♡ Vivian ♡



7 years, 6 months ago



street smart . skeptical . jealous

Gender female
Age adult
Status single
Sexuality pan
Slot free
Profession freeloader
Build small skinny
Edits hair, horns
RP status open
Theme link a song


  • Blankets
  • Warmth
  • Food
  • Cats


  • The cold
  • Her fam
  • Being bored
  • Lies


Vivi is not the type of girl to give up easily. Her stubbornness and brute anger has gotten her to were she is now. But that's not a good place. At a young age, she left her family after a big fight with her parents and headed off to the big city where she planned to make it big in businesses. But after many failed attempts for jobs (and Sasha and Kano learning that she stole their debit card) she quickly learned that she wasn't cut out for living on her own. Unfortunately, her stubbornness kept her from returning home and she was left homeless for a while. Her obstinate personality and cunning quickly kicked in though and soon enough she learned how to use her story for pity from others. Her acts soon spiraled from free handouts of food, to money, and soon to even bigger things like memorizing someone's credit card as they pay for a meal for her or trying to steal from their homes when they took her in. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" she'll say to herself as if to justify her lies, cheating, and stealing.

While it might not seem like it, Vivi is insecure. Her confident and proud facade hides a small, broken girl inside. Despite not showing it and constantly lying to herself about how she feels she does regret her actions when she betrays people. But in her mind, she needs to do anything to in order to survive. Another thing she feels insecure about is her lack of knowledge. Even though she has plenty of street smarts, her school smarts are virtually nonexistent. This wouldn't normally be a problem for her if her dream wasn't to be a big time business owner, which sadly requires a few of those school smarts she lacks. She doesn't like to think about her ignorance much but occasionally it rears it's ugly head and triggers some of her worst attitudes.

When Vivi finally opens up about her feelings, you can't blink or else you'll miss it. She's a tricky one for sure. Her circumstances have made her very untrusting of everyone and constantly afraid of who might turn on her. But her circumstances also have taught her how to put on a good act. She uses her charm and looks to make people drop their guard. Even though she doesn't trust you, she'll persuade you to trust her. Then once the time is right, she strike, so to say.






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