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Fallout 4 oc


  • CREATOR Snapitkeeper
  • DESIGNER Snapitkeeper
  • VERSE Fallout
  • ROLE Treehouse Leader | Railroad Member
  • VOICEJacob Frye (Assasins Creed)
  • THEMELink


Whisper is my Fallout 4 oc. In this Falloutverse, Alan is the Sole Survivor, who is one of Whispers best friends. Whisper is prewar, but got out of cryogennic slumber a few months before Alan.

Whisper runs and is the creator of The Treehouse, a safe place underground for the minorities of the wasteland. Whisper is also a member of The Railroad.

  • AGE 246 ( 36 when bombs fell )
  • BIRTHDAY August 6th
  • HEIGHT 6'1
  • RACE Human
  • ETHNICITY Half British half Irish
  • OCCUPATION Treehouse Leader, Railroad member, Local good-doer
  • RESIDENCE Commonwealth
  • STATUS Alive



Whisper is a fairly quiet person, and tends to keep to himself most of   the time. Whisper tends to talks very quietly out of habit.
 He's  very laid back and understanding, and he loves to help people. He loves  to make people smile and so he tends to  crack jokes here and there,  some tend to fall into the line of Dad Jokes, he seems to find that the  funniest part. He tends to accidentally act like a dad sometimes without  realizing it. When comforting people, he tries to be there for them,  but is kinda bad with words, so he just offers to let them vent to him.  Whisper is also bad at comforting because if he sees someone crying  he'll probably start crying, hes a sensitive little baby.
If he  notices someone's upset, sometimes he'll drop by their room and drop in  something they like right inside of their door, and then leave without  saying anything further.
He also tends to tease people a lot, but in a  very fun, harmless way. He likes to joke about people liking each  other, and if two people are close hes bound to make some sort of joke  about them having crushes on each other.
Whisper also tends  push  himself a little too hard, most of the time ends up getting himself   hurt. He has a fear of being seen as a failure, so he tries to help  everyone he can. He tends to get a little upset when people tell him to  take a break or take care of himself better, mostly because he doesn't  know how to.



Whisper was born in England and lived there for most of his life. His   mother was British and his father was Irish. Whisper was an only  child.  Whisper's birth name is Ethan Bissett.
Whisper grew up  to become an engineer and did it up until the bombs came down. Whisper  was mainly skilled in technology and electricity.
When  Whisper was  about 20, his mother passed away, and so he was left growing up with his  dad. For almost Whisper's entire life, he never came out to his dad,  because he knew he would react badly.
When Whisper was about 27, he  moved out of his dad's house, and ended up falling in love with a man at  his job, they dated for a few years, and when Whisper was 33, they got  married. When Whisper's father found out, he raged, and threw a whole  bunch of threats at him, and so Whisper and his husband packed their  things and moved to the Commonwealth.
Whisper and his husband moved into Sanctuary, where he became acquainted with his neighbor, Alan.


When the bombs fell and everyone was sent to Vault 111, Whisper's  husband didn't make it through the cryogenic slumber, and when Whisper  first  walked out of the vault, he broke down crying. Due to Whisper  being in so much despair, he started to take chems and started drinking,  and soon fell into the addiction.
Within the first few months  of being out in the commonwealth, he found out about the Railroad, and  decided to join them. There is where Whisper got his name, when they  asked what his name was, he told them that he didn't go by his birthname  anymore because it reminded him of his past and so they asked him what  he would like to be called, and that's when he started to go by the name  Whisper, named after one of his favorite songs.
About a few months  in the commonwealth, he was reunited with his neighbor Alan at the  Railroad, since Whisper was already a member. He heard about Alan's  problem and how his son is lost, and decided to help him look for him.  Whisper and Alan helped rebuild Sanctuary together.
One day when  Whisper was shopping at Bunker Hill, he was approached by Edward Deegan,  who was asking for help, to help with a problem him and  his boss had,  and Whisper brought along Alan to do it with him.
When Deegan  got hurt during the asylum raid, Alan had Whisper take him away while he  finished the job. Whisper went on the search for a safe place to keep  Deegan, and that's when he found the place he names "The Treehouse."
The  Treehouse was a hideout that was underground, the entrance looks like a  normal tree stump, thus where the name for it came  from.
When  Whisper first started moving his stuff into the hideout, it was just  one room and one bed, where Deegan stayed, Whisper slept on the floor or  on his chair. Whisper spent all of his time taking care of  Deegan, up  to where he would lose sleep.
Whisper's love for Deegan was instant,  for Whisper, it was love at first sight, and it was  obvious, Whisper  wasn't the best at lying about his feelings. Once about 6 or so months  passed, Deegan admitted to having feelings for Whisper, and Whisper  admitted to his.
Once Deegan fully healed, Whisper decided to  turn the hideout into a safe place for anyone who was discriminated  against in the commonwealth. He had Mel help him dig more space with  SONYA2, and soon after, Whisper started inviting members to The  Treehouse.


