Avery's Comments

What is Panromantic demisexual? I'm deeply intrigued about it.

I like his versions of Pride better then original one. Cause they are not so vivid. I would like to create Pride in pastel tones. 

Panromantic is someone who is attracted to someone regardless of gender identity; like, they tend to be attracted to people of any gender. But the demisexual part means that they only feel sexual attraction towards those they have a strong emotional bond with.

Thanks for explanations. What is the difference between Panromantic and Bisexual?

Bisexual suggests attraction to two genders, usually male and female. Pansexual is, the way I see it, less strict than that. Some people don’t identify as male or female, and a pansexual might be physically attracted to someone even if they aren’t male or female. “Pan” refers to “all”, and “bi” means “two.”