldn't control, started butting in to protect him. It was this habit of intervening that led to her first encounter with Katsuki Bakugou. Sora disliked him almost immediately, seeing him as an egotistical jerk.

Outside of school, Sora was still required to train with her mother. Kiku was far harsher than ever before and often worked Sora to the point of exhaustion, claiming it would help improve her endurance. Sora happily believed this until one specific training changed it all. Kiku had decided to run an exercise centered around capturing and apprehending villains that day with Sora playing the hero and her older brother Haru reluctantly playing the villain. About half way through the exercise Kiku noticed that Haru was going easy on his sister and, to supposedly give Sora more of a challenge, decided to provoke him into using his quirk. Stressed by his mother's unrelenting taunts, Haru lost his temper and control of his quirk. Unable to dodge fast enough, Sora ended up with third degree burns covering a good chunk of her upper back bringing the training session to an abrupt stop. Haru was mortified by what he’d done and, while Sora doesn’t blame him, still refuses to use his quirk around her to this day.

It was after this incident and Sora's recovery that Kiku seemed to go from harsh to downright cruel in her training methods. She saw the injury as a failure on Sora's part and began working her to the point of collapse almost daily. This, on top of the stress of catching up on school work caused a build up of stress and negative emotions in Sora that she began unknowingly venting through her fights with Katsuki. Over the next few years, Sora found herself relying on the ill-tempered blond as a way to escape the fear and pain her mother was causing her and that didn't go unnoticed. Katsuki was quick to pick up on the increase in intensity, not that he really cared too much in the moment, it just made picking a fight with Sora more interesting.

Middle School

It was around the beginning of middle school that Sora began to realize how much she’d come to rely on her rival. In the time since that training incident occurred, Sora had grown to need Katsuki and that scared her. She didn't want to believe that the person she supposedly hated the most was the only thing keeping her sane. In an effort to distance herself from him, she slowly began withdrawing. Keeping to herself, oftentimes flat out ignoring the explosive hot head. This led to many occasions where Katsuki would actively try to get a rise out of her, whether that be through trying to pick a fight with her directly or by picking on Izuku with her around. He rarely if ever succeeded though. Sora was completely indifferent to his bull shit. Instead deciding to just walk away, all the while maintaining her famous peppy attitude. That is until their third year.

Sora was waiting outside the classroom for Izuku one day when she heard a commotion inside. Overcome by curiosity she made her way over to the door, just in time to hear Katsuki say:

"If you wanna be a hero so bad I've got a time saving idea for you. If you think you'll have a quirk in your next life… go take a swan dive off the roof!"

Sora, who wasn't in the best frame of mind at the time anyways, snapped when she heard this. Before her mind had even registered that she'd moved she was in the classroom yelling herself hoarse at Katsuki, who was sitting on the floor massaging a bruised cheek. Sora had been so blinded by pure, unadulterated anger that she had punched him before even realizing what she was doing. Katsuki didn't seem too fazed by this though. On the contrary, he seemed somewhat pleased to have finally gotten a reaction, albeit unintentionally, out of the rival who had been ignoring him for too long now.

A little while after that little scene and helping Izuku retrieve his notebook, Sora found herself headed in the direction of a commotion going on in the shopping district. She was still in a pretty foul mood, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her once again and it didn't hurt that there were rumors running around that All Might himself had been after the perpetrator of the disturbance. Suddenly a loud bang went off, forcing everyone back, still Sora pushed on finally making her way to the front of the crowd. What she saw when she got there terrified her. The villain, who looked to be some sort of sludge monster had managed to capture someone and, the longer she looked, the more familiar that someone seemed to look. She only realized that it was Katsuki that monster had gotten a hold of when Izuku went tearing past her into the frey. A whole slew of emotions were battling it out inside her as she watched the scene unfold. A part of her wanted to rush forward and help and she was mere moments away from doing so when All Might appeared and saved the day.

In the end it was witnessing that incident that ended up bringing to light several new feelings for Sora. Feelings that she never thought would see the light of day, feelings related to Katsuki. As much as she hated herself for it, Sora realized that she had grown to like the explosive hot head. Afraid that he might figure her out she started trying to further distance herself from him. But the more she distanced herself the closer she wanted to get, and that scared her. Absolutely positive that Katsuki wouldn’t return her feelings, Sora tried to shove them aside. Things between them went back to relative normalcy in the months leading up to the U.A. entrance exams, nothing but petty little arguments and competitions to be on top.

As the school began to draw to close and the U.A. entrance exams drew nearer all thoughts of boys were temporarily driven from her mind. Kiku doubled down on her training and Sora worked herself to the breaking point, studying. When the exams finally rolled around Sora was tired but sure of herself. She thought she did okay on the written portion and managed to get third in the practical. She was a little unsure about the interview, but looking back on it she thought she did a decent enough job. Sora wasn’t all that surprised to find out she’d got in, as her family had spent the entire week after the exams telling her that was a shoo in.


Entrance Exam Arc







Quirk Apprehension Test Arc







Battle Trial Arc








U.S.J. Arc







U.A. Sports Festival Arc







Vs. Hero Killer Arc





