Kara Milano (ch03)



3 years, 9 months ago




Kara Castora; CH03.
Kara's Reference; PLEASE USE THIS.

Kara has grown up a lot since those days back when she was only 17. Now a well traveled 36 year old woman with five children, she's settling into the humdrum routine of life. But what you see is not quite so.

Kara now spends an ample amount of time working at the Milano Company. Her father has since stepped down due to his health, with her elder brother, Jamie, becoming the new head. Jamie immediately appointed Kara as his co-runner, and they help each other out immensely at the company. She has become quite the breadwinner, leaving her now-husband Ryoji to care for their children and manage his own PKMN nursery.

Things aren't quite as clean as that though. Kara harbors a dark secret. When Kara was 20 years old, she began an affair was Sam. This was not very long after giving birth to her first daughter, Piper, fathered by Ryoji. By this point, she was married to Ryoji. This affair started when Kara took pity on the single Sam, who became a struggling single father. As she'd go over often to help him with finances, bills, taxes, and household duties, the two slowly became closer and closer. Rather than turning away from their feelings, the two began an affair. 

It has been 16 years since that affair began, and it hasn't let up. In fact, Kara is positive one of her sons, Carter, is actually fathered by Sam. Still, she hasn't gathered herself to tell Ryoji and break it off. Not yet. In fact, the plan to break it off is set back when Ryoji is kidnapped by a militia group- one whose gathering very particular people. Those with high skill sets that deal with PKMN. Raidin is also kidnapped.

Kara is working from the outside to keep her kids, the Tabora family, and the Austin family calm. No matter how much she no longer wishes to be romantically involved with Ryoji, she doesn't want him dead. It's a race to save Ryoji and Raidin.



Kara Castora
August 12
Unova, Castelia City
Current Home:
Unova, Castelia City

"Ryoji, why are you asking me if I want a kiss? We're married!"

"Sometimes... I kinda wanna say no, though..."


  • Kara has traveled to several regions on vacation. 
  • Any PKMN not native to Unova were gifts from her parents from their travels.
  • She works at the Milano Company. She is the right hand man to the current owner; her elder brother, Jamie.

Design Notes

  • She's noticeably busty. 
  • Her hair is in a messy bun.
  • She typically wears lipstick and has her nails done.
  • She now wears glasses.


Serperior - ♂ - quirky
Arcanine - ♂ - mild
Haxorus - ♀ - naive
Gigalith - ♀ - sassy
Galarian Ponyta - ♀ - calm
Weavile - ♂ - bold



Name: Ryoji Castora

Relationship: Husband


It's not that she doesn't love Ryoji- she does. But she's not in love with him, and that's what she's realized all these years later. Kara finds herself exasperated with her husband, but has tried so hard to push past these feelings and continue loving him like she did when she was younger. The honeymoon phase is over; and with that, her romantic feelings for him. Obviously she does a decent job at hiding her displeasure, as Ryoji hasn't quite sensed it yet. Her feelings to him? "It's like I'm raising six kids, actually."

Name: Piper Castora

Relationship: Daughter


Kara's first child, and what a firecracker to start with! Piper took all of the natural social and extroverted traits of her parents and then threw in a bit of fire for added pizzazz. Kara knows her daughter has the drive to go far and the backbone to stand up for herself, and she's happy! They generally get along, and Kara is proud of how far Piper has come all these years.


Name: Jojo Castora

Relationship: Son


Jojo is the family problem child; second born child and the elder of a set of twins, he came with his own feelings and thoughts. He's always act before thinking, vocal about his stance and ruled by his heart. He can bring up a lot of drama in the family, but he's still Kara's son and even though he drives her up the wall, she loves him. She also acknowledges that sometimes hard love is the answer, and he's the one punished most often. 

Name: Stella Castora

Relationship: Daughter


Stella is the third Castora child and the younger sibling of the set of twins. Kara is thankful to Stella, who tends to be more shy and introverted than her twin, but Kara knows that Stella still encourages and supports whatever Jojo does. Kara worries that Stella won't be able to survive life without her brother at her side the entire time, but she's still young! No need to separate them yet. She relies on Stella to keep Jojo as grounded to reality as possible- a tall order to ask, sure, but desperately needed.


