


4 years, 2 months ago


253 (43 when bombs fell)
He / Him
German Putrid Glowing Ghoul
Doctor & Therapist



Vernie is a very laid back and relaxed guy, he likes to make dad jokes  and make people laugh, but tends to laugh at his own jokes when no one  else does. Vernie also likes to sleep. a lot. He tends to pass  out on his clinic desk and most of the times, hes taking naps. He enjoys  it when people come into his clinic to talk to him, and he often tells  story of his life before the war. He sometimes doubles as a therapist  when needed. Vernie just likes to act like a dad with everyone 


  • Sleeping
  • Fancy Lads Snack Cakes
  • Board games
  • Traveling (even though he rarely does it)


  • Yao Guai
  • People who takes life too seriously, someone who's always serious and doesn't know how to calm down and have fun
  • Working with electronics
  • Drama


Vernie was born in Washington, Both of his parents were german and for  the most part spoke german. Once Vernie was just about old enough to  start attending school, his family started to teach him english, and  took english classes in school.
Vernie graduated from college and  became a doctor when he was 25, and soon after, he moved to the  commonwealth. A few years after, Vernie fell in love with a lady and got  married.

When news that bombs were going to drop was broadcasted,  Vernie tried taking him and his wife into the car to drive away to  safety, but during the ride, the bombs fell, and the wind force caused  his car to crash. When he woke up, he found out that his wife did not  survive the crash.

Vernie stayed away from everyone during his  transformation into a ghoul, hiding away in an old abandoned building  that he found. Due to turning into a Putrid Glowing Ghoul, his transformation was a bit more painful than most. He didn't know how people were going to react to it and  was scared to find out, but sometime after he transformed, a caravan  group found him, and invited him to travel with them, which Vernie  agreed.
Vernie traveled with the caravan group for a few years, and  fell in love with someone from his group. The caravan group traveled all  around the commonwealth, and sometimes went out of state for their  trips, Vernie enjoyed it a lot.
During one of their trips, they got attacked by a pack of feral ghouls. Vernie was the only survivor.

Vernie  left the caravan career after that, and decided to just travel as a  doctor around the country. He stayed in a few states before coming back  to the commonwealth, and made a clinic on the south western side of the  commonwealth, near the glowing sea, and stayed there permanently, and  even though he got painfully lonely most of the time, he stayed.

One  day he got woken up by fighting near his house, and decided to go  investigate. When he got to where the fighting was, he found Whisper,  who had passed out after killing a hoard of feral ghouls. Vernie took  him back to his clinic and patched him up. After that Whisper visited him a few times.

After Whisper took in Deegan and tried helping him with his legs, he went to Vernie for help, and after that Whisper offered to let Vernie stay at The Treehouse, and that's when Whisper decided to make it bigger.


• Has a glowing mole under his eye

• His hair always seems to be tangled, he tries to keep it brushed as best as he can

• Vernie is a non-feral Putrid Glowing Ghoul


• Voice Claim is Sasha Nein from Psychonauts

• Owns a pet cat who's missing one of her front legs

• Always wanted to be a dad, and now that he can't, he just acts like a fatherly figure to everyone

• Vernie is so tall due to mutation, since he's a Putrid Glowing Ghoul


unknown.pngWhisper | Good Friend

Whisper invited Vernie to The Treehouse after Vernie once saved his life  out in the wasteland. Whisper often comes into his clinic and talks to  him. They bond by both being pre-war.

Screen_Shot_2020-04-19_at_6.28.53_AM.pngRoger | Friend

Vernie met Roger when he was introduced as The Treehouse doctor. Roger  occasionally comes into his clinic for checkups. Vernie thinks hes funny  and entertaining, just a little bit stupid

unknown.pngDarryl Caro | Friend

Vernie met Darryl when he was first introduced as the Treehouse doctor.    Darryl was scared of Vernie due to how tall he was, but lost that fear    when he first went to his Clinic. Darryl now often goes to Vernie's    clinic to see if he can remove the tattoo on his chest, and Vernie    almost acts like a therapist for Darryl. Vernie is also someone Darryl    looks at as almost like a fatherly figure.

unknown.pngAlan Russell | Acquaintance

Vernie met Alan when Whisper introduced them to each other. Alan occasionally comes by for checkups and other medical help.

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