Noriko Kawaguchi



4 years, 1 month ago


noriko kaWaguchi
Japanese 川口典子
Romaji Kawaguchi Noriko
Gender Female
AGe 20
BirthDay June 4, 2000
Physical characteristics
Height 166 cm (5’5 cm)
HAir color Dark-chocolate
Eye color Greyish-purple
Blood TypeO
Status Alive
Affiliation University
occupation    College student, amateur detective
Base of operations Metropolitan Police Department (Associate)
voice actress
Japanese Shizuka Ishigami
English Kira-Vincent Davis
We will show everyone that our detective sides make for the greater good. 

Noriko Kawaguchi (川口典子, Kawaguchi Noriko) is one of the main characters of Fugou Keiji Unlimited: Balance. She, alongside friend Kaede Miura, are college students who have a talent for tackling mysteries albeit are amateurs with no experience. They sometimes help out detectives Haru Kota and Daisuke Kambe.


Noriko is a mature looking young woman with a stylish pixie-cut dark chocolate hair, grayish-purple eyes, and red spectacles. She wears a dark-grey trenchcoat, yellow turtleneck, dark-grayish purple loose-fitted jeans and brown calf-length boots. Her accessories include a watch on her left hand. 


Noriko is described by Kaede to have an “authorative” personality. Cool-headed, logical and serious, she is normally the voice of reason of the duo and keeps an air of poise most of the time, albeit a bit reserved. Noriko is also shown to be passionate about law, influencing her diplomatic nature. She is very considerate to her friends and always expresses her concern whenever they are troubled.

One who firmly stands by her opinion, she isn’t afraid to speak what’s on her mind but she carefully structures her words to be as sensitive as possible. She is also very intelligent; she puts her common sense, logic, and knowledge to good use, particularly when solving mysteries. 

Noriko is usually composed and rational, but there are rare times where she shows intense emotions. She will not hesitate to get angry and shout when she’s triggered, or berating some people. In spite of her serious nature, she does take the time to spend leisure with her friends and go out in order to relax. Additionally, she is not completely stoic and is capable of showing fluid emotions.


  • Noriko’s hobbies include aerobics and playing chess.
  • According to Kaede, one must never steal her glasses. If so happens, they won’t hear the end of it.
  • She has 34/100 vision.
  • She used to wear her hair long, but cut it in high-school to better fit her tastes.


  • Illogical things
  • Disrespectful people
  • Selfish usage of money
  • Kimonos (the furisode ones specifically)
  • Stealing
  • Cheating and bribery
  • Soy beans 

Skills & Abilities

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Kaede Miura | best friend
Noriko's best friend and partner in crime. Both of them are isolated from their college peers due to their "detective" habits, which could explain why they became friends in the first place. She acts as a moral compass of sorts to her, often calming her down and deciding the best and logical output for her friend. She acts as some sort of "big sister" figure to Kaede due to her looks and demeanour, but she has no qualms in spending time with her and doing fun stuff like games and shopping. Noriko is fiercely protective of Kaede, and she will hurt a fly to anyone who dares to hurt her best friend.
Haru Kota | good friend
Daisuke Kambe | good friend
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