Lyte Almanoir



4 years, 5 days ago


General Statistics:

  • Age: 28
  • Height: 5'01"
  • Weight: 206.8 lbs.
  • Gender: Male (he/him)
  • Species: Noivern
  • Nicknames: "Lytebulb", "Knight-Lyte"

Pokemon Statistics:

  • Nature: Brave
  • Characteristic: Sturdy Body
  • Ability: Infiltrator
  • Moveset:
    • Razor Wind
    • Dragon Pulse
    • Wing Attack
    • Tailwind


Physical Description:

Lyte has many of the regular traits of a Noivern. This description will focus on listing some of those details as well as the ways in which he differs from a standardized version of his species.

Lyte's boombox-like ears are quite circular, as is regular, but the triangular bits at the top of them curve up slightly more than a normal Noivern to be a bit taller.

His thin, jet black fur covers his body, often cloaking him in the night and in dark places. His wings, by contrast, a light green; his chest and lower jaw, a dark violet. His claws are a dark crimson color.

The white fur around his neck coats it nicely, often being compared to a snowy white. This and his wings are most often what may reveal him when he is trying to hide. The white fluff hangs a bit more on the back of his neck than on the front, falling slightly downward like a miniature cape.

His irises are quite dark, taking on a dark gold color. The rest of his eyes are of a bright saffron.

His body is lean and muscular from top to bottom. Furthermore, as a fighter, he's certainly scarred. If one pays close attention, one would notice that Lyte is quite fraught with them. Most of them are faded or are not apparent in the dark colors of his thin fur. There is one on his back that is quite apparent, being three clear, jagged claw marks down the center of his back.

Clothing Descriptions:

On his tail, he wears a shining, iron armor piece that covers the spikes and the majority of the upper portion of his tail. It has leather straps that loop around said tail, keeping the guard attached tightly.


Lyte is primarily defined by his stoicism and sense of self-sacrifice. He is quite willing to bite the bullet and take one for those that he cares about or deems as victims against criminals. This risky nature can become worrying to those around him. Lyte tends to jeopardize himself for the sake of others in many situations and can put all of the responsibility onto himself even getting himself into unnecessary danger by not letting others aid him.

The Noivern's serious nature pervades in conversation and social situations. When he's in his usual rush of duties, he's not the type to crack jokes or make unnecessary small talk. He prefers to talk about what is more serious--usually, this revolves around said duty. That's not to say that Lyte can't relax, but it's very hard to get him to think about anything but

Lyte is very duty-oriented. He's always off doing one task or another, hardly relenting. He'll only take a detour if he decides that it is necessary. This makes him difficult to interact with. Furthermore, once he's finished what he's doing, he often applies new tasks to himself--patrolling, heading back to headquarters, getting himself organized, and so on and so forth, thereby closing off opportunities for interaction or even simple gratitude.

Because of his "innocent" and "guilty" worldview, he weighs his perception of others based on their words and actions. However, while this sort of justice is not blind, it can be unyielding and unmerciful.

The Noivern is generally stressed, but he is introverted with his emotions. As mentioned before, he places a lot of responsibility on himself; he doesn't want more innocents to be harmed if he has anything to say about it. Frequently, he needs others to help him put things in perspective, as he can't do every single thing and save every single person, even if he tries; he's simply not fast or powerful enough to be everywhere at once!

Lyte has an unprecedented stamina. While he's generally quick, he can fly and fight for longer than most could bear. This is largely because of his extensive self-training. He almost never sees his abilities as enough, though. He can become spiteful and angry toward himself should his abilities not be enough, sparking the potential for him to act irrationally.

He strives to fight honorably and to give the criminals that he pursues a chance at redemption.

[WIP; will be edited and elaborated upon later.]

