
4 years, 1 month ago


Full Name: Avery Chauttil
Species: Gemmismae
Gender: FtM Male (He/Him)
Age: 21
Height: 5'2
DOB: Sadri 3
Gem: Green-purple Ammolite (Uncommon)
Personality Traits: Soft-spoken, supportive, creative, ditzy, independent, optimistic,
Occupation: House painter/decorator
Likes: Paint (including finger-paint), art, organized chaos, trinkets, humming, skipping, heights, margaritas, emo music, carrying a paint-stained backpack
Favorite Thing: Cloaks/capes, though doesn't wear them often, and sugary nutty treats
Dislikes: Interference, being told "no", fighting, most bugs, anything near his neck
Fears: Spiders*, being buried
Romantics: Panromantic demisexual, would prefer a single partner
Relationships: Knows Ischael, Verity, Freyja; dating Midna. (Nyx is his future child.)

-A bit bashful about his body, won't go out in revealing clothing unless he's with close friends.
-Loves to go to clubs and parties though he gets tired out easily.
-Loves to sing while he's at work. He also prefers to be left alone if he's occupied with a task, and can be a bit stubborn about doing things his own way. He loves letting his creativity shine, and can get a bit cranky if he feels stifled.
-One of his favorite pastimes is reading fan fiction, though he can be secretive about it. He claims that some stories helped him when coming out as trans.

-He finds “Pride” on Earth fascinating since being LGBT is treated as more familiar on Ditee-ath. Avery especially adores Pride flags and has created a bunch of his own inspired by the ones he’s seen. 

- Gemstone: Green-purple Ammolite (Uncommon)
- Ears: Bunny (Uncommon)
- Horns: Antlers (Uncommon)
- Eyes: Goat (Uncommon)
- Teeth: Beast (Uncommon)
- Wings: None (Common)
- Tail: Furry base (Exclusive)
- Legs: Bunny (Common)
- Ability: Dark (Uncommon)
- Mutation: None
Overall rarity: Uncommon

Obtained Apr 2020 (Trade) / Masterlist #83