  • His eyes always look hazed and out of focus.
  • Generally tries to look as least threatening as possible.
  • A very laid-back guy, generally smiling most of the time, he has a hard time changing his facial expressions. Instead of having a resting bitch face, he has a resting smiling face.
  • ALWAYS has his hair slicked / pulled back.


  • Likes to name his favorite items.
  • Avid hat collector ( hats are his special interest )
  • Tends to stare. He never notices when he does though.
  • Accidentally laughs in awkward situations sometimes.


  • Well first of all.. he has a british accent, so there's that. He doesn't talk very loudly, and tends to be very soft-spoken. When he gets excited, his pitch tends to rise, so it's very hard for him to hide his excitement.
  • COMMON CONVERSATION STARTER:  I think Whisper would mostly ask about peoples days, since he loves hearing people talk. He might bring something like food once in awhile.
  • SWEARS?:  Whisper doesn't swear too often, but when he's shocked, mad, or confused he tends to swear a little, and you bet it's probably a lot of british swears.
  • CONVERSATION QUIRKS:  Whisper tends to smile a lot when he talks. I think he would tend to lose his train of thought sometimes, especially when he's excited. Whisper likes to lean on something when talking and is NOT good at eye contact, he will look anywhere but the persons face.


  • POSTURE:  Whisper has fairly good posture. I think he'd like to keep those kinds of things in check, probably does a lot of stretching.
  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?:  Whisper is a recovering chem and alcohol addiction. He had a very ahrd time coping with the commonwealth at first, but once he gets himself settled and more stable, he loses the habit.
  • PHYSICAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES:  I don't know if this counts, but his teeth are in very poor condition due to his past addicitons, added onto the fact that this is a post nuclear war.
  • MENTAL ILLNESSES/ DISABILITIES:  Whisper is Autistic and suffers from PTSD.


  • Whisper has no abilities for he is merely just some guy. 


  • STRENGTH:  Very caring and Sympathetic. Tries to help as many as possible
  • STRENGTH:  Has very high charisma, no one knows how, but tends to get himself or others out of bad sitations with his charisma.
  • STRENGTH:  Due to his constant use of melee weapons, he is fairly strong. Doesn't really work out though, his fighting is work out enough.
  • STRENGTH:  He's part of The Railroad, so he tends to get info of stuff around the Commonwealth most wouldn't.


  • WEAKNESS:  Whisper has fairly low Perception.
  • WEAKNESS:  Whisper is not good with a shotgun.
  • WEAKNESS:  He's still recovering from his addictions.
  • WEAKNESS:  Can sometimes be TOO nice, can get him into odd situations. But with that, when he gets upset at someone, he has no problem showing them how he feels.


  • melee:  Whisper is very skilled in melee weapons, especially his main melee  weapon he named Sprinkles (called "Ciots Shiny Slugger" in the game.)
  • engineering:  During Whispers pre-war life, he worked as an Engineer, so he has those  skills developed. It's very helpful for when he wants to do things like  adding electricity.
  • power armor:  Due to his Engineering skills, he's also very good with Power Armor,  which he LOVES working with. He even has his own Power Armor collection  where he will give to people to rent out and such.
  • Sniper:  Whisper has a lot of experience with sniping, and before he got Sprinkles, sniping was his primary way of fighting.









BAD KARMA                                                                                                  GOOD KARMA


  • Helping people
  • His bat and Power Armor
  • George Michael songs
  • Sweet Rolls


  • Brotherhood of Steel & Institute
  • Yum Yum Deviled Eggs
  • People who are just out to hurt others
  • Bloodbugs


  • FOOD:  Steaks and Sweet Rolls
  • DRINK:  Water
  • COLOUR:  Pink
  • NUMBER:  N / A
  • SPORT:  Baseball
  • ANIMAL:  Cat
  • HOLIDAY:  Halloween
  • SEASON:  Summer
  • TIME OF DAY:  Dawn
  • GENRE:  Romance


  • power armor:  I think he'd consider his love for fixing and collecting Power Armor as a hobby.
  • collecting hats:  Hats are Whispers special interest, and he loves collecting them, he thinks really old hats are cool, but generally tries to collect as many different hats as possible.
  • repairing:  Whisper loves repairing things, whatever it is. He offers his Engineering skills to people like settlers. It's not his main job but he does it every so often.


