Neustroy Dudnik



4 years, 1 month ago


Neustroy "Butcher" Dudnik

Biographical Information
Sexuality:Unfortunately I don't think he cares
Physical Description
Gender:Man (he/him)
Mass:~230 lb
Other Information
English Voice://INSERT INFO HERE//

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Neustroy is (usually) an antagonistic character in The Game Inside My Brain. He's the town's butcher, who, aside from sourcing meat from the local farm, has employed Archer to be his hunter, allowing him a higher influx of meat to sell. Given that he has the highest ease of access to food, he is generally much more physically well than most other people. Given this, any threats of his made in private generally go unchallenged. He is silent and intimidating, and usually doesn't speak much. He is introduced initially by name by Patrycja. 


Neustroy is tall, and, while still generally lean, is much more muscular than the vast majority of the town's population. He has a noticeable slouch and unusual posture, but is still imposingly tall. He is somewhat hairy though notably lacks facial hair aside from sparse sideburns. He is pale with a greyish complexion. He doesn't have many wrinkles or other marks of the skin, aside from some scarring randomly placed all over the body. 

He has a broad jaw with a slight underbite, a very prominent browbone, and a somewhat downturned nose. He is not often seen smiling, but his wide smile will reveal somewhat yellowed teeth, and that some of them are shifted slightly out of place. His canine teeth are particularly prominent. Notably, his eyebrows have a quirk at the ends, and his hair which is short and black sticks up in two notable cowlicks.

He is usually seen wearing a grey shirt with a very high collar, high waisted black pants, and dark green legwarmers over his shoes. He also wears a white apron, often stained with blood. He has a dark green cape that hangs down to above the knees. He keeps various cooking utensils hung on a chain on his apron.


Neustroy has a surprisingly well-managed temper, if only because he knows very little people pose a threat to him. He is generally very confident and will not take kindly to disagreements; however, he really cares very little about most things, and is largely concerned with his own pleasure and ease. He doesn't care to be particularly charismatic, though seems to have a natural charisma that he undermines with his general rudeness and penchant for intimidation. 

He doesn't seem to regard anyone as particularly valuable, but he does have a fondness for some people. Surprisingly despite this, he does have the capability to get jealous, and will vocalize this excessively. Overall, Neustroy is seemingly motivated by two things; power and sex.

(reminder for me to put the below information somewhere else)

What Neustroy does in his spare time is largely unknown. Having a reliable source of income, he can spend a great deal of his free time relaxing at home, sewing, cooking, woodworking, doing taxidermy, or drinking heavily. While he never causes a disturbance at his home alone, he is known by neighbors to keep his lights on until well into the night, often into the next morning. Despite this, it is incredibly difficult to make contact with him during this time.

Unbeknownst to most, Neustroy frequents brothels most nights when not doing anything else (or after an afternoons worth of drinking.) Much more dubious and much more secret to everyone (with the exception of Archer, though he'd never admit it,) he often dons his handmade wolf costume to sneak into the woods on the outskirts of town with the goal of sneaking into any unlocked doors or windows. His costume acts as an adequate disguise to hide his identity. His preferred method of killing is generally strangulation, though he is not opposed to or above bludgeoning or any similar means.

beeboo baba

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Chapters 1 - 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Chapters 6 - 10

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Chapters 11 - 15

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.


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"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Gonzalo and Neustroy have little personal interaction with eachother, though Gonzalo doesn't hide his disdain for him. While he doesn't know the specifics of Neustroy and Archer's relationship, he knows his sister well enough to know it can't be good, and has his own separate suspicions regarding him. Neustroy sees him as a pest, but not one he particularly prioritizes dealing with. If nothing else he thoroughly enjoys fucking with Gonzalo and will take any opportunity he can to taunt with him.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Neustroy treats Crucible the same way he would treat most people upon first meeting them, which is to say with incredibly little interest. Crucible is nothing more than a momentary tragedy that he can watch unfold from afar for his own entertainment and forget about soon after. However, he realizes a new potential for Luls when Crucible starts investigating into the circumstances of their sentence, and in Neustroy in specific. He will sometimes offer his help only to admit immediately afterwards that he had no intention of following up and no real interest in helping Crucible in any way.

Knowing that no one will believe them, he has no real problems with Crucible being aware of his violent nightlife excitements, and will often taunt them with this knowledge in private. While he is not home at night, he would not be opposed to Crucible seeing him mid-horrendous-act, and would probably just laugh in their face.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Neustroy and Alwine are in a relationship that Alwine would define as committed and Neustroy would pretend he didn't know existed. Alwine seems completely alien to her usual stoic self and appears excited when in Neustroy's presence, though one can assume she prioritizes the idea of a relationship and a loyal companion more so than Neustroy himself. Neustroy on the other hand doesn't seem to prioritize her more than any other person in his life beyond a surface level, which is telling given how he treats basically everyone. However, he at least does not treat her with any notable violence and has not killed her yet; one could make the assumption that her lack of a "chase" makes her somewhat less appealing. 


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Neustroy and Archer formed a business relationship; now, Neustroy sources most of his meat from the wild game Archer hunts. Prior to this, they had only a passing knowledge of each other. Over time, while they didn't grow closer, Neustroy did take note of Archer's natural secrecy and his higher than average tolerance for Neustroy's wrongdoings. Overall, Archer seemed more concerned with covering his own ass than actually staying out of anything. Aware that Archer wouldn't tell anyone, he felt less obligated to hide his antics, and if anything Archer only became more secretive and easily manipulated as he learned the extents of Neustroy's violence. To Neustroy, Archer is little more than someone to take care of his minor inconveniences.

Archer of all people does have a better idea of what Neustroy gets up to. Archer will relay that Neustroy is heavily interested in crafts, and that he is prone to dumping some excess laundry onto him. Archer spends most weekends at Neustroy's house, and claims that Neustroy during this time is too drunk to see anyone.

While Archer will not mention this when talking about Neustroy, he will occasionally make reference to a beast in the woods, which he plays as an urban legend. He describes it only as a blood hungry and monstrously large wolf.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Neustroy held a long lasting grudge against Patrycja's late grandmother, who allegedly had knowledge of Neustroy's dubious activities due to her unspecified precognitive abilities. She was outspoken and vindictive in her belief of his true Evil essence. He held this grudge to such an extent of that rumors spread for a brief time that he had something to do with her death. Unfortunately, due to Neustroy's general personability, no one did anything about it. While Patrycja is generally neutral on Neustroy (as she is with most people,) Neustroy holds an associative grudge against her as well, as well as an underlying vengeful obsession. While he has not (yet) stooped to any level of violence, he is not above stalking.


  • Most people do not call him by name, and call him "The Butcher" instead.
  • Neustroy's cowlicks and cape exist with the intent to mirror the silhouetted of a wolf. 
  • He wakes up very early in the morning, and is encounterable working or perusing at this time, but is usually not keen on interacting and doesn't appear very energetic.
  • Despite his imposing nature, his hobbies are relatively relaxed; he enjoys cooking, crafts, sewing, and folk music, among other things. He describes himself as a "family man".
  • While his temper is usually controlled, he is easily angered by challenges and is highly competitive. 

Profile by Erandia