Phillip (AU | Parafacility)



4 months, 2 days ago



Name Phillip
Nicknames N/A
Species Human? Probably?
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him | They/Them
World Parafacility
Role Parafacility Patient & Staff
Songs X

SUMMARY: PPhillip.gif
   Phillip is a very upbeat and cheery lad! Especially in comparison to who he's tied to. He loves acting silly and goofy, and trying to make people smile! He loves absurd adventures and statements, and really enjoys meeting people from all sorts of different universes, it's just so cool!    

25956579?1708708111 Eddie --- THEY SHARE A BODY!!
Phillip finds Eddie quite frustraiting to deal with, though they'd never say this aloud. He's slowly peicing his story together, and does have quite a bit of sympathy for him, though its hard when he's constantly bringing the mood down.
23713646?1696273424 Nikki --- FRIEND!!
Nikki is so good at games!! Phillip is a fan of Nikki!! She has cool lightning magic and he likes how she talks and enjoys joking around with her and wants to see her again!!
25296480?1705192382 Missy --- OTHER YOUNG STAFF!!
Phillip is sort of afraid of Missy!!! She's really rough and mean to Eddie and she tried to punch them but she's got a cool sparkly tail and ears so its!!! fine!!!
25983339?1708829275 Georg --- BIG STAFF!!
He's nice to Eddie and big and fluffy and he sometimes lets Phillip hug him even though Phillip can tell he doesn't really like it!!! He likes that they watch out for him and try to keep Eddie from barrling into danger!!!
25385010?1708106846 Roy --- COOL GUY!!!
Phillip really likes Roy!! He's super duper nice and kind and fun and caring and coolheaded and he comes with free snow!!! Roy is so awesome and nice and cool!!!
25373793?1705597974 Detective Fleming --- FRIEND!!!
One of Phillip's favorite people he's met at the facility so far!! He really likes Walter a lot and thinks about the fact he tried to protect him and came along to help even when he didn't have to... Phillip wishes he hadn't gotten him in trouble!!!!
25341875?1705429710 Gladiator --- COOL BOSS!!
10000% better than Rom!!!! She's cool!! though sometimes also scary!!! But also she's stressed a lot so he doesn't blame her its okay!!! He thinks she's a super great boss.
25567820?1706634852 MushRom --- old boss!!
Rom was really mean to phillip!!! Rom was not his favorite person !!! Phillip feels really guilty that he's sometimes glad Rom got bit... They didn't get along at all!!!

+ When Eddie is asleep! It means he gets to do what he wants... even if its only for a little while
+ SILLY TRINKETS! Rubber ducks, pipcleaners, confetti, anything fun and colorful, he's probably somehow got it!

+ Dying!! Sure it's not perminant but it's still sort of freaky!!!!!
+ The sound of jingling bells, its a little haunting now!!!!
+ Raw potatoes, he can't explain where this dislike comes from!!!

   Its weird!! Phillip remembers details, but the spesifics make him squint. Some things are so terribly clear in his mind, but others? The details fade away from his grasp!! Whenever he's changed, he can remember all the spesifics of that lifetime, even after that AU form leaves, he can remember lil things from that life!!

but his own?
its weird! Faded! Fuzzy! General!

   Its fine though he doesn't care!!! He's here at the facility now anyways, it's way more fun here than he would've thought! Sure he's attached to someone else and can't do all the fun things he wants, but that's okay!! He still gets SOME fun time to himself, and gets to meet all sorts of people and have fun!! And maybe when he's cured he can stay right here and keep meeting more fun people!!

+ Will put stickers onto the doors of people he's fond off when he passes by them
+ Likes to skip instead of walk!
+ Says the word "Gasp" whenever he gasps

Code by TigToggle, based on "Box on Rox" by cheeriko
with inspiration from Aurorean, tgCodes and icecreampizzeria