  • Whispers goal is just to make a place for ghouls and other minorities to stay. He tries to use his abilities to show to the ones on the outside that there's someone out  there who cares about them and is fighting for them and their rights.  Whisper hopes to help as many as he can.


  • Whisper dreams of someday once again living a normal life, though he'll never achieve this dream. He can still dream. He's aware of this, so his achievable dream is to be able to live comfortably without having to worry about the outside world with the people he cares about.


  • FEAR:  Losing everyone he cares for, but who in the wasteland doesn't have this fear? 
  • FEAR:  The Treehouse being found and destroyed by those with more power than him.
  • FEAR:  Relapsing on his addictions.


  • SECRET:  His "bad" side, which is more like a weak side. He doesn't like people seeing him hurting or upset. He likes being the cheerful friend.
  • SECRET:  Kind of a secret? His prewar name, he doesn't like being called that anymore, it's like a deadname to him. He only likes being called Whisper.
  • SECRET:  Location of The Treehouse. He keeps the location a secret for a reason.


  • He has sideburns, they're very fluffy which is why I draw them like that, they're not pieces of hair on the side.
  • I tend to draw him in the same outfit, but he probably wears other clothes. Also wears his hats around sometimes.
  • He has a pipboy, I just never draw it.
  • I never draw him with his hair in any style other than pulled / slicked back. 


  • His eyes always look hazed and out of focus.
  • Got two big scars on his face from getting shot from below back when he considered himself a sniper.
  • Lots of Freckles.
  • Don't forget his ugly ass teeth he got them from being a dumb druggie and alcoholic .


  • BODY BUILD:  Like similar to a dad bod, but not quite. got a little bit of a pudge / muffin top on his stomach with strong arms.
  • BODY SHAPE:  Idk hes very rectangular and straight.
  • EYE SHAPE:  Droopy almost all the time.
  • HAIR LENGTH:  Short.
  • HAIR STYLE:  Styled back.
  • FEATURE:  He has orange eyelashes, like his hair.
  • FEATURE:  Hooked nose.
  • FEATURE:  Has a very :} shaped mouth.







  • His Prewar name is Ethan Bisset, but does not go by that name anymore.
  • Named his Power Armor "Cupcake" and his bat "Sprinkles".
  • In Ireland, there was a vault with his uncle in it, so Whisper meets his cousin from many generations down.
  • Whisper occasionally wears dresses.
  • When the Railroad asked what he wanted his nickname to be, he gave  himself the name "Whisper" which he got from the song "Careless Whisper"  by George Michael.



Edward Deegan


Deegan met Whisper when he hired him to help him with a job. Deegan started to fall in love with Whisper when he was hurt and Whisper took care of him. He was touched at how kind he was.


Alan Myung

close friend

Whisper and Alan knew each other before the war. Whisper and Alan met again in The Railroad, and when he heard about Alan's problem, Whisper decided to help him, and accompanies him on his missions sometimes. They sometimes like to go to Nuka-World together.
Alan has the canon Sole Survivor storyline.



close friend

Vernie is the doctor of The Treehouse. Him and Whisper met once during Whisper's travels, and Whisper was hurt. He found Vernie's clinic in an old shed in the middle of nowhere and got patched up, Whisper then invited him to The Treehouse where he now stays.

Darryl is another member of The Treehouse. He fixes and customizes weapons, he's also fairly good with electronics. Whisper and Darryl met at Bunker Hill, where Darryl was offering to repair weapons for a few caps.


nick valentine

good friend

Nick helped Whisper with a few things, and in return Whisper did the same, and sometimes tags along in his investigations. Whisper vaguely sees Nick as a fatherly figure.



good friend

Deacon was one of the first people Whisper became friends with. They enjoy each others company and makes jokes with each other all the time. They like to make up really weird and wild lies together.

Whisper met Hancock in Goodneighbor. Whisper liked to help people around, and Hancock noticed. They're each others go-to smoking buddy.


patrick bisset

blood related

Patrick grew up in a vault in Ireland, which happened to be the vault Whisper's uncle stayed at, so Patrick is related to him by a few generations. Patrick joined The Brotherhood and soon after took a vertibird to the Commonwealth. He ended up leaving The Brotherhood soon after.




Whisper met Roger via Darryl, who asked Whisper if he was welcome to stay, and Whisper agreed. Roger works as the Treehouse Janitor.




Whisper met Mel in The Third Rail and they immediately hit it off. Mel helped Whisper make The Treehouse.

Code by AviCode