


4 years, 4 months ago



Biographical Information
Age:Vaguely 26
Race/Nationality:Middle Eastern
Occupation:Professional dead
Physical Description
Gender:Transfeminine nonbinary (they/them)
Mass:132 lb
Other Information
English Voice://INSERT INFO HERE//

"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Crucible is the protagonist of The Game Inside My Brain. They're a proclaimed amnesiac who has been sentenced to death for an unnamed crime they may or may not have committed (which is "unknown" to themselves depending on the credibility of the "amnesia" claim). Crucible goes throughout the game and the final hours of their life investigating and interacting with the people of the Town I Haven't Named Yet to uncover the circumstances of their sentencing. (What it was, who did it, etc.)


Crucible is a tall, visibly underweight individual with long straight black hair. Their skin is a medium brown usually appearing washed out and grey. Notably, Crucible appears older than they are, looking to be in their mid 30's. They have a long, angular, skinny face, with a prominent downturned nose and an overbite. 

They wear clothes given to them by Patrycja, including red pants with a checkerboard and skull print on one leg and a white button-up with a black vest. Over this they wear a grey button-up top with a club on the chest and contrasting patterned sleeves, and a rope tied loosely around the neck. They will also wear a dark cloak with a club on one shoulder and skull earrings.


With certain traits up for debate depending on the decisions of the player, Crucible's personality is generally consistent. They are quiet and prefer being alone, and lack confidence but are generally quite capable, considerably intelligent and charismatic when needed. However they tend to fumble their words and can often misconstrue their intentions, made worse by their penchant for sarcasm. They're notably very anxious and impatient (warranted given the circumstances) but hide it decently well.

In any other situation Crucible would be generally unmotivated and unambitious, but is obviously moved to action under dire circumstances, suggesting they're desperate and impulsive if nothing else. Ironically, despite their general unwillingness to fight for much, they're somewhat possessive and tend to be jealous, which can be seen in their interactions with or about Ness.

beeboo baba

Ad eam congue verterem mandamus, amet adhuc delenit ei nec, mea at accusamus posidonium. Debet audiam dignissim ad duo, ex qui molestie corrumpit, ut gloriatur consequuntur pri. Qui cibo choro deserunt et. Sea docendi oporteat at. Mel veniam ocurreret definitiones ea. At case quando eum.

Chapters 1 - 5

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Chapters 6 - 10

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.

Chapters 11 - 15

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sit ut justo ubique probatus. Modo novum ex eam, sonet antiopam periculis sit id, perpetua volutpat consectetuer mea te. At eam quas augue, elitr dolore laudem ut per, aeque simul audire ut nam. Ad facer augue novum vim.


Maecenas eget metus sed purus tincidunt eleifend a at enim. Donec molestie malesuada volutpat. Sed vel tellus odio. Suspendisse finibus lacinia ex luctus rutrum. Donec convallis dictum mollis. Etiam lacinia mollis pretium. Fusce vel sem sit amet eros tincidunt tempor. Ut ipsum tellus, scelerisque pharetra vestibulum et, consequat a tellus. Duis iaculis rhoncus sodales.



"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Patrycja is the first person Crucible meets. Patrycja treats Crucible generally well, housing them and giving them clothes, but is otherwise not very present. Patrycja prefers to do things by herself unless given reason not to and spends most of her time wandering around aimlessly, so she is not very close with Crucible, but will give input whenever it isn't asked for. Generally Crucible feels somewhat fondly towards Patrycja, not unlike a weird adopted child. Patrycja will willingly supply Crucible with alternatives to Ness' healing items with varying effects.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Ness initially doesn't trust Crucible on account of her natural apprehension and untrustworthy nature. However, she hesitantly begins to trust Crucible if Gonzalo trusts them first, and will assist them mostly through the means of providing healing items or other drugs and medical procedures. Over time Ness and Crucible develop a romantic relationship. They are not outwardly very affectionate but Ness will dote on Crucible casually and, in private, Crucible visibly prefers the company of Ness to anyone else, even more than they enjoy being alone. Ness is generally one of the most informed of Crucible's allies as Crucible trusts her the most.

If Crucible does not yet have Gonzalo's trust or suggests they are guilty, Ness will not further willingly interact with them and refuse to sell them any drugs or assist them in any way.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Gonzalo is usually one of the first people Crucible meets. While he isn't usually very trusting, he gives most people the benefit of the doubt, including Crucible. While he can't offer much in way of supplies other than alcohol, he at least knows most of the people in town somewhat decently and will tell Crucible what he can when prompted. All things considered the two are friendly and seem to enjoy each others company.


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Archer is initially highly suspicious, but it can be gathered that he treats everyone that way. He treats Crucible's association with Gonzalo as nothing positive. Most information that Archer provides is given accidentally and without realizing it. Mostly he can give information about Neustroy but has to be put under pressure to give up anything substantial. 


"Non est ad astra mollis e terris via. Nutritur vento. Vento restinguitur ignis. Dona nobis pacem."
―Insert whoever

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, ergo draco maledicte, ut ecclesiam tuam secura, tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos!


  • Crucible is known to like eavesdropping. 
  • They have a noticeable fondness for Ness and, even in routes where Ness does not reciprocate, will enjoy teasing her, making her angry, and giving her attention.
  • Known to joke and use sarcasm often when not warranted. Almost everyone dislikes this.
  • Nam aliquam leo et risus laoreet, eget pharetra arcu tempor. Integer lacinia sed dolor id semper.
  • Mauris laoreet quam et tellus commodo, at interdum nisi varius. Nullam ut quam at nunc efficitur suscipit ut id massa. Aenean felis mi, gravida non vulputate vitae, ultricies nec ligula.

Profile by Erandia