Turtle Fett



4 years, 4 months ago



Turtle . Reptile Whisperer

Kind • Smart • Curious • Silly

Turtle is a very good person. He cares about his friends and would do anything for them. He loves his family, especially his brothers.

He's always been a curious kid obsessed with animals, so he's dedicated his life so far to learning all he can about them. He's quite the pro for his age. He's always learning about animals in any way he can, you can almost always find him following some critter around and taking notes.

He's also a gigantic goofball. He's always making stupid jokes and messing around. Pretty clumsy too. He's just a silly guy who'll probably fall off a cliff someday... but until then, he's just having a good time.


Age 19
Gender Male
Height & Build 6'6 / A bit muscular
Birthday August 27th 2000
Sexuality Straight
Status Dating
Home West Virginia
Voice Claim content

  • Animals
  • Adventuring
  • Ancient History

  • Hunters
  • Rude people
  • Spiders


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Donec sagittis erat vel quam porta faucibu.
  • Ut lobortis ornare fermentum
  • Sub-plot for the above!
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa


  • Rock climbing
  • Vlogging
  • Scuba diving
  • Adventuring
  • Learning


When Turtle was in 9th grade he started a youtube channel focused around his adventures in traveling and animal studies. At the time, he didn't get to do as much traveling as he'd have liked, so a lot of his 'trips' were just around the town he lives in. He and his best friend River Bates would explore the local forests and make odd videos about the animals and insects they found. Sometimes they'd give the creatures voices and act out whole scenes with them. There were even 'reoccurring' characters, Tod the Toad and Benny the beetle. Not the most creative names, but they were easy to remember and their audience was mainly kids.

Their channel was surprisingly popular, and over time it became a pretty big thing in the animal, adventure, and kids channel categories. Enough so that it gained the attention of the Science channel and Turtle was offered a job. He was given his own official web show of sorts for the company's youtube channel and it was an instant hit. Not only did it bring in the fans from his personal channel, but also viewers from the Science channel itself. It expanded to more audiences and got a bigger budget. Before he knew it, Turtle was being sent all over the world to film and teach about animals of all shapes and sizes.

Unfortuntley, River's parents sent her to New York City to go to a private school, so she couldn't join Turtle's adventures. This, of course, made Turtle very wary about taking on the job. River was his partner in crime, so doing it without her wasn't as appealing. SO the people in charge of putting the series together found a new co-host for him. Her name is Billie Collins.

Turtle wasn't too thrilled about replacing River, he even tried to get her to come back and just... not tell her parents. But she convinced him to give it a shot anyway. Good thing too, because Billie and Turtle clicked almost instantly and it made the show even better. They traveled the world and got into all sorts of trouble in the name of science and entertainment. They had a blast.

Current Life

Turtle lives on his father's farm in West Virginia, but he spends a lot of his time traveling for his job and visits his best friend River in NYC a lot as well. He loves seeing new places and meeting new people. He has the kind of personality that just leads to all sorts of new friends wherever he goes.


River | First love / Best friend

''Even though she's far away, she'll always be my best friend. I love her with all my heart. I wish I could be with her more. There's no one i'd rather cause trouble with''

Billie | Girlfriend

''She’s one of the coolest people I’ve ever met! She’s so calm and loving, and she balances out my “child like nature” ''

Rango | Father

His greatest role model. Rango has always supported Turtle's dreams and adventures. He loves his father dearly

Name | Mother

The most loving woman he's met, she's always been there to comfort and love him.

Goose | Oldest brother

''He's a stick in the mud, but he's always patched me up when I get hurt''

Ornament | Older brother

''I couldn't roll my eyes harder if I tried- he has a bigger ego than Shadow!''

Magic | Older brother

''If he uses his ''magic'' on my stuff ONE MORE TIME!!''

code by jiko