Name: Carter Castora

Relationship: Son


Fourth Castora child, and the most different of the bunch. Kara has always noticed that Carter is reserved, gentle and thoughtful- using logic as well as emotion. Always thinking before acting. His tics remind her of Sam- perhaps, too much so. Deep down Kara knows this is really Sam's child, not Ryoji's, but she hasn't gotten the courage to say so. She tries not to treat Carter different with this knowledge- she loves him all the same, no matter whose child he is. She also trusts him the most in the whole household- possibly including Ryoji.

Name: Marco Castora

Relationship: Son


Oh, little baby brother Marco. Kara's youngest and the source of many grey hairs. Marco is a ball of hyper activity, constantly on ten different ideas at once. He's a tough one to keep up with, but he's a good kid. Just active! Kara does her best to satiate any attention he's craving with whatever wild trick he's trying to show; it's good to fuel kids' confidence, after all! 


Name: Sam Austin

Relationship: Friend, Secret Boyfriend


Now here is somebody on Kara's level! Intelligent, witty, gentle and yet firm. Kara was blinded by Ryoji's flashy personality when they were younger and immediately jumped ship with him- not really giving Sam a second thought. Not until they were often alone as young adults, to actually realize who the other was. Sam matches Kara's approach to life, he feels like a stable rock- somebody she can rely on. And it was hard to not fall for him. It's been 16 years since she started cheating on Ryoji- and she knows in the end, she wants Sam by her side.

Name: Maci Tabora

Relationship: Friend


Kara is absolutely charmed, still, by Maci! Truth be told, she's a bit jealous of the blissful glee that Maci shares in her married life with Raidin. But Maci's warmth and happiness helps melt Kara's own tangled feelings. Kara can tell Maci anything- well, almost anything. She has no come clean to her about the affair with Sam. Mostly because Maci is his little sister, and she knows that saying it aloud will mean they have to finally address the situation, even if she's not fully ready to.


Relationship: Friend


Raidin has changed a lot, and Kara is proud! Kara sees how much more confidence he's gained- alongside having a backbone and putting his foot down on his own feelings and thoughts, rather than trying to make others happy. He's still like the glue to the friend group, and somehow Kara still sees him as the unofficial leader of the band of five. She rarely gets to see him though, because the two have demanding jobs.

Name: Jamie Milano

Relationship: Brother


Kara's older and only brother. Kara thinks he's a big slacker and maybe a bit timid- not the best qualities to take over their father's company. Especially considering he's quite cutthroat and uncompromising.  Truth be told, she's also a little bitter knowing the Milano Company has gone to Jamie. She understands he's the elder one, but she also feels it'd still go to him if she was older, simply because he's the boy. Sometimes those bitter feelings rise and she lashes out at him; but in the end, they're on good terms.


Name: Axel Berlitz

Relationship: Friend


Kara's old friend growing up. The two have blessed, wealthy lives and get along great. Axel has always been a more soft and gentle boy, which made it easy for Kara to drag him around during events as kids. Even into teenage years, it's clear she often calls the shots. But it's because of his soft and gentle nature that Kara also seems to baby him and treat him with kid gloves- not that she thinks Axel notices or would object. They get along great, but it's clear the line is drawn at friends.

Name: Celio Calvani

Relationship: Friend


Where Kara and Axel get along great as total opposites, Kara and Celio are just two sides of the same coin. Both are strong, fiery personalities that won't bed for anybody. Sharp tongued, quick wit and strong opinions; that's what makes both of them up. But there's a deep respect towards the other, and that's why they stay good friends. Another wealthy child Kara has known since childhood. Kara knows Celio can be a bit underhanded, so when she needs to vent or talk about something a little more dubious or questionable- like her affair- Celio is easy to talk to. He has his own skeletons in the closet! So she knows he won't judge, but give his honest input.
